Chapter 24

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(I swear I have Pinkiedash in this story but Flutterdash is my true otp. Tbh I don't know if I used otp right, please comment if I did😂😂😂)

"Wow, your sister is very forgiving." said Applejack.

"Yeah, she's mean when she wants to be but other than that she's sweet as pie.", replied Rarity.

Applejack and Rarity gaze at on another with great pride. Both were proud of their sisters forgiving on another like that furthermore making them feel like it was their influence that cause so much compassion between the two. Applejack nod her head toward Rarity and Rarity simply blush, causing great smiles between the two.

Sweetie releases Applebloom from the hug after a few moments. Expecting a set of proud eyes, Sweetie turned around with great confidence but instead, she saw flutters of loving eyes. Sweetie turns red, very red, and walk off to the kitchen while everyone made kissy faces, especially Spike.

"You know she might get Applebloom." said Spike.

"No she won't Spike. Honestly, I'm more surprised that she's even talking to her.", said Scootaloo.

"I'm surprised that your taking her seriously. I mean she's super mean and you know how Applebloom hates mean people.", said Spike.

"I don't know, this Sweetie character is....different.", said Scootaloo.

"If you say so, just don't go using knifes like last night.", said Spike.

Scootaloo punches Spike and Spike blocks the punch, which cause both of them to laugh. Scootaloo knew the knife situation last night was insane but jealousy was out of control within her. Spike in the other hand, was surprised what she done but he still made a joke about it, as soon as Scootaloo told him, he just laughed.

One hour passed by and already some were bored. They either yawned, tried to fall asleep, or paced around the house to find something to do. After much consideration, Rainbow dash and Pinkie grab their bags and head off to the front door.

"Sorry guys, me and Pinkie going to head off.", said Rainbow dash.

"Aww you really have to leave? It was so much fun having you guys here.", said Rarity.

"Me and dashie are kinda bored and we need to help Maud anyway. She's at the caverns and I can't wait to help her!", said a joyous Pinkie Pie.

"Can we come with. No offence but this is getting kinda boring.", said Twilight.

"None taken. I guess watching t.v can get a bit boring.", said Rarity.

Rarity stood up and helped everyone with their bags. After they get their bags, all of them give each other a goodbye hug, everyone except Applejack and Applebloom.

"Come on and hug us silly!", said Pinkie Pie.

"No I'm not. I'm gonna stay a little while and so is Applebloom.", said Applejack, turning red.

"Ohhhhh. Wanna stay with your crush I see.", said Fluttershy with another smug face.

"Fluttershy, shut the hell up.", replied Applejack.

"Okay but I'm just being honest.", said Fluttershy.

They give each other another group hug and all of them leave. Scootaloo give Sweetie Belle a treating stare and Sweetie returns it with a smile. Spike gave out a snicker to the stare so Scootaloo kicked him in the leg, causing the laughter to go away.

"Why the hell do you have to hurt me?", asked Spike.

"Cause I like you man. Your an asshole but like my many friends, your my asshole.", said Scootaloo.

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