25. Drilling Harry's teeth part 1.

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I took of the gloves I was wearing and tossed them in the bin underneath the sink. I was walking towards the chair in the corner of the room again. «Where are you going Nina» Harry asked me. «I'm just going to sit here while you guys agree on a new appointment.» «I still need to give Harry a teeth cleaning, so you are welcome to sit on the stool again if you'd like to watch.» I walked over and rolled the stool over to Harry's left side again. Harry was laying flat on the chair and Liam reached over to my side and got the spit sucker and placed it inside of Harry's mouth. He reached over to get the equipment that looked like the drill and I got scared on Harry's behalf. Harry laughed at my reaction and Liam said «that's not a drill Nina, it's the tooth polisher.» «Oh, haha, yeah I knew that.» «Yeah right» Liam said making me blush in return.

When Liam was done polishing Harry's teeth Harry leaned over to the small sink in front of me and gurgled some water and spat it out in the sink. «Ough» I said. «Babe, it's not that disgusting.» «Easy for you to say that see this several times a day» I rolled my eyes at his remark. «So Harry, you have just a little bit of tartar build up behind your lower front teeth, just going to scrape it off.» Liam got into one of his drawers picking out three different new tools. «I do not understand how many different tools just a cleaning needs.» They both just laughed at me. Liam scraped the tartar away and used a cotton pad to remove the tartar from the scalers. I could see that there was some blood on the pad and I wasn't very comfortable anymore. «There is some blood cause the gums has been irritated by the tartar, I'm not hurting Harry in anyway.» Liam told me. I looked down at Harry and he was smiling, agreeing with Liam's statement.

«Your teeth is free from plaque and tartar, now we just need to give that tooth of yours a filling and we would be finished for today» Liam said to Harry whilst he was rummaging around his cupboards and drawers to find everything he needed for the filling. «Excuse me, but are you going to drill his tooth today?» Liam turned around with a smile on his face. «Yeah might as well do it since we are here. I bet neither of you or Harry would like to come here next Saturday as well?» «I will for sure not come here yet again on a Saturday!» I said with a stern voice. «Honey, relax. I'm the one getting a filling you know?» Harry just laughed it away. «I'm good to do this now Liam.» «Good. Now I know mate, you don't like to get the needles yourself. But I strongly recon you'd do it. I think you otherwise will feel the drill and you don't want that do you?» «No, I rather get a needle or two that feel the drill thanks.» «Harry, are you scared of the needle?» I was quite shocked. «No, I'm not scared. I just don't like them. But I'll be fine if you hold my hand.» «I don't think I can watch this.» «You don't need to look Nina, you can turn away, I just want you to hold my hand.» I nodded to Harry. Liam came over with a needle and gave me a nod for me to turn away. I got Harry's arm and looked away. «Open.. and bite a bit together for me.. thanks Harry. There will be a small pinch at three. One. Two. Three.» As Liam said that Harry squeezed my hand hard. I squeezed back and placed my other hand over his and stroke it, trying to comfort him. He squeezed even tighter, man he must not like to get needles himself. I feel so bad for him. «I know, I know mate. It's only pressure, it will be over very soon» I could hear Liam say.

Harry loosened my hand a bit and before I could turn back towards him Liam said «here comes the last one.» Harry squeezed my hand yet again, and I could not do anything other than feeling sorry for him. After a minute with trying to comfort Harry I could hear the dental chair moving behind me so I turned around. «You can rinse out with the water there» Liam told. I looked over at Harry and there was a tear rolling down his cheek. «Oh my love, you did so good. Are you alright?» I asked him whilst my eyes started to fill with tears also. «Yeah I'm fine babe, don't worry. I just don't like the pressure either.» He spat the water into the sink and looked over at me. «Oh Nina, don't cry.» Harry looked at me with such aww and love. «I just don't like to see you in pain.» «I know honey but don't worry, it was just a small pinch and a bit of pressure, nothing major. And now I'm fully numb, so I'll be fine during the procedure.»

Harry was reclined in the chair yet again and Liam prepared the drill. He took the the spit sucker and placed it back in Harry's mouth, took the mirror and retracted the cheek and reached his hand to adjust the light in the right position. He took his hand out and got the drill getting it closer towards Harry's mouth. The sound of the drill filled the room and I got really uncomfortable and a bit scared to be honest. Liam stopped what he was doing and pulled his mask underneath his chin looking over at me. «I understand if this is a bit too much for you. You can go to our break room and make yourself a coffee, you don't have to be here when I use the drill. I bet Harry don't mind either.» I looked down to Harry with a concerned look in my face. He took out the spit sucker, making it easier for him to speak. «Do that love, I don't want you to feel too uncomfortable, there is no good in that. I'm in Liam's good hands here so you don't have to worry. I will be just fine.» «Are you completely sure? I do want to support you but at the same time I feel this is a bit too much at the moment.» «I know babe, don't worry about it at all, okey? You have been a very big supporter today and I am not scared of being here and what Liam is going to do. Go and enjoy a cup of coffee and relax. You can put the radio on, so you don't hear the drill.» «Thank you Harry. I love you and good luck.» «Thank you. Love you too.» I stood up from the chair and started walking towards the hallway. «Nina» Liam wanted my attention so I turned around. «If you'd like I can come and get you when I'm done with the drilling so you can see how I fill the tooth?» «Ehh, yeah you can do that.»

Liam's point of view:

I gave Nina a smile as she turned around and walked away down the hallway towards the break room. «She is so lovely Harry, you are really lucky» I said looking down at him. He still held the spit sucker in his hand so he was able to hold a conversation. «Thanks I know. I just find it a bit sad that she is so scared of going to the dentist. I fully understand that she can be scared but it kind of hurt that she is scared of me.» «I understand what you are saying, but let her give it some time. I think it's a really good idea, the one you told me, that you give her small check ups at home just for her to get used to you looking in her mouth. I would have done the same if my girlfriend were scared of my profession as well.» «Thanks mate. Yeah, for me I just want to take her here to practise on small things at the office, but I just have to give her a few check ups at home first, so she get more comfortable with me actually being a dentist.» «Yeah, I think that is the best thing to do. I have been having a eye at her since you guys arrived and she seems really at unease. But I think by time she will be more and more uncomfortable.» 

«Thank you for this idea about having her with me here today. She seems a bit interested from time to time, so it's nice that you include her and show her a bit of what you are doing. I also think it was good for her to see me as a patient as well, and to see that I'm not scared.» «Don't think about it mate, I'm just happy to be able to help. Yeah she does. I just think that if she had more knowledge about how things works she would see the whole thing in a different view. If you ever need help with her during a procedure or anything just ask okey, I'll be happy to help» «I agree. Yeah thank you, I think she will be more relaxed if you were there to help other than anyone else, since she already know you and all.» «I know she always has been quite stiff and shy around me but I know it's only due to her fear. Should we continue the procedure?» «Yeah, let's get the drill going» Harry replayed taking the spit sucker back into his mouth making us both laugh. 

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