Chapter 27

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Happiness pass through everyone in the room, expressing it with laughter and smiles. Sweetie and Applebloom showed light smiles and red faces whereas everyone else was overjoyed.

"Awww my little Sweetie. Oh how fast they grow up.", Rarity said patting Sweetie head.

"Yeup. T-t-they sure grow up fast." Applejack formed tears after saying that. Applebloom her tiny sister, now has someone for her own.

Applebloom and Sweetie were pulled by Rarity, all 5 joined in for one group hug. Sweetie was a little embarrassed and Applebloom shared the same feeling but both knew their sisters were overwhelmed with happiness do they didn't spoke of it.

Letting go from the hug, Sunset replies to the girls new-found relationship.

"So Sweetiebloom, wanna go to your first date?"

Sweetie pulled back her words on this one. They only been going out for a few minutes and a date pops up. Sweetie never thought of a good place for a date but Sunset may have some suggestions.

"Umm well, that's a big question to ask. I mean it's only been-"

"Only been what? Nowadays you kiss someone and Poof! Your lovers. I'm saying a good old fashioned date would brighten the relationship." Sunset said, intentionally interrupting Sweetie Belle.

"It's not a bad idea." Rarity said, agreeing with Sunset.

"Yeah! And maybe you and Applejack can double date with them." Sunset said with a sarcastic tone.

Rarity punched Sunset in the arm again, Applejack kicks he run the knee, resulting her to fall down.

"Nice one." Rarity said.

"No problem sweetcakes." Applejack replied.

"Sweetcakes? My dear your going to make Sunset think you like me." Rarity said, laughing in a snobby matter.

Applejack small laughter and red face made the situation a whole lot more awkward and a whole lot of fun for Sunset. Sunset stood up, brushed some dirt out of herself, and brought out her phone.

Sunset goes through her phone for a few seconds. She let's out an Eureka and shows Sweetiebloom (Imma call them that) what's on the phone.

"T-Trixie magic show. Witness the greatest spectacle the USA had to offer, Trixie, world's greatest magician. Guess starring Starlight and Twlight." Sweetie said outloud.

"Sounds fun! You want to go baby?" Applebloom asked Sweetie.

Sweetie nods her head and blushes through the process. She was already giving her a nickname and this early on a relationship.

"Alright then, all couples get ready and move out. That includes you Rarijack." Sunset said with a cheerful tone.

"The hell is a Rarijack? Rarity asked.

"Oh it's your name and Applejack name combined. Basically your romance name." Sunset said.

Rarity formed a fist and was about to strike Sunset but she pulls her fist back. Sunset was going to keep messing with them until they go out or something, which Rarity insist was not going to happen, although the feeling of her and Applejack together made her feel giggle inside.

Everyone went to separate rooms to change their PJ's into regular clothes. Everyone was then done getting ready, except Rarity. Rarity put on an extension amount of makeup, which took a crazy amount of time. They all tapped the floor or got in their phones for the wait, Applejack in the other hand, impatient and tired, walked straight to Rarity door.

Applejack grabs on the knob and opens the door.

"Now garshdammit! When ya-"

Applejack words flew up in the air like baby birds. Her heart stomped, cheeks were covered in red, and shivers went through her body.

Rarity looked stunning and Applejack was the first witness. Her pale skin was gorgeous as the white moon, her eyes as beautiful as a shooting star, and lips as red as fresh apples in early morning. Applejack thought all of this, speaking no words at all.

Sunset and the tiny couple laugh at Applejack, obviously knowing that Applejack was crushing hard on Rarity.

"Wow Applejack, I can see that you have fine taste in women." Sunset said with a asshole tone.

Applejack punches Sunset arm, while still having her eyes gaze upon Rarity.
Rarity notices Applejack eyes for the prize look and blushes greatly. Rarity was already beautiful but seeing others to take notice of it, now that was a compliment in disguise.

"So are we off then?" Rarity asked.

"Y-y-y-yeah, let's go." Applejack said, still in her trance with Rarity.

Everyone went through the front door and outside. Sunset then locked the door, which indicated freedom for all of them. They huddled into a group and start walking to the town hall. They are all greeted by 'Good mornings' or 'Hy's', which showed the hospitality in the town.

"So what do you think this magic show will have?" Sweetie asked.

"I've seen Trixie do magic before. Her magic isn't special, but ours is." Applebloom said, reaching over Sweetie for a kiss.

"Aww young love. Reminds you guys of-"

Sunset stops talking immediately after Turing around and seeing Rarity and Applejack forming their fists.

After some time walking, the group reache the town hall, where a small stage is put up, chairs align, and snacks as far the eye can see.
The front row had many seats available and so did the other seats.

"All these snacks and shit and barley anyone comes." Sweetie said.

"Oh don't be like that. It's y'all first date anyway, the older ones will sit in the back to leave you guys alone." Applejack said.

Sweetiebloom run off to the front row where the older girls sit out the back row. As Trixie and Starlight fix up the stage, with Trixie often yelling at Starlight what needs it be perfect, a group of familiar people appear.

"Hey guys!" Twilight said to the older ones.

Twilight is followed by Fluttershy, Pinkie, Rainbow, and some boy with crazy grey hair. Applejack, Rarity, and Sunset share a group hug with them (except the grey haired kid) and walks back to the last row.

Sweetie and Applebloom were smiling at them hugging. Applebloom then face her smile to Sweetie who, in fact, shared another smile towards her. Both of them move in closer. Applebloom hugs Sweetie waist, pulls her in closer, and locks lips with her.

Everyone in the back broke off the hug immediately after seeing Applebloom and Sweetie kiss.

"Oh my gosh it happened!" Twilight said, squealing a bit.

Everyone in the back smiled, even the grey hair boy, everyone except Pinkie Pie and Rainbow dash.

"Holy shit....." Rainbow dash said in disbelief.

"I know. Good thing Scootaloo is at home now." replied Pinkie.

"She's killing Sweetie." Rainbow dash said.

"Yep." Pinkie said.

I sleepy. You comment and vote and you get energized Lobo. Yaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!
Dammit I'm hella sleepy😂😝 ads

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