50. Liam is the dentist?

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Everything was ready and all the tools I need was placed on the tray. I walked out from the room and went to the living room. «I'm ready now love.» I said whilst looking at Nina, she gave me a small smile in return. I walked back to the office and Nina came close after me. I could see she was hesitating a bit when she saw Liam sitting on a rolling chair next to the dentist chair. «Please, have a seat.» I gestured towards the chair.

Nina's point of view:

I looked over at Liam, then the chair and then over to Harry. «Who is gonna give me the cleaning?» I asked looking at Harry. He raised one of his eyebrows. «Me? Or do you rather want Liam to do it?» Harry asked back. I bit my bottom lip. «I, I don't know.» I answered. «When Nina and I had a talk earlier I suggested that I could give her the cleaning. I thought she might wanted to have your fully support today.» Liam said, looking towards Harry. Harry nodded understandingly. Right now I could really need Harry's full support. This day has been way to long already and all I want is just for him to care about me, not my teeth.

Harry looked over at me again with a caring smile. «I could sit in a chair beside you and hold your hands? I'm a bit tired myself so it would be nice for me to just be here for you and give you some loving support as well. Would you like that?» Harry asked. A single tear fell from my right eye as I nodded in agreement. Harry were quickly by my side and embraced me in his arms. I felt one of his strong and warm hands stroke up and down on my back as he tilted his head upon mine, giving me a small kiss on the head. «I'll be here the whole time. Alright?» He said softly. «Thank you.» I answered.

I feel like a total wreck, crying all day and being so scared. I know neither of Harry or Liam would do anything to hurt me, but it is just the power of my nervousness that is stronger. Harry moved away from me and made me look him in his eyes. «The cleaning is easy peasy.» Harry said, smiling down at me. «I know, I've been trough it before.» I said, making Harry chuckle a bit. «Let's give it a try?» Liam asked me with a smile on his face. «Mhm.» I answered as I nervously walked over to the dental chair and sat myself down on it. Liam smiled and pushed the tray closer to me, and then walked over to the sink and grabbed a pair of gloves and a mask. He put the elastic string of the mask behind his ears and leave it underneath his chin. My nerves started to creep in on me again and I don't want to do this. «No, I don't wanna do this.» I said with a shaky voice as Liam sat down on the rolling chair besides me and rolled himself closer to me. He took the bib and placed it on my chest and attached it around my neck.

Harry took my left hand in his and I quickly turned my head towards him. With a scared look in my eyes I said again. «I don't wanna do this, this is too much.» He just gave me a sad smile. «This is gonna be fine, you don't need to worry.» He said to me, trying to calm me down. I heard a snapping sound beside me form the right so I turned my head towards Liam. He was putting on the white latex gloves. «I'm gonna be as careful as I can, Nina. I will tell you everything I'm gonna do, so there will be no surprises okay?» Liam spoke in a voice that made me relax a bit and I do believe that he is telling the truth. «O-okay.» I said in response. Liam smiled widely at me.

«I'm going to put the chair down now.» I heard a click and at the same time the chair raised up in the air and leaned backwards. I squeeze Harry's hand and looked at him. He gave me a comforting smile and I gave him a week smile in return. Liam raised his hand and reached the lamp and brought it closer to me. The light turned on and was adjusted on my mouth. The tray with all the dreaded tool and such were now hovering over my chest. Liam adjusted the mask so it was now covering his mouth and nose. Why have I put myself into this position?

Liam grabbed a mirror and positioned himself just underneath my head, so now his upper half body was hoovering over me. «The first thing I am gonna do, is to just have very quick look at what's need to be done. So can you open for me please?» He looked at me in my eyes, I could see he was smiling down at me due to the crinkles forming by his eyes. I looked over at Harry, mentally asking him if I should open my mouth or not. Harry gave nodded his head yes and smiles. «It's okay.» He tells me.

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