Chapter 9

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"Wait, you don't know my name?" Rainbow dash asked.

"I'm horrible with names. Besides, what makes you think I'm gonna remember the name of a rainbow haired girl?" Rarity said.

"Someone grumpy this morning." Dash said.

"Yeah I guess I am- Oh no!"

Rarity dropped the bucket of food, making it land in one chaotic pile.

"Need help princess?" Rainbow dash asked.

"Oh no I got this myself- Why of course I need help!"

Rainbow dash kicked the bucket of food upfront of her. Rarity grunted and punched the ground.

"What the hell was that for?!"

"It's easier to feed the pigs like that." Rainbow dash said.

Rarity grunted again and threw her bucket to the ground. The pigs did eat the food on the ground but Rarity was disgusted.

"I only came because Pinkie is coming around here later and I'm too tired to work now." Rainbow dash said while laying on top of a hay bush.

"Oh really? That Pinkie character was pretty welcoming. She is hyper one though." Rarity said, laying on the same hay bush.

"Love that girl like there's no tomorrow. Don't forget that." Rainbow dash pointed at Rarity.


Rainbow dash and Rarity stared at the morning sky for 20 minutes.

"-and thats how I saved that horse." Rainbow said.

"Interesting story there."

Both of them kept laying there like lazy kids on a relaxing day.

"So how is canterlot like anyway?" Rainbow asked.

"Good I guess. It can be dull at times but the shopping is out of this world!"

"Great. Princess is talking about royal life." Rainbow said.

Rarity punched Rainbow's arm. Rainbow punches back but Rarity blocks it. Rainbow dash then falls to the ground.

"Ha ha ha ha. Oh dear that was uncalled for." Rarity said

Rainbow dash then pulls her to the ground.

Rainbow dash makes a small fist and gives Rarity a small noogie. Rarity grabs her arm and pulls her in her arms.

Both laugh as they roll around the ground.

Both of them keep rolling until Rarity is on top of her.

"My gosh your a fun character are you." Rarity said.

"And your a prissy princess.", Rainbow dash said.

Rainbow dash grabs Rarity tighter and both roll together again until they bump into something.

Rainbow dash looks up to see Pinkie pie right in front of them. Rainbow dash let's go of Rarity quickly and stands up. Pinkie give both girls a serious stare.

"Rainbow dash, WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOU GUYS WERE HAVING FUN!" Pinkie Pie said as she pulls Rainbow dash and Rarity to the ground.

All three were in a small huddle, rolling around and around. After another 5 minutes, the three of them sit up.

"My dear that was fun. I don't remember doing something like that in ages." Rarity said fixing her hair.

"I do this all the time. Especially with my dashie."

Pinkie puts her hand at the back of Rainbow dash head. Both slowly move close together and lock for a kiss. Rarity smiles at the couple.

"You guys are truly the perfect couple." Rarity said.

Pinkie let goes of Rainbow dash and says, "Yeah. We get that a lot."

"Yep, me and her are forever, regardless what happens." Rainbow said as she stares at Pinkie.

Both share another kiss and Rarity looks at the both of them. They did look like they truly loved each other. Love. Rarity wasn't sure what that truly meant, she went out with people before but she never found that one.
Rarity thinking this, smiles a bit more to the couple.

"Well love is powerful, you guys forgot me already. I think I'm done feeding the pigs today, so what's next on the to-do list." asked Rarity.

Rainbow dash let go of Pinkie and replies with,

"Huh. Oh yeah, I don't know. Just rest a bit then or you can come with me and the girls later."

Rarity replies.

"Go with you guys. I think I can make it. Where are we going to exactly."

"Well me and Rainbow are planning on going to Sugarcube corner, a bakery I work at, and just hang out with our friends."

Rarity was flattered by their invite. She had friends she hanged out with but they were either rich or handpicked by her parents. She was intrigued to say no but nod to the couple instead.

"Well then, she you in a few." said Rainbow dash.

Pinkie and Rainbow get up from the ground and start walking to a pathway.

"Hey Rarity, you should come with us now then. Nothing better to do." Rainbow said.

"Wouldn't Applejack get mad?"

"Nah. Forget that bitch.'

Rarity smiles and runs straight to the couple. All of them put their arms around their shoulders.

"So I'm the third wheel."

"Your one of them. The main one is Applejack though, although I doubt you and her will be third wheel best friends." said Pinkie pie.

Rarity gives her a small noogie and all three walk through the pathway.

"Where are we going exactly?" asked Rarity.

"To the horse stables. My sister Scootaloo needs help." said Rainbow dash.

"So we feeding horses?" asked Rarity.

"Nope. We trying to create true love." Rainbow dash said.

(True love?!!! Who is she in love with? And does this affect Sweetie? Find out next time in Unexpected Hearts.)

P.s not a dbz reference. I forgot where I originally heard this.😃😃😃

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