7. Drilling

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It was the first time today Harry had anger in his voice "Stop acting like a child Nina, I know you are scared but there is no point trying to run for away from it. Your problem will not be solved unless you are lining in this chair letting me help you. I don't want to get angry at you at all cause I know you are scared, but I have to be a bit stern with you so you understand that this is serious."

"NO!" I yelled at him and started hitting him trying to get him away from me. He just took a firm grip of my wrists and held them down talking to me "Nina, look at me. Babe, look at me now" I gave in and looked at him, "You need to relax and trust me on this Nina. I have never in a million years thought you were this scared of the dentist. I know that this might not help you get over your fear, but you need to try to be a responsible adult and work with your problems, not against them. It's me Harry, don't you trust me? Because it sure don't feel like it." I could see he was hurt and he blinked away a tear from his eye. I just sank down in the chair feeling so horrible. I really hurt him.. All I could manage was saying a low "sorry". He nodded his head and gestured me to calm down.

After Harry was done prepping all of the tools he reached for the tray again saying "Sorry love, but we have to do this Nina

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After Harry was done prepping all of the tools he reached for the tray again saying "Sorry love, but we have to do this Nina." He placed himself in the right spot again. Bringing the mirror and air blower towards my mouth. "Open" I did as told without hesitation, due to my suddenly outburst earlier, he put the mirror inside, blew air around my teeth, got the probe once more and felt the cavities. He put the suction in the right place and reached his hand after the drill.

He brought it close to my mouth saying "This should't hurt at all, if it does raise your left hand and I'll give you an extra shot with the needle

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He brought it close to my mouth saying "This should't hurt at all, if it does raise your left hand and I'll give you an extra shot with the needle. But it will make some loud sounds and you might feel some pressure, but thats normal and nothing to be scared of. Are you ready?" I gave him a quick "yes" in answer and shut my eyes closed and I could hear the drill for the first time in my life getting closer and closer my mouth. There was a few tears escaping my eyes now and then, but I was content that I was going to get trough this for Harry. I didn't want to start more drama than I already had caused and I just wanted him to not be angry at me any more. He asked me now and then if I was alright, I just looked away and nodded slightly.

My eyes was still watering but after a while I felt very uncomfortable laying there with my mouth open, due my boyfriend working on it but not having the confidence looking at him. All the time I've had my eyes shut or I had tried to look far away from Harry. But I was sad, so I moved my eyes over to look up at him. He was beautiful, even though he looked concentrated with his eyes furrowed together, and him being annoyed at me, he was still Harry. Suddenly his facial expression changed and our eyes met, he was smiling down at me, I could see it because of his wrinkles by his eyes. Even though I had my mouth filled with a suction, a mirror, a drill and God knows what else, I gave him the biggest smile I had gave him in over a week. It felt good, showing him some affection again. I been avoiding him all week and acted weirdly in his company. Last night he told me he had this feeling that there was something wrong with my mouth and he thought that was the reason for me not acting normal. It surly must not have felt good for him knowing that I was in pain, but avoiding telling him, my boyfriend, and him my dentist. I know realise that avoiding going to him with my problem just because I was scared, was hurting him more than the pain the toothache was hurting me. If the tables were turned, I would have been shattered. I realise that we have a lot to talk about, and that I need to be more open about my fear of the dentist.

When the filling was done he had to check if my bite was properly, and i had to bite quickly up and down on my teeth in order for him to hear if it sounds properly. It did. "It sounds very good Nina, I was wondering when we first are here could I give you a proper cleaning of the rest of your teeth? So you don't have to come back here for another six months?" "Yes you can" I said with a smile.

"Thanks." He took the tray with him and put it away and went into his cupboard with his cleaning tray were placed and brought one back to me. "Okey, can you open wide and big for me one last time today? .. Perfect" The cleaning were done in 10 minutes and I was so happy to finally have the chance to shut my mouth closed again. My jaw was hurting, but in a good way.

"I'm proud of you babe, for handling everything to day so well" Harry said and gave me a kiss and a massive hug. "I can't agree that I handled everything well, but we are done now aren't we?" I smile a huge teeth smile towards him, and he gave me on in return. "There's that smile I was talking about earlier, you have the prettiest smile, with and without cavities babe! Thanks for finally trusting me and let me help you. I love you."

"I love you too Harry!"

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