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Well I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaack! Not officially though *sad face

Many of you may be asking why I've stop going on Wattpad since December well here's why; school and major writers block. For a while, I thought I would get everything under control, but honestly everything spiraled out of control. I wanted to finish the story, I really did, but I haven't been brainstorming ideas.

I miss writing but I felt like my story was choppy and needed a lot of work on it.

Hopefully I'll come back with zero school work, a boundful of ideas, and great motivation.

Please don't be disappointed by this update. This is just telling the reader what has been going on and why I've stopped. This doesn't mean I'm done with Wattpad officially, Imma come back time and time again and hopefully make a comeback as the author I once was.

Like I said, sorry for not making this update a lot sooner.

Peace and your author will be back.

Well I'm back (not full time) and I wanted to say that I'll update And Today is... for a few more chapters. Unexpected Hearts will go through MAJOR EDITING! Some stuff will go away, other stuff will be added. Thanks for the patience

Unexpected Hearts Where stories live. Discover now