Chapter 51

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The room stood in silence. A cold breeze from the A.C whistled through their bodies making them shiver.  Sunset eyes grew more and more enraged for each glance she took at Applejack.  The two kept battling off one another without anything to stop them.

"Whaddya mean about kissing Rarity?" Applejack hands were quivering.

"You already know what I mean." Sunset replied.

Applejack started towards Sunset with a nasty growl and tightened fist. Rarity goes in and pushes Applejack away, knocking her back to the right arm of the couch.  

"What the hell!" said Applejack.  "I was ready to--"

Applejack words were disrupted by Rarity's pale lips.  Rarity held a tight grasp around Applejack's body and kept on latching lips with her.  Applejack, liking the kiss, still wanted to be free of Rarity's tight grasp. Applejack squirmed and shook her whole body, trying to break free of Rarity--that only made the hug even more tighter.

"Stop--" Applejack voice was reduced to muffling.

Applejack felt the force upon her body increase in a drastic pace.  Rarity opened her eyes to stare down at Applejack; she pushed her to the couch again, leaving Applejack standing.

"Wanna tell me what tha' was bout'." Applejack said.

"To stop you from killing Sunset, what else do you think idiot." Rarity said

Through that, Sunset, Pinkie, and Sweetie stood in the heated room and saw what was unveiling.  Sunset, however, was sweating more than the people around her.  Sunset remembered her kiss with Rarity a while back and how it caused problems with her and Rarity.  And she remembered the last kiss she had with her--the kiss she had after Rarity and Applejack went out.

"Oh no." Sunset whispered.

Rarity and Applejack were still having the face down of the century and none of them wanted to back down.  Applejack kept eyeing on Sunset whereas Rarity was in her path.

"Move out of the way, Rarity." said Applejack. 

"Can't let you do that Applejack.  I won't lie to you, I did kiss Sunset-- but that only happened before we went out.  You can't be mad at that, can you." Rarity lied.

Applejack dark and irritated look on her face didn't disappear.  In fact, that look only she looked darker.  Applejack walked forward to Sunset direction; Rarity took a few steps towards Applejack too.  Now a dark and furious look appeared on Rarity's face.  The stare-down only heated the cold living room and brought nervousness to those around them.

In a moment of adeptness, Applejack shoes burned rubber on the floor and broke through Rarity's defense; Rarity leaped out of the way.  With Applejack back turned, Rarity grabbed her by the shirt and threw her whole body to the wall, slamming it whole.

"FUCK!" Applejack yelled.

Applejack back was in excruciating pain; her face turned red and she was urging herself not to scream. Rarity took a few steps forward and but kept her distance from Applejack.

"You can talk it out you know. Relying on your feelings will only damage what sense you have left." Rarity said.

Applejack took one step forward but stumbled to the ground. She got on her knees and tried to stand up again--yet, her efforts were pathetic.

"Goddammit Rarity!--

With the little strength she had left, Applejack stood up with her legs still trembling from the shock of the slam.

"You know who I am! We've dated for a short time but yer' the only one here who really knows me. I told ya'  about my problems so please, let me deal with her." said Applejack, pointing at Sunset.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2018 ⏰

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