Chapter 16

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(Picture cool. That's it)

"Oh hello Applejack, how are you?" asked Rarity.

"How is she! You oughta be asking how the hell did she got inside the-"

Sweetie bickering stop when she sees something in the corner of her eye. Applebloom was there, smiling and waving at Sweetie Belle. Sweetie waved backed, very slowly, but covered her face behind Sunset.

"I'm doing fine Rarity. No thanks for asking." Applejack said

"Not thanking me when I politely asked if you were simply okay, dear lord how you hillbillies have no manners." Rarity said, giving Applejack a devious smile.

Applejack breathes loudly, noticeably looking mad. Applebloom held her sister arm and scratches it smoothly to calm her down. The method worked. Applejack was less stressed but her eyes were fixed onto Rarity.

"I was wondering where ya went. Applejack you just ran off when I let you in." Tea Spoon said. She was behind Applejack.

"Sorry bout Tea Spoon. I just wanted to pay Rarity a visit." Applejack said.

"No you didn't want her a visit. I know you very well Jackie. I asked you to sleepover so y'all can get along."

Rarity was shocked. She stood up from the bed and begun to speak.

"First you make me hug her, than work with her, give her my number, and NOW YOU INVITE HER OVER A SLEEPOVER!!! Tea Spoon are you trying to torture me." Rarity said.

"Torture you, no. Mess with you, yes. The sleepover, not my idea." Tea Spoon said.

"If this drastic sleepover idea wasn't yours, who was it?" Rarity asked.

"Why if you spoiled ass want to know, it was Granny Smith idea." Applejack said.

"Woah there. I know you didn't want to do this Applejack but me and Smith agreed that this is how you guys will forgive each other. The working thing didn't work so maybe a relaxing environment will be better to bond. Hell, even Sunset is here." Tea Spoon said.

"Yeah Applejack, she ain't bad once you get to know her." Sunset said.

Applejack turns her head around and picks her chin up. Applejack was too proud to forgive Rarity. She wanted nothing to do with her but she never went back Granny Smith word so she had to comply with the sleepover.

Applebloom decided to bring her sister. They brought small suitcases to Rarity room. She shakes her head in annoyance over Applejack actions. As Tea Spoon tries to consult Applejack. Applebloom speaks to Sweetie Belle.

"Heya Sweetie. Didn't you get my text earlier?" Applebloom asked.

Sweetie loses herself in Applebloom eyes and ignores her completely. Applebloom says her previous statement one more time and Sweetie is out of the trance.

"Oh. You sent me a text? Sorry I d-didn't r-r-reply. Me and my sister needed to do something."

"Well that thing must've been important cause it's 6 p.m and I sent you that text at 12." Applebloom said.

Sweetie nods rapidly. Applebloom chuckles awkwardly, bringing out a smile but turns into a stern face when she turned the other way.

Sweetie Belle was making Applebloom uncomfortable and Sweetie knew this. She had to stop being shy and step up her game but whenever she saw Applebloom, all the sense in the world didn't exist.

Applejack and Applebloom quickly unpack their stuff. Applejack did her unpacking rapidly. Applebloom unpacked normally.

"Okay we done packing." Applejack said.

"Alright then. Let's get this sleepover started- oh crap I forgot." Tea Spoon said.

"Forgot what?" Sunset asked.

"These fellas."

Tea Spoon yelled out "Come on up!" downstairs. To Rarity and the girls surprise, the people they met today was there. Pinkie, Dash, Twilight, Spike, and Scootaloo were there.

Rarity runs up to each off them and hugs them. Applejack stood still and so does Sweetie.

"Tea Spoon, how'd you know I like these people."  Rarity said.

"What, you know them. I invited them over cause they're the biggest group of friends in Ponyville." Tea Spoon said.

"Yeah, when we heard Tea Spoon invited us over, me and Dashie couldn't say no." Pinkie said.

"Yep! And I can't say no to my Pinkie." said Rainbow dash, giving Pinkie a kiss.

"I would love to stay and chat for a bit but I gotta go somewhere with Mrs. Cake. See you guys later." Tea Spoon said.

Tea Spoon waves everyone off and heads downstairs. She goes outside and meets up with Mrs. Cake and Granny. All of them go into Tea Spoon truck and drive off.

"Aaaaand they're gone." Sunset said, looking out the window.

All of them drop their stuff by Rarity's door. Then they sat on the bed or floor.

"That's weird. Tea Spoon wouldn't leave her house that quickly unless she needed to do something important." Twilight said.

"Well that's Tea Spoon, good 'ol unexpected, but even her unexpectedness can lead to shaky situations." Applejack said, staring at Rarity.

Rarity stares back and both seemed to be stuck in a angry staring contest. Rainbow and Pinkie pull them away from one another as both come closer to one another.

"Man! Can Applejack hold a grudge." Sweetie said to Spike.

"Oh. Your talking to me. I thought puberty kid annoyed and bored you." said Spike.

"I never said that puberty boy. I was pissed off at Rarity for the moment so I was more prone to anger than ever. So why don't you get your green hair and your little feelings out of my- "

Sweetie rant stop as Applebloom walks by. Applebloom didnt hear  Sweetie Belle rant so she smiled instead. Sweetie Belle blushes at the smile and Spike takes notice.

Sweetie them turn around to face Spike but all she saw was a smuged face boy.

"What made you so cheerful? Is seeing Rarity room giving your boyhood some happiness." Sweetie said, mocking Spike.

"No. I'm just surprise that your emotional ass blushed when Applebloom smiled at you." Spike said.

Sweetie turns red again, but in anger.

"Y-y-you don't know nothing!" Sweetie said.

"Well I do know this." Spike said.

"What do you know you?" Sweetie asked.

"Let me say this first, I'm not into Applebloom but someone  has googly eyes for her too." Spike said.

Sweetie opens her mouth in shock. Her red face disappear and a pale face come in replacement.

"Well who is it?" asked Sweetie.

"Well I would say but puberty boys don't know what to say cause their emotions are everywhere. I don't want to dissapoint you." Spike said.

"Your really doing this. Right now, with people around us and YOUR TROLLING ME!!" Sweetie said.

"Not trolling, just being emotional." said Spike.

Sweetie throws a small stomach blow to Spike. He struggles to stand and Sweetie walked away, laughing at what she did.

Good, no one noticed the punch. Can't let Applebloom be afraid of me.

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