Chapter 21

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(The picture is freaking awesome! Thumbs up in comments if you agree. Man I always wanted to say 'Thumbs up in comments' 😂😂😂)

"-and don't you ever bring stuff like that again!" Rarity said to Sweetie in the corner of the room.

"Done with your speech now?" Sweetie said.

Rainbow dash and Applejack were making fun of her.

"I-I-I still can't believe she dropped kicked you! HA HA HA!" Rainbow dash said.

"I a-agree- HA HA HA!"

Applejack could not finish the sentence. Laughter had taken over her body physically and emotionally.

Sweetie shrugged and ignored them. The playboy she had wasn't too bad. Still, it was a little embarrassing for that to happen.

Rainbow dash and Applejack in the other hand were still being asshole's. laughing loud but surprisingly brought no one out of Rarity room.

"Sweetie, do you see what you did wrong?" Rarity asked.

"Oh golly gee yes older sibling. I've learned not to give a flying fuck about anything that comes from you shit mouth." Sweetie said.

Rainbow and Applejack's laughing dies down. Now the both of them give Sweetie a condescending look. Rarity sits down, not offended but a bit annoyed.

"Really? Your not going to care about what you bigger sister says." Applejack said.

"She's my big sister but she's also a bigger asshole. Trying to tell me that playboys are bad, please, I've been through her phone history." Sweetie said.

"Listen sugarcube, it may seem like big sisters are always holding you down and want to keep it that way but truth be told, we just wanna protect y'all." Applejack said.

"Protect my ass! She literally tries to act like the boss-

"Well that what we're suppose to do! We have to act bossy to protect you little sisters." Rainbow dash said, with her smile and laughter gone.

" have a sister?" Sweetie asked.

"Yes I do."

"Well who?", asked Sweetie.

"Really?! I mean it's pretty obvious! Scootaloo!" Rainbow dash said in a cocky tone

"Wait but how-

"Okay quit y'all yabbering. I'm trying to teach a lesson here." Applejack said, using her hands to cover up Sweetie and Rainbow dash mouths.

Applejack slowly remove her hands, she takes a deep breath and begin to talk to Sweetie Belle.

"Now listen here Sweetie. Rarity can be a bit of a ass at times and be annoying, but she's just looking out for ya. I do the same for Applebloom and Rainbow does the same for Scootaloo. We, as big sisters or potentially new mothers, have to watch over the little ones so they won't do anything stupid. Ya understand?" Applejack said.

Sweetie was still annoyed and still didn't understand why Rarity was too protective but Applejack words helped somehow, helped her understand a bit.

If she had a younger sibling, it's only natural to teach and protect them from harm, even if that harm is a stupid magazine.

What Sweetie didn't understand is why Applejack said potential mothers if the conversation is about big and little sisters.

"I kinda get it. I still don't get why a playboy magazine is harmful but I guess it's a big sister thing." Sweetie said.

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