Chapter 31

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(👆you, yes the reader!!! El Lobo is freaking awesome and so are you!😉😉😉. )

"Holy shit! It's finally happening!" Pinkie Pie said jumping up and down.

"I thought the first kiss would happen under the sunset. I guess I was wroooong." Discord said.

"Shut up." Rarity said.
Rarity crossed her arms, her pale skin was gone and red replaced it. Applejack in the other hand, smiled at Rarity.

Applejack was embarrassed too, but something about this made her happy.
Rarity was just plain embarrassed.

"Come on Rarity kiss her already, I thought you said she was cute." Sweetie said, nudging her arm across Rarity arm and winking at her.

"Yeah it's easy, just look at me and Sweetie Belle."

Applebloom hugged Sweetie and pulled her closer. Her romantic eyes were directed to Sweetie's eyes, then slowly, they kiss.

"See, just let the other thoughts go away and focus on the kiss." Applebloom said.

Applebloom made it seem easy but in reality this kiss was just rushed and a bit crazy. First they hated each other, then became friends, and now they going to kiss! A interesting turn of events as you can see!

"If your little sister can do it, why the hell can't you?" Fluttershy asked Rarity with a smug face.

"Why can't you kiss Discord?"
Rarity smiles vaguely and Fluttershy turns her head away from Rarity.

Rarity laughed a bit but the others looked impatient and showed no laughter. Even Discord asshole smile didn't show off.

All of them waited on Rarity and Applejack to kiss, instead, Rarity was stalling, making sure the kiss would be forgotten.

"OK spin the bottle means to kiss someone and your cleary not following that rule." Rainbow dash said.

"Yeah stop wasting time and kiss already! I waited forever for a kiss between y'all and your not going to stop it." Twilight said.

The others nodded in agreement.

"Now hold one a minute. Rarity is just nervous about-"

Applebloom made herself perfectly clear, she and the others wanted that kiss.

Rarity sighs loudly; she looks over Applejack and sees her smile. That smile-Applejack's of course-made Rarity blushed madly. That smile, showing off her glaring white teeth and dark brown lips.

Rarity found herself crawling-yes crawling-towards Applejack. Applejack did the same slowly, her hands placed upon the ground like a dog and Rarity was handing the treat.

Shocked, confused eyes were placed upon the two. The kiss they wanted from the beginning was finally here, from the same people at the right time.

Rarity bit her lip just looking at Applejack smile. Applejack rest her hand over her chest just to feel her heartbeat. Both were distracted by each other and before they knew it, both heads bumped to each other.

They finally met at the middle of the circle. Rarity hand was placed over Applejack hand. The two looked at their hands, feeling heat over the other hand. They slowly face up, eyes met and hearts were beating.

"Damn this is getting good," Discord explained, "good thing I got my popcorn." Discord brought out a bag of popcorn and started eating.

Discord ate his popcorn rapidly as his engagement watching the almost kiss rose. For some reason, he took noticed of Fluttershy. She still seemed embarrassed due to the fact her face was still covered.

Discord lay his popcorn down at the floor. He scoots over to Fluttershy, give out a fake yawn, and rest his arm over Fluttershy shoulder. Fluttershy let her hands down for a moment to face Discord.

"Your a great person Fluttey." Discord said.

Fluttershy smiled and blushed a bit. Discord smiles at her and pulls her in closer. Fluttershy was now found resting her head across Discord chest.

"On with the show." Discord said, winking at the readers. Yeah I know, a 4th wall break!

Rarity hand arises across Applejack face. Her hand placed in the back of Applejack, soft, and strong head. Applejack finds base across Rarity, smooth and silky back.

Both use small force on one another to pull each other in. Slowly...slow and steady.

Faces now inches close and the heat in them were felt by the other. Length fades away slowly and all one can see is Applejack and Rarity noses touch each other.

Rarity breathes heavily, Applejack sweats thought it.

"So we're here now, huh Applejack."

"Yeah Rarity. I got one thing to say though, your one hell of a beautiful gal."

"Feeling mutual. Now come on, I want to get this over with."

"Sure baby."

Applejack and Rarity take in one last breath and pull each other in.
The unexpected, the opposites, the city and country girl, finally touch each other lips.

Applejack scratches her nails deep into Rarity back skin. Rarity squeezes Applejack neck I'm return. Their kiss on the lips shuffled to kisses at the cheeks. Surprisingly, both groan a bit in the process.

After 15 seconds of lip service, they finally release one another from their grasp.

"Huh- t-t-that was interesting." Applejack said, still breathing heavily.

"You've said it." Rarity agreed.

As they stand up, the others stared at amazement and awe. After a moment of silence, laughter broke out.

Rarity and Applejack joined them. All of them laughed and laughed.

"I can't believe that they kissed!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"I'm surprise on how long they kissed. It took forever." Rainbow dash said.

Fluttershy giggled a bit, Discord filled on laugh. Discord scratches Fluttershy head a bit and Fluttershy sets her hand on top of his chest. She gave Discord a flirty stare, which surprisingly, turned him red.

"Your a juvie kid, but your a good juvie kid." Fluttershy said.
Fluttershy picked her head up and gave Discord a small kiss on his cheek.

He turned as red as Applejack and Rarity.

"So, are you guys going to date now?" asked Sunset.

Rarity and Applejack stare at each other, showing rosy cheeks.

"To be honest, you guys are going to wait a bit longer before we date. Honestly, me and her are just friends." Rarity said.

"Hold on Rarity, could I ask you something?"
Applejack bites into her nails and inflamed cheeks were in place.

"What is it Applejack?" Rarity replies.

"I-I wanna ask if y-y-you want to go out this Friday with me and watch a movie."
Applejack words caused the whole room to become silent. Now everyone attention focused on those two.

"Ummm...sure, why not. You sure are persistent though, and a great kisser."
Rarity gave Applejack a kiss on the cheek.

"Does 6 tomorrow work fine with you?" Rarity asked.

"Y-yeah sure." Applejack replied.

"Well that's all folks!"
Discord winks and smiles to the readers. 4th wall breaks this chapter.

So I had to listen to some extreme piano instrumentals from romantic songs to write this chapter. They worked very well and I think this chapter is pretty good.
Alright bye now!!!

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