Chapter 33

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"Wake up!!"
Sweetie jumped on top of Rarity, body slamming her. Rarity lets out an oof. Sweetie slapped Rarity with the back hand technique and the full frontal.

"What the hell?!" Rarity said.

"Trying to wake you up. You slept on the couch."
Sweetie jumped to the ground, grabbed on Rarity arm, and pulled her to the ground.

"Why are you waking me up like this!"

"Cause of your little date." Tea Spoon said walking in the room.

Rarity grunted and her rosy cheeks showed. Applejack and her basically had a "date" but she denied it. To be honest, that kiss from yesterday still didn't mean anything crucial. Or did it?....

"So Rarity, what movie y'all plan on watching?" Tea Spoon asked.

Rarity then took in time to think. Her and Applejack hadn't decided what movie they were going to watch.

"Me and Applebloom wanted to see Spiderman. You guys wanna tag along?"
Rarity nodded and smiled. Now it was going to be a double date instead of her and Applejack.

"So it's going to be a sister double date, huh." Sunset said walking to the living room.

"I guess so and who knows, maybe Rarijack will happen again." Sweetie said.

Rarity punched Sweetie arm. Rarity did slightly blushed. Her and Applejack "rarijack" moment did sound nice.


"Why you so worried about. The date doesn't start till 6 and it's- oh shit it's 12 o'clock." Applebloom said while laying on bed besides Applejack.

"I know, I know! It's just all of this happen so fast."

"Eeyup.", Big Mac said sitting in chair on his chair.

"Shut up.", Applejack said.

Applejack was sweating like a pig on a summer day. The date wasn't going to start for another 6 hours but she was nervous already. The date felt rushed and poorly planned, causing Applejack nervousness to rise.

"Okay what is it your really worried about. Where's that Applejack confidence that you had?" Applebloom asks.

"She's not just nervous Applebloom. Applejack hadn't had a date in over 3 years so it's normal for her to be cautious. Besides don't y'all  have a double date anyway?" Big Mac said.

"Yeah. Yeah we do! Don't worry Applejack, I'll be there for support." Applebloom said.

"Well of ya say so."
Applejack was finally going on a date! She felt as excited as she was nervous but Applebloom support will make things better.

"Quick question, why haven't we been working?" Applebloom asked Applejack.

"Well a lot of people are pitching in for the Apple Hearts festival, so basically we're the dust they brushed off."


The three of them mind off to their own business. Applejack in the other hand, feels more confident about this date than ever. Applebloom happiness about the date was superior to Applejack.

Texting scene:
Applebloom: Hey scoots!

Scootaloo: Wassup 😘

Applebloom: Wanna come to the movies later? I'm going at 6.

Scootaloo: Really? Your asking me?

Applebloom: Yes! Of course! Applejack needs support with her date.

Scootaloo: I heard they kissed! I'll be there, don't worry babe 😘😂

Applebloom: Thx! Oh and I got a surprise for you.....

Scootaloo: What is it?

Applebloom: You'll see at the theater. Kay bye now!✋✌

Scootaloo: Aight babe. See you there!

Applebloom was thrilled that she invited Scootaloo. And the surprise, let's say Scootaloo is going to be shocked.

6 hours later:

"And done! Rarity you look like a princess.", Sweetie said applying makeup on Rarity.

Rarity did in fact, look dashing. Her purple hair was perfectly curled, the diamond earrings sparkled, her diamond themed skirt and open toed shoes definitely matched. She looked like she was going to a dance.

"Wow, watch out for show off.", Sunset said.

"Hush now. Just because your fabulous doesn't mean you gotta hate.", Rarity said checking herself out to the mirror.

Rarity gave Sunset a hug. Sunset winked and mouthed off good luck. Sweetie in the other hand dressed up with a MCR t-shirt, black skinny jeans, had on black mascara, and black sneakers.

Both of them walk to the front door. Tea Spoon stands in front of them, pulls both of their arms and give them one huge hug.

"Y'all have a good time."

"We will auntie.", Rarity and Sweetie said.

Both were then went through the front door and went off walking towards a blue truck with Applejack and Applebloom sitting in the back.

The blue truck door opened, only to reveal to beautiful girls with dresses. Applejack out of all people wore a dress!

Rarity wide eyes showed, alongside red cheeks and a smile. Applejack had a jean like shirt with apple designs and stylish cowboy boots. Applebloom looked the same, only that she had a more modern look to it.

"You look beautiful Rarity.", Applejack said.
Applejack heart pounded like a jackhammer. Rarity looked super cute and so did herself. Something about Rarity made Applejack smile the whole time.

Sweetie went over Applejack and sat next to Applebloom. Applejack scooted over and let Rarity sit beside her.

"So is that boy your brother?", Rarity asks, pointing to Big Mac.

Big Mac turned the car on, shift into gear, and drove off to the theatre.

A few minutes later

After awhile, Big Mac mange to find the theater. He drove to the front of the theater.

"Well time to go I guess.", Rarity said.

"Yeah beautiful.", Applejack responded.

Rarity pink cheeks was seen again once more. Sweetie and Applebloom opened the car door and quickly jumped out. Big Mac gives Applebloom a wink and Applebloom returns the favor. After Rarity and Applejack walk out, Big Mac waves goodbye and quickly drives off.

The dates then start walking to the theater booth, while keeping an eye for one another.

"Damn girl you look fiiiine.", Sweetie said to Applebloom.

"Oh thank you! Hey Sweetie if you don't mind, I invited a friend to the date.", Applebloom said.

"I don't mind, as long as your here."
Sweetie hand rested behind Applebloom head. Sweetie pulls her in slowly like a fish, and gives her a kiss.

The kiss was magical but something felt off. Sweetie felt like someone was just starting at them kissing. Applejack and Rarity were getting the tickets far front so they didn't bother them, but something did.

When the kiss was done, Sweetie turns her head violently, only to see a shocked face Scootaloo.

"Scootaloo!", Applebloom said running them hugging her.

Scootaloo doesn't hug back. Instead she stares at Sweetie, clinching her fist while hugging.

"Great, what more surprises going to happen.", Sweetie mumbled  to herself.

Only if you knew Sweetie. Only if you knew.

As you all can see, this chapter wasn't as detailed as the others. I wanted to got to the theater part as fast as I can cause I know that'll be very detailed. Not telling you why though....😂😂✌✋
Thx for reading my fellow Yoppies!!

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