36. It's beginning to look a lot like a dentist office

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Monday afternoon, Harry's point of view:

I drove back home and had Liam following in his car behind me. I locked the door to my car and walked inside with Liam. «Hi Nina, we are here.» «Hi» she called back. Nina had sent me a text earlier today saying that she were going to make dinner for when we got home. We walked into the kitchen and Nina was just about ready with the food. «Hello Liam» Nina said. «Hi, thanks for making us dinner, but you didn't have to do that.» «I know, but I wanted to.» I walked over to her and gave her a hug. «How was your day love?» «It was fine. I went to a morning class at the gym and then to the bakery to get some fresh bread. Just been relaxing and reading before I started on the food. Hope you like lasagna Liam.» «Yeah, I absolutely love it.»

We were all done eating and the doorbell rang

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We were all done eating and the doorbell rang. «It's here!» A huge smile creeped on my face as I looked over to Liam. «It's here.» He said enthusiastically. «You guys go and do what you have to do. I'll take care of this.» Nina gestured to the dirty plates and food at the table. «Thank you, love.» I said to her as I got up from the chair and walked to the front door, Liam closely behind me.

The delivery guy, Liam and I had carried everything inside. «Thanks for everything» I said to him and signed the papers. «You welcome. Good luck with setting everything up.» The delivery guy waved at us and drove away. «Over to the fun part.» I almost run towards my office, so excited to get the room all fixed. «I think we should start with the chair, do you agree?» Liam asked. «Yeah, we should connect it to the water and electricity. The organisation of the tools will go pretty fast once the chair is done.»

Nina's point of view:

I got a text message from Eleanor asking if I would like to meet up for a cup of coffee. I immediately answered her «YES», not being fussed about being at home when the boys are working on the soon-to-be dental office. I went upstairs to change into a pair of leather jeans and a oversized knitted sweater. I run downstairs and took on a pair of shoes and a scarf. «Harry» I called out, not really wanted to go over and see all the dental stuff. «Yeah?» He answered. «Come here for a minute.» «Oh babe, come here. I'm in the office. I want to show something to you.» I rolled my eyes and walked towards the office. I stopped in the doorway not wanting to enter the room. My face turned pale when I saw how much it looked like a real dental office already. There were boxes and bubble wrap in a corner of the room, but the dreadful dental chair looked like a ready-to-use dental chair. Harry, on the other part, looked so happy. So I could't hold back my smile, even I tried.

«Look at this

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«Look at this.» He used his arm to proudly show off his office. «Yeah, I clearly see it's starting to look like a dental office.» «Isn't it nice?» «Nice and nice, I don't think that's the right word. But are you happy?» I asked. «I am so, so, so happy. You have no idea. Thank you for letting me do this, Nina.» My heart melted. «Aww, babe. Don't thank me alright? I love you.» Harry grinned a wide smile. Liam was standing in the background fixing the tray on the chair. «Why are you so all glammed up?» «Oh, that's why I called on you. Eleanor texted me asking to meet up for a cup of coffee. I agreed since you already are busy with Liam.» «That's nice. Tell her my hello from me.» «Will do. If I don't see you when I get back, then drive safely back home Liam.» I smiled at him as he turned his head around to look at me. «Thank you, I will. And thank you again for the good food.» «Have a good time babe.» Harry said. «You too.»

15 minutes later:

I parked my car outside the café me and Eleanor use to go to. She waved at me through the window. I waved back with a huge smile on my face. I walked inside and greeted Eleanor with a hug. «So nice of you to meet me Nina.» «Oh, you. You saved me massively! So thank you.» «What do you mean by saving you?» Eleanor furrowed her eyes, looking a bit concern. «I will tell you, but let's order something first.»

We went back to our table with a cup of coffee each. Eleanor had ordered a piece of cheesecake, and I had a chocolate cake. «So tell me. Is it the dental office thing that Harry has planned?» I nodded my head playing with the little before looking up at her. «Yeah. Everything arrived today. The dental chair and all the tools and such. Liam is over helping Harry get everything sorted out.» Eleanor gave me a comforting smile. «I'm sorry to hear that on your behalf.» «It's alright. I'm glad Harry get's his office. He's been dreaming about it for a few years now.» She looked at me, nodded. «He has. As long as I've known him he has been talking about setting up a office at home quite so often. I know you are scared about everything dental related, but I hope you know how much this means for Harry. You know, the other day when Louis and I were over at yours for dinner and we were seated by the table and the boys were in the living room. Harry had talked about this to Louis, and he told me that Harry feels extremely loved by your support.» I couldn't help but smile. «That boy, he is something for himself.» We both laughed.

«When will the office be ready?» Eleanor asked and then took a bite of her cake

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«When will the office be ready?» Eleanor asked and then took a bite of her cake. «It will be ready for use tomorrow.» «Tomorrow already?» «Yes, that's was what I thought as well. Harry knew what he wanted to order and with the help of Liam it all went pretty quick.» I took a sip of my coffee. «He want's me to be his first patient in this new office of his.» «Ahh, I can understand that. He loves you more than everything and I bet he want's to share that with you. What are your thoughts about that?» She asked, trying to look for answers on my face. I shrug my shoulders. «Is your fear as big as it was when you started having checkups at home by Harry?» She looked emphatically at me. «Yes.. Well.. No, I don't think it is. I trust Harry and I believe that he has no intention to hurt me. So there isn't a reason for me to be scared with going to see him. But it's like.. it's the whole situation. I'm not as scared anymore, but I still tense up just as much. And now Liam has started being there during the checkups and I know that after a while he would start helping Harry out. I know he isn't just gonna stand there by Harry's side, just looking. It's scary.» My eyes started welling up a bit. «I'm sorry it's a bit overwhelming to think about.»

She took my hand and stroke on it with her thumb. «I understand that darling. It must be difficult.» «It is, it is very difficult. I am very happy for Harry, he is finally perceiving what he has been dreaming about for years. I want to support him, but it's a bit hard still.» «Nina. Harry do know that you support him. He is so proud of you and how you manage meeting your fear. I know it's hard, but I believe that it will get better in time. You just have to have some belief in yourself.» «Thank you, El. What would I do without you?» She rolled her eyes. «You would have had to be stuck with Harry all the time, how boring wouldn't that be?» We both laughed. «Would you go and see Harry at the office at home?» I asked her. «I would yes. Both Louis and I have asked him to set us up as soon he would be able to. So much better to go to Harry, then someone else.» «Why?» I asked. «Why Harry?» I nodded my head. «Well, I trust him more than anyone else cause we've been close friends for years. I have never been scared of going to the dentist, but it is always calmer to go and see Harry. And then I can join you for a chat and a cuppa afterwards.» I smiled at her, thinking this can't be as bad as I thought it will be.

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