26. Drilling Harry's teeth part.2

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Liam's point of view:

I strated the drill again and drilled all the decay away from Harry's tooth

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I strated the drill again and drilled all the decay away from Harry's tooth. It was an easy process due to Harry being a very good and easy patient to work on. After a few minutes of drilling I changed the drill with the porbe and used it to have a feel around the area. It felt very nice so it was time to do the filling. I put the probe and the mirror at the tray and put the spit sucker device back to its place by the dental chair.

«Harry, I have thought a bit when I was drilling on your tooth. About the whole situation with Nina..» I looked down at him. «Yeah, what do you have in mind?» Harry answered. «Well I thought that maybe you should practise with having another dentist with you? You know, if there is any major procedure she needs to have in the future, like a wisdoom tooth removal, you can't do the procedure all by yourself, you would need some help.» «Hmm. Yeah that's right, but I'm not sure if she is willig to do that you know.» Harry says whilst shrudding his shoulders. «I know what you meen but I think that would be very good for her process in the long run. I could help you out if you like? I can come over when you do the check ups at home. In the beginning I can just be there to observe from a distance, just so she can get comfortable with having another one from the profession in the same room. Later on when she is more comfortable, I can sit closer to her and have a look at what you are doing and look in her mouth whilst you are doing your work, and after a while I can start giving her chekups.» Harry looked up at me surprisingly. «Would you like to help out that much?» «Of course mate. I know how hard this is on you so if there is anything I could do to help out with the situation I'm happy to help. And this will be educational for me as well when it comes to patients with fear. I might learn something from it. I find dentalphobia quite interesting.» «Thanks a lot mate!» Harry gave me a big smile.

«And Harry? Didn't you talk about wanting to make one of the rooms in your house into a dental office? This could be the perefect time for you to do so. Then you can start to give Nina check-ups and cleanings at home, and do any other procedures she might need in your own home. I think she would be more comfortable with that rather than coming to our huge clinic. What do you think?» «Yeah, I was thinking about that, but now that Nina has moved in I have just forgotten about it. I would loved to have a office at home cause it would make it easier thinking about helping out friends and family, but I don't think Nina would loved the idea having a dental office in her own home.» «I understand that Harry, but at the same time the home is your chared home now. You gave her on of the rooms that she made in to her own home office where she can write her books and articles, I think it's only fair that you get your home office as well. And remember it's you that bought the house in the first place.» «Hmm, you are right as usuall. I just need to give myself some time to find a way to tell it to her. She will not be happy, but if I tell her in the right way she might understand.» «Good! I'll help you set up the office when the time is right for it. Alright?» «Thanks mate.» «Okey, I'll go and get Nina then.»

Nina's point of view:

I'm sitting in the comfortable sofa at their break room, listening to the radio and drinking my coffee

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I'm sitting in the comfortable sofa at their break room, listening to the radio and drinking my coffee. «Hi Nina» Liam said walking in. «Hi.» I said shyly. Liam went over to me and sat down beside me. «So, I'm done with the drilling, would you like to come back to look at the filling prosess?» He looked at me smiling big, so excited. I bit my lip, looking down at my coffee cup. «Hmm, I don't know. I find it all very scary.» I suddendly felt a hand on my shoulder which made me jump in fear. «Shh, it's alright.» Liam said. I looked over him with a bit of scare in my eyes. «It's only me Nina. You need to try to relax.» I took a deep breath and forced a smile to him. «I know you never have gotten to like me, but I just want you to know that I think you are a very sweet and kind girl, and you are perefect for Harry. You make him really happy. I just hope you and me can get to know each other better in the future. It would be nice if we could be friends.» A tear formed in my eye and it rolled down my cheek quicker than I could try to even blink it away. «I'm sorry for being childish Liam.» «No, no. Don't think about that. You are not childish. I know that all of this is due to me being a dentist and I don't take it personally. I meet people every day that don't like me due to my profession, and I learned very quickly not to take it personally, or else I couldn't continue working as a dentist. But I hope that you someday can get to know me as Liam, not only me as Dr. Payne.» I sniffled a bit, nodding my head. «I would like that too. I don't like to be so tensed around you all the time, and you are not going anywhere due to being Harry's best friend. I just don't know what I can do about it..» «Don't cry Nina, it's very fine. I actually thought that you and me could go for a walk in the park one day, so we can talk and get to know each other? I'll buy us some coffee and we can just have a chat.» «That sounds very kind of you» I look up at him and give him the very first genuine smile I've ever giving him. «Yeah? Are you free tomorrow, mid-day? I have a day off tomorrow.» I nodd my head. «No dental talk right?» I look up at him hopefully. Liam smiled at me. «No dental talk, I promise!» «Then we have a deal.»

Liam raised from his spot at the sofa and reach his hand for me to take. «Do you wanna go and held Harry's hand?» I nodded and took his hand, standing up. «Yeah, I'll help him throug it.» We both laughed and walked back to the dentist office.   

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