41. First check-up in the home office

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Nina's point of view:

Harry is just being so lovely as alway. I am scared yes, but the fact that he has grown on me in a way that I trust him more than ever in this situation, is something I can't hide within myself. Yet I can't help feeling the nerves creep more and more upon me, when I see him walking around with his mask underneath his chin whilst getting everything ready for the appointment. I watch his every move, it is like I can't let him do anything without me knowing for sure there isn't anything his hiding.

I sit in the chair, a bit tense, and watch his pretty hands put together the tools he apparently is gonna use that are attached to the tray on the unit. I could hear him chuckle, so I look up at his face. He had a massive smile on his face, still chuckling a bit. «Lost in your thoughts yet again were you?» he asked me. I could feel my cheek burn and I nodded my head. «Yeah, sorry. I just wanna have an overview here.» I said and gestured my hand towards the tray. «Haha, nothing to worry about here.»

Harry blinked his eye to me, turned around and rummaged though one of his drawers. When he turned back he held a blue syringe contained some white liquid in it. My heart started pumping extremely fast. «Shh. Calm down, Nina. This is just fluoride. I'm gonna put it around your teeth, it is a very effective fluoride treatment.» I swallowed and looked at it with horror. «It's not going in to my gums is it?» He laughed a bit and shakes his head no. «Just around your teeth and gum-line.» I breathed out loud. «You scared me there.» He shakes his head. «I've already told you, there is nothing to worry about.» I smiled at him.

«Are you ready?» He said smiling down at me from his standing spot next to the tray. I shrugged my shoulders. Harry reached up to the headlamp and brought it downwards. «The chair is going back now.» He said and pushed the button for the chair to recline. He took a hold on the tray and brought it with him over to me and sat down on his rolling stool. When the dental chair stopped moving he rolled underneath my headrest and placed a bib on my chest. He reached for the headlamp again and turned it on and adjusted it towards my mouth. He didn't even look at the lamp to turn it on and adjust it right on my mouth, this is how good his technique on it is. He just looked at me smiling and suddenly the light was shining on my mouth. He moved his glance over to the tray and snapped on his gloves. The sounds made my body shiver. He immediately looked at me with a grin on his face. «Don't be so amused by that, Styles.» «Haha, sorry, Nina. But I a bit funny how you always react to that sound.» I gave him a playful pout in reply. He reached the tray and brought it over my chest.

I closed my eyes for a moment and took in the scent of my favorite candle that flowing around in the room. When I had attached the smell I open my eyes again and met Harry's beautiful eyes looking down at me. I couldn't help but smiling. «Are you comfortable?» «As much as I can be I think.» He smiled and adjusted the mask over his mouth. He stroke my cheek and took the mirror and probe, one in each hands. «Can you open wide for me darling?» He said and brought the tools closer to me. I took a deep breath and opened. He blinked with one eye, as a sign of saying thank you and placed the tools inside my mouth. «I will just have a quick overlook at everything here now first.» Why is it with dentist and always talking when they have their tools inside your mouth? I thought for myself.

Harry was like an acrobat when he was working in my mouth; One finger here, one finger there. He switched between using a finger or his mirror to retract my cheek away so that he gets a better sight. And up and down, from left to right the probe goes. Every time he reaches for the air blower my mind is raising towards the memory of drill, but each time he get it close enough for me to see he isn't holding a drill I breath out. He was fully concentrated on what he was doing and I could feel he was using a bit more time on some teeth more than others. I lay there with my mouth open, yet again being invaded in my mouth by my boyfriend. I don't mind that he invade me when we kiss, but this is something I find less pleasant.

He took out the tools the probe and used his middle finger to retract my left cheek. His fixed look moved quickly over to the tray and he brought back the air sprayer and spayed loads of air around the left side of my mouth. He put the air sprayer back and he took a hold of the probe yet again and started concentrating his eyes on my teeth again. I started furrowing my eyes together when he was poking on the same tooth and it felt like the probe got stuck from time to time. Harry retracted everything out of my mouth and put the mirror and probe back on the tray and he placed his mask underneath his chin. Our eyes met and locked. «I'm sorry babe. But I am quite sure the one tooth of yours I have talked about before needs a filling.» I shake my head no, I don't want to have another filling. «It is definitely an active cavity, cause the probe got stuck pretty good today. Have you eaten from the caramels we have in the kitchen drawers?» I feel so dumb, how does he know and understand EVERYTHING? I can't keep any secrets away from him. «I'm sorry, but I love those.»

He smiled apologising down at me. «I know you love them, and you are fully allowed to enjoy them. But from now on I would like it if you can start to brush your teeth after you have eaten them. Sticky sweets like those caramels easily find their places in active cavities.» I nod understanding. «Okey, I will do that from now on.» I said in a shaky voice. «Good. I'm just gonna look at the x-rays before I start on the cleaning. I just wanna have a closer look at that tooth of yours.» I don't replay to that due to feeling so ashamed. Harry snapped his gloves off and put them in the bin. He rolled his stool over to the computer. All I could see was his back hiding most of the blue screen showing my x-rays.

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