Chapter 22

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(Again! Another great Flutterdash picture!! Praise be the fanart!!)

Pinkie gave Rainbow another kiss and the bystanders all chanted 'Aww'. Pinkie blushed and surprisingly, so does Rainbow dash. Pinkie ran out of the room as quickly as one can and goes inside Rarity room. She comes out with her small bag, pillow, blankets, and a small stuffed alligator.

"You have to bring gummy everywhere, do you?", asked Rainbow dash.

"Oh come on baby, gummy is my whole world.", replied Pinkie.

"Hmmph. I thought I was your whole world.", Rainbow dash said sarcastically.

"Well both of you are my whole world. Scootaloo is going to come in third OH MY GOSH I CAN'T WAIT!", exclaimed Pinkie Pie.

Rarity lets out small moments of laughter to the mix and Applejack does the same. The two then laugh together, much like best friends do in bars, and the future couple joined in the laughter. Excitement, laughter, happiness all mixed emotions filled them all.

It took a while but all friends stop laughing. They now showed signs of sleepiness, which affected them dearly. Pinkie laugh faded each time until she fell asleep upon Rainbow shoulders. Rainbow gently scratch Pinkie head, soothing her to sleep, which made Rainbow to lay down and sleep as well.

"Well them two are knocked out.", said Sweetie.

"You've- yawww- said it Sweetie. You've s-said i- Rarity doozes off her words, she lays her head down gently on top of the pillow, where she slept and silently snored.

"Damn. They sure wanted to sleep.", said Applejack.

Sweetie nods to Applejack. Sweetie tried to keep her eyes open but they kept on closing for awhile and opening. Applejack didn't give out the  slightest hint of sleepiness, hell she basically made this a contest of who can stay up longer between her and Sweetie.

"Listen sugarcube, go to sleep. Your too tired and I want-yawwwwn-you to get a g-g-good night rest.", said Applejack, who was now getting sleepy herself.

"So why don't ya-"

Applejack finally shut down her body. She falls on top of her small sleeping bag and begins to sleep. Now Sweetie was the only one who truly was awake in the house.

"Won.", said Sweetie, who acted like she'd won a major fight.

Sweetie yawned loudly but stayed awake. Nothing seemed to get her to sleep. So for the next few minutes, she listened to music on her phone, watch a few videos, even tried reading Rarity art magazine's.

"Why the hell would someone put on a freaking dress like that?", Sweetie asked herself after seeing a picture of a rather large puffy dress someone was wearing.

After awhile of doing uninteresting activities, Sweetie stands up from her bed, and walked out of her room. She decided to go downstairs to drink milk to get her to sleep.

The house was pitched black at the time and she didn't want to turn on the lights so she used her flash on her phone.

She tiptoed silently through the hallway, the creaky stairs, and basically the 1st floor of the house. Sweetie manged to reach the kitchen without waking anyone...or so she thought.

As she opened the fridge to bring out the milk, she had this....eerie feeling tingling inside her.

She felt frightened, like someone was watching her, but it was impossible, she was way to sneaky to wake anyone. Still, she drank the milk from the carton and quickly turned around. Her flash had caught something... dark.

The figure looked buff and tall, but that didn't worried Sweetie at all.
Sweetie was only scared of the knife the person was holding.

She aims the flash higher and HIGHER, only to reveal someone completely unexpected.....Scootaloo.

Sweetie could've ran through the door or the other entrances to the kitchen but she stayed there, standing like a frightened deer.

"S-s-scootaloo. What the actual fuck is going on?", asked Sweetie.

"Oh....nothing. Just that you made my bloomie cry, that's all.", Scootaloo expressed, while playing with the knife like a toy.

Sweetie attempts to walk away from the other entrance by her, instead Scootaloo quickly rushed in and blocked it.

"No no no. Bad girls don't deserve to leave without getting what they deserve.", said Scootaloo.

"Your the bad girl cause your playing with that knife like your going to kill someone.", said Sweetie, who briefly returned to her sarcastic tone.

Scootaloo smiles, but her fist clinched like she was in great anger. Scootaloo moves her left hand away, leaving more open space between them. Scootaloo then charges her fist into Sweetie stomach, which instantly causes her to spit out blood from her mouth.

Scootaloo uses her left hand and put it all over Sweetie neck. She picks up Sweetie a little, which allowed the knife she was holding to be rise in neck level.

"Listen here you dirty shit. No one, not even me, make my Applebloom cry. You can talk like your the badass, but in the end, I'm the one making you my bitch. So understand this, make her sad again and this knife will go through you.", said Scootaloo, who now had the knife closer to Sweetie more than ever.

Sweetie gasps for air many times, but showed no sign of weakness or fear. Sweetie hands tighten too.  She move her right hando back, and rams it into Scootaloo chin. The short uppercut she threw cause Scootaloo to release her, by her falling into the ground.

Scootaloo drops the knife and attempts to grab it until Sweetie, barefooted, stepped on the knife  before she'd gotten it. Sweetie picks up the knife and throws it into the sink, Sweetie then gave out a psychotic smile to the fallen Scootaloo.

"You, make me your bitch. I'm sorry to tell you this but you don't know anything about me. I can take your ass anywhere, anytime. I won't use a knife either, unlike your scared ass.", said Sweetie.

"Maybe next I'll use the knife quicker.", said Scootaloo, who was still on the ground.

Scootaloo stands up, and her eyes meet Sweeties. Sweetie had never seen angrier eyes than this, she truly pissed her off, but what Sweetie said next made it a whole lot worse.

"I'm guessing you like Applebloom too. Surprise, surprise, I find her hotter that the sun. So unless you want to stop acting like a crazed fan, you better learn how to step up your game cause....she's mine." Sweetie then flicked her off and slowly licked her own lips.

This made Scootaloo furious, she thought that Sweetie only liked her for her physical traits, not her characteristics.

Scootaloo punches the wall next to her, turning her fist and her whole face red. Sweetie smirks at the distraught Scootaloo and walks off the kitchen.

Before she goes upstairs, Sweetie give out a few words to Scootaloo.

"Oh and if you ever think that I only like Applebloom because she's pretty, your wrong. She's a wonderful person with a lot of heart, so I'll try my best to make up with her so she can be mine. Also, don't tell anyone about our, incident, cause if you do, I promise to tell Applebloom my side of the story..", said Sweetie. Sweetie give Scootaloo another devious smirk and heads off upstairs, enters her room, and sleep with a smile on her face.

Scootaloo in the other hand, punches the wall again and decides to talk to herself.

"That dirty bitch. No one, will make me their bitch, especially her. Watch out Sweetie Belle because you just made a new enemy."

Random A/N: This freaking chapter man! Listen to orchestra music with no words at all and you'll see how better you get when writing. Also please Comment, like and suscri- oops, wrong place 😂😂😂.

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