Chapter 2

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(If your wondering why I put a pinkie pie picture, it's because she's here in this chapter)

Rarity and Sweetie Belle walk up to the front of Tea Spoon door. Rarity makes a small fist and slowly lifts her hand. She takes her time but an impatient Sweetie Belle is annoyed by her sweating sister.

"You know what, let me knock."  Sweetie Belle said. Sweetie make a more tighted fist and knock as hard as she can.

Rarity steps back from the raging Sweetie Belle, until the door open wide.

"Strange, everything looks so dark." Rarity said.

Rarity grabbed her suitcase and Sweetie Belle's hand and both went in slowly inside the house. Both are on high alert as they walk inside until.....


Both sisters jumped in the air after hearing that loud surprise. All the lights were completely on, brighting up a whole ensemble of faces and parts of the house.

"Well that was very unexpected." Rarity laughed at the surprise.

Everyone around them walked up to both sisters and greated them by many handshakes and many hugs. Drinks were passed around and great foods was passed too. Rarity did find it weird that most of the foods were apple related.

Rarity and Sweetie Belle were curious why these many strangers were at Tea Spoon's house when their aunt was nowhere in sight. Rarity rarely talked to anyone during the party and Sweetie Belle was really shy so no conversations were made.

"Rarity, this is fun and all but I don't see Tea Spoon anywhere. We got ask one of these people."

Rarity nods at what Sweetie had said. Rarity tells Sweetie to stay close to her while Rarity ask the people here about Tea Spoon whereabouts.

The first person Rarity asked was a strange girl. She seemed to be very hyper during the party.

Rarity tapped on her shoulder. "Excuse me, do you know where our auntie is?"

The girl stare at the two for awhile and brings out a huge smile.

"Hiya guys. Oh my gosh Tea Spoon was right, you guys are lookalikes, and those dresses, they look so awesome!" said the over active girl.

Rarity smiles awkwardly at the girl and questions her style of clothing in thought. She wondered why she had balloons themed clothes on her and why she had a hyperactive personality. Rarity then decided to ask her for her name.

"You seem the most excited one out if to bunch. What is your name?"

"My name? Well that's easy, it's Pinkiamena Diane Pie, but my friends call me Pinkie Pie."

Rarity replies with, "Well nice to meet you Pinkie Pie. Me and my sister wanted to ask you if you knew where Tea Spoon is."

"Tea Spoon. Yeah...can't say. She planned a bigger surprise for you and your sister. Wanna hint: she's upstairs."

Pinkie then covered her mouth, realizing she gave out the surprised. She ran quickly upstairs yelling out "I soiled it".

Rarity and Sweetie grab their suitcases once more and headed off upstairs. The second floor of the house was the darker part of the house. Rarity walked up first, everyone downstairs stopped to look at Rarity and waited for the surprise.

"Tea Spoon really outdid herself this time. Leaving everything dark just to surprise us." said Rarity.

When Rarity made it up, she signaled Sweetie to come as well. As Sweetie walks up, Rarity notices a moving figure, what she doesn't realize is that the figure is closing in on her. Rarity walks forward then, BOOM, Rarity is then collided with someone else and both fumble in the house.

Sweetie moves out of the way, only to see Rarity and a girl with a cowboy hat. The girl had a huge cake with her but most of that cake landed on Rarity and the girl. "Rarity, are you okay." , said Sweetie Belle

Rarity rubs her eyes, only to see the cowboy hat girl right in front of her.

The cowgirl rubbed her eyes too then stood up and put out her hand to Rarity.

"Sorry 'bout that missy, didn't mean to cause that ruckus with ya.", said the Cowgirl.

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