Chapter 43

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"Are you cold Rarity?" Applejack asked, sitting on the porch.

"Kinda. I feel like I was brought back from the dead." Rarity said

"I get ya. Its like we were forgotten or something."

"Exactly. I mean, who would forget us babe." Rarity leaned in to kiss Applejack.

Rarity and Applejack were outside by themselves. The party was getting too rowdy and they felt more comfortable outside. Still, Rarity felt a bit worried around Applejack. Rainbow Dash scar was by Applejack hurting her but she didn't knew what ticked her off. Maybe it was something really bad or an accident.

Applejack wasn't too sure of Rarity either. From what Sweetie said, she wasn't loyal at all. At this point, both girls were thinking about their relationship. Thing is that both of them didn't know that they were having second thoughts. A few moments outside brought them nothing but a boring aurora. Nothing happened so far.

"So are you planning on going to the Applehearts festival?" Applejack asked. Her awkward smile came into light.

"Of course. I have to be there with my, girl." Rarity said, looking at the dark street.

Rarity hesitated when saying the word "girl." Was it going to be alright with Applejack? Applejack was having the same feeling as well and question too.

Applejack didn't know as much as Rarity knew her. They spent at least 10 minutes sitting down, silent and looking at each other. Whatever happened at this point was nothing special. Still, one of them had to muster up the confidence to speak with each other.

Finally, Rarity took a deep breath and spoke.

"Tell me your life!" Applejack and Rarity yelled in unison.

Their faces were now completely red. They now knew that they wanted to learn more about thew other. The feeling was similar but it felt too awkward.

"I-I guess you want to get to know me a little better Rares." Applejack said.

"Yeah..." Rarity said.

They stare at each other for a few seconds. The more time went, the more anticipation build. Rarity got a hold of Applejack's hand and held it tight.

Rarity closed her eyes tight and yelled out.

"Did you abuse Rainbow Dash?!" Rarity faces the ground, distraught on what she said.

Applejack doesn't respond. Her face darken and stares at the night sky. Rarity looks up, only to see tears streaming down her face.

"Well did you cheated on everyone one you went out with?!!" Applejack said, now faced Rarity.

Rarity doesn't cry. Her face also darkens, surprised by Applejack question. They don't speak for an entire minute but their faces said it all. What was once love now turned, "skeptical."

Applejack tears kept streaming in a rapid pace. She punches the chair she sat at, startling Rarity.

"You'd think I'd abuse Rainbow dash?" Applejack asked.

"I don't-" (Rarity)

"Don't say you don't know. Give me a answer." Applejack said. She now grabbed on the chair tightly.

Rarity sighed and looked away. Applejack grunted, loudly, and punched her chair again.

"Answer! Please!" (Applejack)

Rarity turned around, tears and all.

"No." Rarity flunged herself to Applejack and kissed her.

Applejack tries to push her back but Rarity's kissing was stronger. Applejack pushes back with another kiss. Her hands held Rarity's face and the kissed went on. Rarity stops kissing Applejack. Both of them started to pant heavily.

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