28. Harry and Liam's plan

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Forward to Monday mid-day, Nina's point of view:

I was ready to go and meet Liam in the park. We had texted and decided to just meet at the coffee place at 12 o'clock. I arrived there 10 minutes to 12, I have never liked to be late. I sat down at on of the benks and waited paitiently on Liam. «Nina!» I could hear Liam's voice so I turned around and he was walking up to me. I give him a smile and stood up, greating him. «Hi Liam.» «It's good to see you Nina. Should we go and order a coffee?» I nodded with a lip pursed smile, that's nothing new, I usually hide my teeth when I smile. He tok a hand on my back when we walked to the coffee cabin that are in the park. I felt uneasy when he was toutching me, but I try to relax cause we are here only to get to know each other, nothing more. «What would you like?» Liam said whilst looking over the menu of the different coffee they provide. «Hmm.. I think I would like a.. double latte with irish cream sirup plese» I told the barista. «Coming up love» she answered and gave me a smile. «I would like a double cafe mocha please» Liam said, and the barista nodded again.

«That would be 4 pounds 50 please» the barista said whilst handing us our coffee. «Here you go» Liam said and handed her the money. «Keep the changes, have a great day» he told her and turned around. «Should we go for a walk then?» I nodded. I tasted my coffee and it tasted devine. Mmmm. How much I love this coffee. We walked for a bit withouth saying much. I think Liam find this just as diffucult as me. After a few minutes Liam broke the silence «so.. I heard you are nerly finished with another book?» I immidiatly smiled, I love when people are showing interest in my work. And it made me happy that Harry tells those kind of things about me as well, not only my fear of the dentist. «Yeah. I am finished with all the writing. I just have to read correcture one final time before I send it to my publisher.» «Sounds really nice. Can I ask what the book is about, or is it a secret yet?» I smile at him. «The only think I can tell you about it is that it is a major romace novell. Not a thypicall soppy romantic book, but it's mainly about a romantic relationship between an old couple.» «I bet it's gonna be good. I'm definitly gonna buy a copy to support you.» «You don't have to do that Liam» I smile at him and gave a small laugh. «Between me and you Nina, I really enjoy both reading and watching romantic stuff, so I bet I'll enjoy reading your book as well. Just not tell Harry about that, I usually joke about him liking all the romantic stuff, and I like it to stay that way.» «Hahaha, okey. You're secret is safe with me.»

After an hour of talking and walking around the park I felt easier with being in Liam's company. He is very kind, funny and nice to be around. I don't think he's as bad as I've thought. I look at my phone and see that I have gotten a message from Harry; «Hi, I hope your meeting with Liam is nothing but nice and if you like him better we should invite him over for dinner. I'm done at work due to my last two patients have cancelled. I'm heading home soon and I can stop by the store to buy something for dinner?» I look up at Liam. «Harry is wondering if you'd like to come over for dinner today? He's on his way home now so it would be an earlier dinner.» Liam smiled big towards me «I would love to! Should we walk back to yours then?» «Yeah.» I send a text back to Harry saying: «I'm walking back now, Liam is coming with.»

Three hours later:

I was laying on the couch in Harry's arms relaxing after that very good dinner we had an hour before. «I'm still full after dinner, it was so nice I ate too much» I said leaning my head back looking up at Harry. He looked away from the tv and down at me, smiling. «I'm happy to hear love.» He leaned down and kissed me. When he leaned his head back he was looking at my mouth. Oh no, not again, I thought to myself. I sign and closed my eyes. «Nina, there is something I would like to talk to you about.» My stomach feel and I got immidiatly uncomfortable not knowing what he wants to purpose now. I shifted my place in the couch and I was now seated next to Harry instead of in his arms. «Well, I have been thinking about your fear of the dentist and stuff.» I put my pointing finger on his mouth. «Shh.. Liam is still here» I whisper to him. Harry took my hand from his mouth and held my hand in his. «It's alright love, Liam wound't mind this subject.» «Well, I understand that, him being a dentist and all, but I do infact mind us talking about this now.»

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