Chapter 20

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Applejack and Rarity returned upstairs to see everyone pepping out of the door. Both shake their heads at the nervous girls (plus Spike), but no one seemed more realived than Pinkie.

"You guys survived?! Did you defeat the burglar? Where's Dashie, has she been kidnapped?! Don't worry I'll-" Sunset stuffed a cookie into Pinkie mouth.

"Sorry. She got us all worried that someone was here to do some bad stuff." Sunset said.

"You got nervous over Pinke tall tales. Never expected that from the famed Sunset." Applejack said.

"What can I say? She's a bitc- oh hey Fluttershy!"  Sunset said, waving at Fluttershy.

Fluttershy shyly wave back to Sunset, trying to hide her disappointed feelings. For some reason, Sunset knew Fluttershy was acting strange. Sunset walked up to her and gave her a hug.

"Let me guess. Discord." Sunset said..

"You know me so well." Fluttershy held in a few tears.

Everyone from the room and the hallway went and hugged Fluttershy. Her feelings were broken into small pieces and everyone could picked them up.

Now Rarity hugged too but she had no idea who Fluttershy really is and the person she liked. Regardless, Rarity decided to talk to the devastated girl and bring some sense into her.

Rarity and everyone else releases Fluttershy, allowing Rarity to freely talk to her.

"So this Discord fellow, really pulled your heartstrings, huh." Rarity said, who acted a lot more awkward than usual.

She doesn't know her too well so her social skills with Fluttershy was novice.

"Y-y-yeah. He's a special one I'll tell you that, but he's so goddamn dumb when it comes to feelings. I only wish h-h-he could just tell me how he's feeling." Fluttershy said, with more tears now exiting her eyes.

Rarity facedpalm herself. She'd only made a easy situation bad and made Fluttershy cry.

Everyone led Fluttershy to Raritys' room, where they attempted to comfort her. Walking there, Pinke pie shook her head to Rartiy.

"Crap, why do I do this shit." Rarity said.

"Cause your Rarity." Sweetie said, with her door wide opened revealing herself.

"Sweetie! Your awake?" Rarity said.

"No crap dipshit." Sweetie had her arms folded.

"I was hoping you'd keep your asshole personality for the night, due to some surprising circumstances." Rarity said.

"Eh. Applejack made me feel better so I give zero F's right now." Sweetie said.

"Oh that's great." Rarity said.

"Wanna crash here tonight?" Sweetie asked, referring to her room.

"I'll be delighted." Rarity said.

Sweetie opened her arms presented her room like it was a great beauty. Rarity walked in her room, slowly, and Sweetie pushes Rarity.

Rarity loved the sight of Sweetie room. From their home to their vacation room, Sweetie had always brought something that made a room of hers' cool.

Sweetie brought out a speaker and her phone. Rarity sat down on her bed and waited to hear what music Sweetie was going to play. A loud 'ba ba, ba ba' was heard at first, then, lyrics of the song came along.

Oh, well imagine
As I'm pacing the pews through the church corridor
And I can't help but to hear,
No I can't help but to hear an exchanging of words.

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