46. Harry, come home

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Nina's point of view:

My heart melts from what Liam is telling me. I feel sad about the situation me and Harry are in at the moment. I hate to argue with him and I hate the feeling I have inside myself now, thinking that Harry should be here, at home with me. I stir around in my cup and took a huge sip from the lovely tea. This time I could't hold in a whimper and a squeaking sound escapes my mouth. Liam didn't say anything this time either, but when I finally look up at him he has a 'I told you' look. «Can you please tell me what to do Liam? I am awfully tired and bored of all this dental stuff, and I can't tell you how exhausted I am due to being so nervous all the time. But yet again, I do not want to suffer from this throbbing pain anymore. And not to mention how tired I am of feeling scared of Harry...»

Liam gives me a heartwarming smile and looks down at his tea before taking a few sips from it, then he looks back at me. «I can understand that, Nina. However the pain will not go away if you don't let someone help you, and by that means you need a filling. Harry has also explained the cause of the wisdom tooth of yours, and I definitely agree with him on the fact that it needs to be removed in the next two days. Both Harry and I know what damage it can cause you if you don't let a dentist help you with this.» Liam explains this in a serious, yet again in a very calmingly way. If you find it hard that Harry is your dentist, then I can gladly have you as my patient. But I think that's something you should have a conversation with Harry about.»

«I don't think I'm strong enough to change dentist for this procedure.» I say with a shaky voice, being scared with Liam's proposal. He nods his head, giving me an understanding smile. «Harry told me that he didn't get to give you a deep cleaning cause you left the office. So here is a suggestion for you. Let's say you call or text Harry to get back here, you guys go and sit down and have a chat about both of your feelings to one another. I don't wanna sound like a douchebag, but as Harry have told you, you need to fix that cavity and remove your wisdom tooth, or else everything is just gonna get worse. And you do need a deep cleaning, so I suggest you get the cleaning done today, the wisdom tooth tomorrow and get the cavity fixed on Thursday.» I just look at Liam with a sad and puzzled look.

«I know for sure that you are strong enough to handle this. You can take a valium or get some sedative medication during the procedure of the removal of the wisdom tooth. It will help you to stay calm.» I bite my bottom lip, not wanting to face this dilemma yet. «I could do the deep cleaning on you today, if you feel that you want Harry's fully support. He can be there the whole time and held your hands. He will be dressed in his normal clothes and will not wear a mask or gloves. He would just focus on you, not your teeth. He will just be Harry, your boyfriend.» I place my hands on my cheeks, shaking my head. «Liam, I'm sorry but I don't know if I can.» He tilt his head to the side, looking at me questionably.

«What is your thoughts and fears around the subject me giving you a cleaning? What bad can happen?» I sign, not really knowing myself. «What if I can't go through it? What happens if I have a panic attack? I also find having someone hovering over me quite intense, and as I told you earlier I'm very insecure about my teeth.» I said, ashamed of myself. I felt a hand on my leg. «Nina, look at me please.» Liam asks. I slowly turn my eyes to him. «I have years of experience and I have seen hundreds of different mouths and teeth, I have also seen yours a few times now and I know for sure there is nothing you should be ashamed of. It's easily for you to forget that, but try to remember it, okay?» Liam gives me a smile.

«Yeah... But I don't think Harry would support me. He probably is so angry now and he would be so hurt if he isn't the one to give me a cleaning, so I don't know.» I tell him and shrug my shoulders. «Don't think too much about that Nina, I'm sure everything between you two will be alright, you just need to talk and hear each other out.» I sign and stand up from my chair. «Can you excuse me for a bit, I'm gonna go and call Harry.» Liam nodded understandingly and gave me a smile. «Of course.» He said.

I grab my phone and walk outside to our garden. The sun is still warm so I sit down directly at the grass. I dial the code and unlock the phone and find Harry's name. I press on the button and raise my hand and place the phone next to my ear. I'm really nervous, what happens if he don't take the call? After three beeps Harry answers, «Hi», in a sad voice. «Hello Harry, can you come home?» I didn't know I was crying until my voice broke. «I'm in the park right now.» He answers. «Harry, I'm so sorry about earlier, but I need you here with me now. I miss you and I need you to be here, come home.» Harry was silent.

«Say something, please.» He signs. «I just got really hurt when you didn't said you loved me back...» Harry answered. More tears spill from my eyes and slide down my cheeks. If the tables was turned, I would be shattered if Harry didn't said he loved me back either. «I know, and I am truly, truly sorry. I wish I could turn back time, but I can't. But we need to talk, can you please come home?» «Okay, I'll be back home in less 10 minutes. Is Liam still there? Or did you manage to throw him out?» Harry's voice were stronger now. «No, he's still here, and we have talked just like you wanted us too.» «That's good, see you soon.» Harry said and hang up the phone without saying goodbye or I love you, guess I deserved that.»

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