Chapter 46

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The birds sang their morning tune with no restrictions. Rays of light overlapped the roofs of multiple homes and made through the windows of those homes. Snores, yawns, and groaning took over Tea Spoon home. Tea Spoon woke up before anyone in the house.

She got her work clothes on and walked out the house and left the three teens alone.

Applejack and Rarity slept under the blanket where they clung their arms over each other bodies. They smiled in their sleep, Rarity even giggled. Sweetie was laying on her bed with no blanket or pillow. Her mascara blackened her face and red lipstick stains were found on the bed. Her crying kept her awake all night until her eventual slumber at 3 a.m.

The sun rays reached the blanket and created a rise in heat. Rarity and Applejack moved under the blanket to cool down, but that just made it hotter.

"It's hot in here babe." Rarity said in a whining tone.

"I know that. M- *yawn* -maybe we can get out of bed." Applejack suggested.

"Jackie, my beauty sleep." Rarity whined.

Applejack pushed Rarity out the bed with her foot. Rarity rolled on the floor.

"What was that for?!"

"For crying last night. And whining like a big baby." Applejack said.

Rarity threw herself to Applejack and pushed her out the bed. Now her and Applejack were on the ground, ebullient of their playfulness.

"Your stupid." Applejack said.

"No you." Rarity said.

"Shut up and go make me breakfast." Applejack said as she kissed Rarity on her forehead.

Rarity kissed Applejack on her lip and walked off to the door and down the stairs.

"Better help her or she'll burn the house down." Applejack said.

The Apples red colored house sparkled throughout the whole orchard. The red colors brighten up Granny and Big Mac to work more diligently on the farm. Still, the brightest of colors couldn't get Applebloom out of bed.

Applebloom stuffed her face on her pillow and groaned every 5 seconds. She tried to get out of bed a few times but she was pushed back from her heavy heart. What made it worse was that she actually tried to call Sweetie after the party.

"Why did this happen to me. Nothing goes right for me." Applebloom grabbed a small tennis ball from her drawer and bounced it to her door.

No hate, love, or sadness filled Applebloom.  Disappointment covered her body from head to toe.

"Damn my life. Who the hell would hurt Scootaloo? She did nothing...she did do something wrong, did she." Applebloom said to herself.

She stopped bouncing the ball and instead, threw it at a picture of her and Scootaloo hugging.

"Sweetie wouldn't hurt her on her own will. She had to be force to do it. Then again- No! I don't know! Dammit! Why is this so hard to think about?!" Applebloom threw her alarm clock to the pictures frame. It fell and pieces of glass flew across the room.

She punched her bed multiple times, screaming at each punch thrown. She threw her blanket, sheets, and pillows across the room.

Applebloom held on her bed, tightly. Water droplets from her eyes landed on the floor. She didn't care about the tears; her only care in the world was now in her room, crying about the same thing.

"I miss you." Applebloom buried her face into her knees and sobbed the morning away.


Applejack and Rarity sat on the table, eating cereal.  The kitchen was filled with smoke and Applejack hands had black dust on them.

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