Chapter 12

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After finishing eating the cake, the group of friends decide to take out their phones. Rainbow dash was Geometry Dash, Pinkie was on Angry birds, and Rarity was on a fashion page.

Sweetie goes through her contact list with shaky fingers, nervous to ask Applebloom the big question. Sweetie gently taps Applebloom shoulder and asks the question.

"Hey Applebloom, I was wondering if I could..... g-g-get your number?", asked a nervous Sweetie Belle. Applebloom smile fades away immediately, Scootaloo opened her mouth in shocked. Asking for Applebloom number when you barely know the girl.

Scootaloo found this surprising and way out of proportions. Applebloom finally opens her mouth and the words come out.

"Um, Sweetie, I gotta say.......YES!!"

Sweetie exhaled like a drowning person out of the water. Applebloom put her arm over her shoulder and laugh to Sweetie exaggerated actions.

"Damn Sweetie. You looked so worried, almost like you needed my number to get my undying love.' HA HA HA HA!' Anyway give me your phone, I'll put my number in."

Sweetie squeals when Applebloom put in the number. Scootaloo give a force smile to the two, she clinches her fist under the table and punch under the table.

"Done. Now we can talk all the time now.", said Applebloom.

Sweetie slowly grabs her phone from Applebloom, making a simple situation more complicated.

"Thanks for giving me your number......can't wait to call you later.", said a quiet speaking Sweetie.

"Your really quiet, like quieter than Fluttershy.", said Scootaloo.

Sweetie blushes a bit more and hides her face. Applebloom turns around to stare at Scootaloo with angry wide eyes. Scootaloo shrugs it off and laughs a little.

"You can be a real asshole at times, you know that?", said Applebloom.

"And the real asshole is your best friend.", replied Scootaloo.

Applebloom smirked and shakes her head. "Well I guess I love my asshole's.", said Applebloom.

The group stayed at the bakery for an hour, often they rambled on about simple things such as favorite foods, movies, and so on. As Rarity and Pinkie were talking about cupcakes, Rarity hears her phone go off. She picks up her phone and answers.

Rarity: Hello?

Caller: Hey Rarity.

Rarity: Do I know you.

Caller: Yes you do. Remember my voice....

Rarity: Nope I don't recall meeting you.

Caller: Really? Okay I'll give you a hint...apples.

Rarity: Apple what exactly?


Rarity: I don't know an Applejack. Please call again.

Caller: Your trolling me....are you.

Rarity: Yep! How did you get my phone number any way?

Applejack: Tea Spoon. She said that I needed your number if I need any help on the farm.

Rarity: Oh really. Well I heard that a bunch of people are working in your farm anyway so there's no need for me.

Applejack: Your a cunt, you know that? Also your still gonna work. Today, I admit, there was a lot of people and not much work for you, but today was your first day anyway so the apples are going easy on you.

Rarity: Too easy I presume. I'm at a bakery with some real friends thank you very much.

Applejack: What the hell!! We weren't friends in the first place, you gone slap me when I tried to help you!!

Rarity: You sound cute when you yell. Maybe that's why I couldn't take you seriously.


Rarity: Cause I'm a princess bitch.

Applejack: Fuck you.

Rarity: No thank you hillbilly.

Applejack: Oh the work Imma make you do. Goodbye bitch.

Rarity: Bye!

Rarity slams her phone on the table. The people around her give her a surprised stare.

"First you was scared of Applejack and now you cursing at her. Your the world's greatest asshole.", said Sweetie.

"You really gotta hate my sister if you yell at her like that.", said Applebloom.

Rarity gave everyone at the table a condescending stare. They sat quietly without talking for a few minutes until Rainbow dash spoke up.

"Your really messin with a bull. She's gonna whoop your ass if you keep acting like that."

"Rainbow dash relax. That Applejack should know better not to hurt me, besides I got you guys to help me.", replied Rarity.

"Well I guess. Still don't blow off her top. I'm telling you it's not worth it.", said Rainbow dash.

"And why is that dear?", said Rarity.

Rainbow dash pick up her hair to show behind her neck to Rarity. Rarity put her hand over her mouth I'm shock on what see saw.

"See that. Not anyone can get this scar Rarity. We got into an argument when we and all hell broke loose.", said Rainbow dash.

"She did that to you and you still forgave her?!! Also you guys dated before?!", replied Rarity.

"Yep! So like I said, don't mess with her.", said Rainbow dash.

"Okay I see why we have to be careful but I got two questions, why were you guys dating and what happened between you two.", replied Rarity.

"Umm....we dated because of love and that's a story for another time.", said Rainbow dash.

Pinkie Pie rubbed Rainbow neck, like giving it a massage, and kissed her forehead. Pinkie looked almost guilty when doing that.

Rarity and the gang stopped talking after that and waited for the day to go by. Rarity then get a call from Tea Spoon after another 30 minutes.

"Yes auntie, we will do that. Come Sweetie, Tea Spoon wants us home.", said Rarity.

Rarity and Sweetie stood up with no hesitation and walked to the front door. They waited for the rest of the group to come along.

"Thanks for coming along with us. Call me later, okay.", said Applebloom hugging a blushing Sweetie.

Rainbow dash and Pinkie decided to hug Rarity, forming a group hug. Scootaloo stands behind all of them, deviously eyeing on Sweetie Belle.

"Thanks for the great time. Hope to see you later.", said Rarity. Rarity opened the front door and went outside with Sweetie.

"Hey, you do know where Tea Spoon house is, right?", asked Sweetie.

"Of, not really but I'm sure we can go to that library and ask for directions.", said Rarity pointing at a library in front of them.

And both girls walk inside the library. As they walk in, they see a little boy with a green jacket and a girl with a purple skirt. Both the girl and boy go and greet the two sisters.

"Hello! I'm Twilight.

"And I'm s-s-s- the young boy could not complete saying his name. Instead he opened his mouth at shocked when he saw Rarity. He knew beautiful girls, but a girl or her beauty was unreal.

Rarity give a force, awkward laugh at the staring boy and left a small moment of silence until Twilight intervened.

"Sorry about Spike behavior, he's a bit excited to meet you guys.", said Twilight.

"Excited...more like horny.", Sweetie muttered under her breath.

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