Chapter 28

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Everyone from the back row took their seats, laughing, and smiling over Sweetiebloom. Pinkie and Rainbow awkwardly laughed. Both knew that Scootaloo liked Applebloom and they knew she was a pretty unstable person.

"So Dashie, what do you think of them?" asked Applejack.

"I-I guess they're adorable together. Kinda reminds me of me and you."
Rainbow dash awkward smile fades away. Applejack gives out an awkward laugh too it.

They went out before and Rainbow mentioning it made the situation a whole lot awkwarder.

Aside from Rainbow dash, Fluttershy and Rarity came across one another and started talking about Sweetiebloom.

"They are so adorable together!" Fluttershy said.

"I know!" Rarity said.

As Rarity was talking with Fluttershy, she finally took noticed of the grey haired boy. He looked a bit older, mainly due to his tattoos on his arm, a scar above his eye, and surprisingly red eyes. The grey haired boy caught Rarity staring. Je smiled and gave her a wink.

"Why I never." Rarity said.

"Why I never what?" Fluttershy asked.

"That grey haired boy your sitting next to just wink at me." Rarity said.

Fluttershy turned red and quickly covered Rarity mouth. The grey haired looked at them with confusion, but shurrged his shoulders right after.
Fluttershy makes it close to Rarity ear and starts to whisper.

"That's Discord." Fluttershy said.

"That's him! My dear, he look so bad. And you look like an angel." Rarity said.

"He's not bad, just misunderstood. You wouldn't understand."
Fluttershy was mad at Rarity at this point. She gave her angry eyebrows but Rarity rolled her eyes instead.

Discord, in the other hand, raised an eyebrow and smirked at them.

"I can hear you guys talking bout me."
Discord said that with a smile in his face. His smile made Fluttershy squeak and caused her to hide her face between her knees.

"So Discord, are you anticipating a great magic show?" Rarity asked.

"Not really. Trixie shows are filled with crap, I watched paint dry for 8 hours a day and that was more entertaining than this shit show." Discord said with a bigger smile and blowing his nails.

"Your kinda, mean. Magic is cleary her passion and your basically saying its nothing." Rarity said with a red face.

"Well baby sometimes in life you gotta be honest. Besides, shouldn't you worry about Applejack kissing another girl before you." Discord said.

Rarity opened her eyes wide. Her hmmph was well heard and she walked to a open seat by Applejack, who sat by Pinkiedash. Rarity sat down with a mad manner, which gave Applejack concern. Applejack stopped her conversation with Pinkiedash and talked to Rarity.

"What's wrong Rarity?"

"Oh it's that Discord! He's so-so mean and he knows it!" Rarity said.

"Discord, oh don't worry about him. He's a bit on the asshole side but he's not so bad once you get to know him. Besides, your too smart to let a few words get you mad." Applejack said.

"Aww thanks Applejack."

Rarity layed her hand across Applejack left cheek. She moved in closer to Applejack right cheek and kissed Applejack there.

Applejack turned bright red and Rarity innocent like smile made her face a whole lot redder. Pinkiedash gave a smug smile to them, Twilight and Sunset giggled like little kids.

"Called it!" Discord yelled over.

Rarity rolled her eyes over everyone who reacted but she did understand why they reacted. Apparently her and Applejack was a "thing" although Rarity herself knew there was nothing going on. Every little thing they did together made their "ship" much more real and it did annoy her.

"Finally!" Applebloom said looking over her chair.

"I know! Rarity finally kissed her." Sweetie said in agreement.

"Now it's our turn." Applebloom said, giving Sweetie loving eyes.

"We're kissing a lot for a relationship that literally just started." Sweetie said, laughing a bit in her words.

"Just shut up and kiss me."

Applebloom reached Sweetie and gave her a hug. Sweetie cheeks were feinted red and Applebloom face was a huge smile. Applebloom pulled Sweetie in slowly, making the kiss much more valuable.

Sweetie and Applebloom red faces were seen as bright as day but that didn't bother them. Their love helped them with that.

"Starrrrrrlight!" Trixie yelled while carrying a top hat. (See what I did there)

"What is it babe?" Starlight asked.

"This top hat is too big, get me another."

Trixie hand flickered towards Starlight, indicating her to find something.

Starlight shakes her head, dusts herself, and walks up to Trixie. Trixie raises a eyebrow and finds herself walking backwards. Trixie meets a prop wall behind her, where a persistent Starlight led her too.

Starlight held Trixie hand and slowly, brought the hand between them. Trixie stares at Starlight, causing a heated reaction throughout her face.

"Don't worry. Your a great magician, entertainer, whatever. Trixie, your my girl and I'll make sure you get the help you need."

Trixie blushed face faded away. A smile replaced it, a cocky smile, which cause Starlight to give out a cocky like smile as well.

"The great and powerful Trixie isn't nervous about anything. Trixie has her Starlight to make sure of that."

Trixie held Starlight free hand, she held the hand high and reached over her lips. Their kiss formed into a hugging kiss, causing a reaction of goosebumps between them.

"Now, let's get on with the show." Trixie said.

Trixie and Straight got into their positions, winking at each other for good luck. Music filled the air, alerting people that the show is about to start.

"Hmmm. Believer, nice song choice Starlight." Trixie said to herself.

The curtain slowly opens, whispers are heard in the crowd, and the spotlight aims at the middle of the stage.

"I can't wait!" Rarity said.

"Me neither, although Trixie shows are a bit crazy." Applejack said.

"Whatever do you mean?"

"Just watch and see." Applejack replied.

The spotlight now faced two people on the stage, Starlight and Trixie.
Trixie takes in one deep breath and begins to speak.

"Welcome all from far and wide, to close as neighbors, welcome to Trixie magic show!"

Trixie walked around with her huge high heels, giving out her speech in the process.

"Seeing a magician like me is a privilege, not a right. My lovely, very lovely, assistant has the privilege to-"

Trixie screams as she falls face flat to the ground. Starlight runs over to Trixie, quickly and with great speed.
Whispers, gasps, and some laughter was heard throughout the crowd.

"Is this what you meant earlier?" Rarity asked.

"One of the things. There's more to happen." Applejack replied.

"Paint drying! Do it, I swear it's fun!" Discord yelled.

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