Chapter 29

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"Mind off the fall, Trixieee is too great to be embarrassed!",Trixie said.

"Embarrassed, your better off crying and running off the stage!" Discord yelledm

"Shut up hater." Starlight said, flicking Discord off.

Louder laughter came from the crowd, even Fluttershy giggled. Rarity shook her head at Fluttershy. Fluttershy takes notice and looks straight to the ground, red faced and embarrassed.

"HA HA HA! Man, am I funny or-"

Discord smile fades away, he is surprised to see a gloom looking Fluttershy.

"Hey baby, it's alright to joke around, even at the mess up things." Discord said.

Discord held Fluttershy chin up high, causing him to smile and Fluttershy to squeal in the inside.

"Your a cute one, you know that."
Discord said this, causing Fluttershy squeal to be louder.  Pinkiedash, Twilight and Sunset, and Rarijack (not official yet guys, gotta wait) all gave them a devious smile.

"What? Can't get enough of my handsome face?" Discord said.

They all look away at Discord with red faces and loud hmmphs.

A loud horn is heard across the crowd. People close their ears and scream a bit when heard. The horn came from Trixie, who clearly wanted everyone attention.

"If everyone is done laughing, I'd like to continue the show."

The crowd went dead silent.


"Yeah, like getting off the-"

Discord words fade away as Fluttershy covered his mouth. Discord gave Fluttershy a small wink, Fluttershy gave him a smug smile.

Trixie and Starlight went backstage to get something. When they came out, a huge treasure like chest was with them, both girls carrying from both sides.

They struggle a bit putting the chest down, stumbling in the process but both succeed in the action.

Trixie brought out a key and stuck it inside the key hole of the chest. She unlocked the chest, revealing a bright glow.

"Now my fans, here's what you've been waiting for!" Starlight said as Trixie pulled out something from the chest.

"Since I want to start simple, I'll do the oldest magic trick in the book, the TOPHAT!" Trixie said, raising a large tophat in the air.

A few people in the crowd applauded, coughed, and some yelled out boo....

"I see that my adoring fans are excited for this simple trick." Trixie said.

"Well Trixie, care to start the magical showcase?" Starlight asked.
Starlight held arms high, forming a T shape with it. She smiled awkwardly too.

"Why of course Starlight. I do need a volunteer from the crowd of course, anyone wants to come up and be amazed."

No one raise their hand at all. Some people begged others to raise their hands but no one was obliged. Then, a pair of two hands were risen from the large crowd. Those hands belonged to Rarity and Applejack.

"Oh I see some volunteers from the back. Come now, gaze upon the luxurious Trixie."

It seemed like Applejack and Rarity rose their hands, but it was Pinkie who grabbed their arms and rose them.

"Pinkie! Now we got to go up!" Rarity and Applejack exclaimed in unison.

"Awww, now you guys are talking in unison." Rainbow dash said.

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