Chapter 4

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After the hug, both girls give each other the meanest of stares.

"There, it's all settled now. Rarity will you and Sweetie please get your suitcases and meet upstairs." Tea Spoon said.

Rarity nods and walks off with Sweetie.

"Damn Applejack, that was intense." said a girl with rainbow colored hair.

"Yeah, and going into fight mode, seriously your one crazy cowgirl." said a girl with purple hair.

Applejack punched her arm.

"You know what, let's ditch this party. Too much drama to deal with, thanks to crazy apples." said the rainbow haired girl.

"But baby, I helped planned it. I gotta stay for a little while." Pinkie Pie said to the rainbow girl.

"Pinkie baby relax, we will have a party of our own in my place, but first-"

The rainbow haired girl then puts her arms around Pinkie waist. They stare at one another for a moment and kiss each other. Pinkie blushes and the rainbow hair girl smiles.

Rarity opens her mouth in shock and Sweetie lets out an aww in the process.

"A lesbian couple. Huh, first a fight almost happen and now this, this is gonna be a interesting summer." Sweetie Belle said.

"Rainbow Dash, your one cool gal." Pinkie said.

Rainbow dash kiss her one more time, only to hear a couple of aww's from her friends.

"Man, all of you have to kill the love vibe." Rainbow dash said.

"Alright y'all, lets get out of here." said Applejack.

Applejack walks off with her group of friends, only to stop and stare at Rarity. Applejack smirks and flicks her off before leaving. Pinkie pie comes back inside to say goodbye to Rarity.

"Hey Rarity. I know you and Jackie had a rough start, but I promise this summer is going to be a long one, and I mean a long one to learn to forgive and forget. Okay bye now, have fun!"

Pinkie pie then meets up with Rainbow dash for another kiss.

Rarity gulps one more time.

"She's right, a long summer indeed."  Rarity said.

Sweetie Belle could see that her sister was frighten by this and decides to mess with her about this.

"Told you once, shame on you. Told you the tenth time, you piss off a cowgirl." Sweetie said.

Rarity, now red, shoves her little sister aside from her. Sweetie reacts with the same action.

"Okay now that you got me to feel better, why don't we get our suitcases and unpack. I want to forget about this as soon as I can." Rarity said.

Sweetie nods and gets her suitcase from the front door. Rarity does the same action but walks more slowly and with more caution. Many stared at Rarity. From an old lady with an apple bonnet, to another teen who oddly enough, looked liked a magican of some sort.

Rarity blushes from the cold stares and quickly runs off with Sweetie Belle.

"Well someone is embarrassed."  Sweetie Belle said.

Rarity gives a small punch to Sweetie Belle, Sweetie laughs and runs forward, only to bump into another girl. This girl helped pulled Applejack from Rarity. Rarity laughs at Sweetie mishap and Sweetie blushes.

"It's not funny." said Sweetie.

"Oh sweet irony." replied Rarity.

Sweetie Belle wipes off the dust from herself, she then walked up to the fallen person and lends her hand out.

"Sorry about that, didn't mean to do that. Also pleases don't slap my hand, like a some sister I know."  Sweetie said, smiling at Rarity.

Rarity flicks her off as well and Sweetie does the same thing.

The red haired girl puts her hand on top of Sweetie and gets up. She and Sweetie eyes meet.

Sweetie Belle blushes and the red head smiles as well.

"Thanks for the help. I gotta go now, my sister left and I need to be with her. You know how sisters are, always want to know where you are." said the red head.

Sweetie only blushes more and replies with, "Yeah s-s-sisters can be cunts at times."

The red head smiles and gives a hug to Sweetie Belle. She then runs off outside.

Rarity sees Sweetie blushing and make kiss faces in front of her. Sweetie only blushes a bit more.

"Well someone found their lovey, dubby, wittle girlfriend." Rarity said.

Sweetie goes full on red. She then replies to Rarity.

"Well a bitch of a bigger sister decided to be a bigger bitch to her wittle fewinds." Sweetie Belle said.

Rarity slaps her behind the head.

"All right, enough love and cursing for one night, dear god everyone a potty mouth this late at night. Let's go see Tea Spoon and stop calling me a cunt too." said Rarity.

"Lead the way- cunt." replied Sweetie.

Rarity slaps her behind the head again and both head off upstairs.

This song really helps with me writing the story. My fellow Panic! At the Disco fans will love this :)

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