45. Liam comes over (LONG chapter)

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Nina's point of view:

I couldn't believe it. I am so tired of all this dental stuff that our relationship involve at this point. It doesn't pass one single day without hearing Harry nagging about some stupid stuff about my oral health. I do not understand that boy for one second when it comes to his profession, I mean, it's great that he LOVES his work, but doesn't he ever want to take a break at looking inside peoples mouths? I am fuming in anger at the moment. I know it's not Harry's fault that I have a cavity and need my wisdom tooth removed, but he doesn't need to rush this. As I walk upstairs in anger I started to cry even more. I rush inside our guest room and lock the door. I don't think I can handle this much more.

Harry's point of view:

I have calmed down a bit so I start to walk upstairs to talk to Nina. The bedroom door was open so I peak inside, she isnt't there. That's weird. «Nina?» I said out loud with a shaky voice. I walk to the bathroom and knock on the door, but no answer. I slowly turn the handle down and open the door, but she isn't there. My heart starts pumping faster, where is she? «Nina, please. Where are you?» I shout a little louder, still no answer. I walk over to her office, she isn't there either. Then I hear a sniffle, I think it's coming from the guest room. I walk over and try to open the door but it was locked from the inside. Bingo, at least I know where she is. «Nina, can you please open the door?» I could only hear a muffled «No.» I sign. «Please, honey.» I say with tears forming in my eyes again. «I said NO, Harry. Is that a difficult word for you to understand?» I sign and run my hand in my hair, not knowing what to do or say. «I'm only trying to help you out.» I say to her. «I am not sure I can do this anymore, so can you just give me some space for once?!» She shouted at me. I bit my lip and walk downstairs and sit down at the sofa, starting to cry yet again.

After good fifteen minutes I hear a knock on the door and the outdoor opens. «It's only me.» Liam said as he walked inside our living room. I can't even bare to look at him in the state that I'm in right now. I could feel his present as he sit down beside me. «Have you talked to her yet?» He asks me. «I tried, but she has looked herself inside the guest room and she said she wanted space and that she don't know if she could do this anymore.» I sniffle and rub my face with my palms. «I'm just so scared that I will loose her.» I started to sob. Liam leaned in and hugged me. «Harry, she isn't gonna break up with you because of this. Nina isn't that kind of girl. But she is scared, and this might seem too much to handle for her. So what we need to do is to come up with a plan on how you can help her in the best possible way for her.» Liam said. I only nodded. «Why don't you go and change into your regular clothes, and then go for a walk in the park. Buy yourself a cup of coffee and something to eat. I will go and speak to Nina in the meantime. Alright?» Liam asked me. «I'm not sure you talking to her is the best right now, she is pretty angry.» I say to him. «It's fine, I'm used to people being angry at me at work, I think I can manage Nina as well.» I sign. «Okay, but I will tell her that you are here and wait until she has either called on you or walked downstairs.»

Nina's point of view:

I sit on the guest bed and have stopped crying. I know Liam is downstairs talking to Harry, cause I could hear a car coming and his voice as he entered the house. I'm in some deep shit right now. Why does Liam always has to be involved, I've never asked for it. Someone is walking up the stairs, I could hear it's Harry in the way he walks. After being together for so long you learn pretty much everything about your partner. I hold my breath, not wanting him to come over here to talk to me yet again. I could hear his footsteps getting closer, but he must have walked inside the bedroom as I can't hear anything but a few rummaging sounds. I breath out heavy, glad he wasn't aiming for me to talk.

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