Chapter 25

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"Why did this show ended in the first place, it was so good." Sunset said in a whining tone.

"Can't argue with that. The triangle guy was my favorite." said Applejack.

"Triangle guy, really? How can you like a cartoon without remembering the character names?" Rarity asked in a annoyed tone.

"Well sorry if I can't remember a yellow triangle name!" Applejack said now with her voiced raised.

"Whoa there, don't want you guys to start kissing already." Sunset said in sarcastic tone.

Rarity and Applejack give Sunset a annoyed stare, Sunset smiled and made kissy faces to the both of them. Both punch her arms with red faces, embarrassed by what she'd said.

"Dammit Sunset! Stop it with that crap!" Applejack said.

"I would if it wasn't so obvious." Sunset said.

"Obvious! Sunset we've only known each other for 3 days, 3 days! Besides Applejack doesn't really like me." Rarity said now done punching Sunset.

"Well I do like you a-as a friend. Not like g-girlfriend or anythin', just buddies." Applejack said hesitantly.

Rarity does a face palm and shakes her head while Sunset laugh. Applejack sounded really awkward saying that like she was super nervous of something. Rarity was embarrassed cause Applejack made it seem like she did like her.

"Can you stop laughing for once. Don't you got somewhere to go or something." Rarity said. Rarity, realizing what she said, covered her mouth and gave out shocked eyes.

Rarity wondered why she didn't leave earlier and decided to keep it quiet....until now. Sunset give Rarity a confused look and so does Applejack. Rarity let her hands down and put away the shocked face.

"What you surprised about?" asked Sunset.

"Yeah, you actin' like you said something messed up." Applejack said who now gave Rarity a confused look.

With a awkward smile, Rarity put in the words together in her head, making sure to pick the right one's to say.

"W-well I kinda assumed that you didn't leave earlier due to house problems. Also I thought if I asked you why you didn't leave, I would hurt your feelings." said Rarity, bitting her nails and pacing around a bit.

Sunset and Applejack give each other a super confused stare. They then give that stare to Rarity and smile with that stare.

"Ummmmm, I know I can be sensitive and crap but I don't mind you asking. Besides, where I live is unusual for some people." Sunset said.

"Oh that's a relief! Whoo! I do have to ask, where do you live that make others think your strange?"

"Well in your aunts backyard shack silly!" Sunset replied.

Rarity bow gave the confused look. Applejack and Sunset laugh through her confused look, laughing like they just heard a really good joke. Sunset stands up from the couch and walks to the backyard door. She makes a hand gesture, indicating that the both of them come follow her.

Sunset opens the door and walks through the wet grass. Rarity tiptoed through the grass with great caution which caused Applejack to shake her head. To Applejack, Rarity was the drama queen every group. The super gorgeous drama queen she thought and with that thought goosebumps shivered through her body.

Sunset lead the both of them to the front door of the shack. The shack looked a lot like a mini house with some gardening decorations by the front, decorated windows, and red painting of stars in the walls.

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