23. Harry's new idea

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Nina's point of view:

Harry had joined me in the bath and we were seated towards each other. We chatted about the week that have gone and everything in between. «Should we just order some thai food and get it delivered? I am way to relaxed to make dinner tonight.» Harry asked. «That sounds like a good idea. Less dishes to clean afterwards.» «Haha, yes. I'll go and call them. Do you want the regular?» «Yes please. Nr. 6, 3 and 8.» Harry raised and got out from the tub, wrapped himself in a towel and headed out to get his phone. I got out from the bath and leaned over to blew out the candles and got the prop out so the water could drain. I removed my makeup and cleaned my face with water and massaged my face with some moisturiser. I walked over to the closet and took one of my comfy sweatpants and my favourite hoodie of Harry's. I put my hair into a messy bun and headed downstairs.

There was a knock on the door and Harry went to get the food and I walked to the kitchen to get two glasses and a bottle of wine. We seated ourself in the sofa and started watching «The Crown» on Netflix. Harry and I want to watch each episode together and there haven't been much time to catch up every TV show we follow, due to a busy week. «Babe, there is something I would like to ask you about.» Harry said in a low voice. «What is it?» «I'm in a need for a check up and cleaning at the dentist and I wondering of you'd like to come with me?» «Harry, I thought we agreed on this. We were going to practise this at home. Why do you need me to go with you when you already have done a check up and a cleaning on me. I'm not ready to go to the clinic yet..» I got on the offensive side towards his idea. «No, no. You are not going with me to have a check up and a cleaning yourself. I am going to be the patient this time.» «But why do you want me to go with you then? Is this a way of you tricking me on going to your office?» «No darling, I am not trying to trick you into something. I promise. It's just that I'm in need for my 6 month cleaning and I thought that maybe if you'd come with me you can observe what the dentist do and it makes you practise on just being at the clinic. And I promise when we are done we will go straight home.» «Ohh.. I'm not sure about this Harry. There is just going to be really awkward.» «Why is it going to be awkward for you?» «Well, I don't know. It's just the feeling I get when you tell me this idea. And who's your dentist anyway?» «You know who my dentist is Nina..» Harry laughed at me.

«Liam?» «Yeah, and you know him.» «And how does Liam feel about this idea?» «Haha, don't worry about him, he's fine.» «How can you be so sure?» «Well, to be honest, he know about your fear so he's the one who came up with this idea?» «What Harry? You've told him?» I got a bit upset about this. «Sorry love, but yeah. I totally agree with him. I really think this is going to show you that it isn't as dangerous as you may think it is.» «How the fuck do you think that this isn't going to be awkward now? Now that you have told him about my fear?» «Nina, you have met Liam before right. And he's been over here for dinner and coffee several times, more than I can remember. He have noticed your tension whenever he's around or when you have chatted on the phone. He kind of knew so he asked me about it the other day.» «Oh crap. No I don't think this is a good idea..» «Can you just please think about it? Do it for me? It would be very nice if you were there to support me.» Harry gave me puppy eyes. «Alright, alright. I'll do it for you. But you have to promise me no surprises or any awkward tension okey?» «Honey, there will be no surprises. And to be honest, both me and Liam are very fine about the whole situation, you are the only one who will make it awkward on yourself.» «Oh shut up you know. I want to watch the new episode.» I pressed play on the button and the episode started. «Okey, but the appointment is tomorrow at 10 am.» «You got to be kidding me right now Harry.» I looked at him quite annoyed. «No, I'm not kidding. We agreed on it today. Liam's schedule for the next two months is crazy and he needs to have some free openings in case of emergencies. And for all the coffee and wine I consume due to being with you I want to have a good cleaning every 6th month» «For fucks sakes Harry. You and your annoying dental things. Okey, I'll go with you tomorrow. But for the rest of the night I just want to enjoy my food, wine and TV shows. No more talking about teeth alright?» «Thank you Nina, and I got it.» He gave me a huge smile making me smile in return. 

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