Chapter 8

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"Why Tea Spoon. Why this?!" Rarity yelled. She grabbed onto Tea Spoons shoulders and started to shake her.

Tea Spoon slaps her lightly. Rarity shook her head and yelled again.

"Why do I need to work with 'gulp' her." Rarity said pointing at Applejack.

"Same here. Why do I need to work with this brat." Applejack said.

Tea Spoon and Granny laughed at Rarity and Applejack. Both of them turned red and looked in different directions.

Sweetie Belle and Applebloom stood there quietly. Sweetie turned red whenever Applebloom smiled at her.

"Why her." Sweetie mumbled

Tea Spoon and Granny let out a huge sigh.

"This dang kids these days." Granny said.

"Preach it sister." Tea Spoon replied.

Rarity and Applejack kept on looking away from each other.

Tea Spoon broke the ice.

"Why don't you guys work right now and maybe we won't come back."

Rarity nodded her head and let out a sigh. Applejack chuckled.

"Hope you burn in work Rarity." Applejack said.

"Huh, so a hillbilly can speak english." Rarity replied

Applejack grunted.

"Oh stop now Applejack. That incident is in the past now, just forgive and forget pumpkin. You can get back at her by making her do a lot more work." Granny said.

Applejack raises a eyebrow and nods to Granny.

Applejack then walks to Rarity and lends her hand out. Rarity lends her out very slowly, Applejack grabs the hand and give her a hug.

"Aww, they got along." Applebloom said.

"Applebloom, they far from getting along."Tea Spoon said.

Applejack gives her a tight hug. Rarity face turned a bit purple.

"What problem we had before is behind us, unless you cause anymore, then I get to beat your ass city girl."

Rarity nods slowly and returns a tighter hug to Applejack. Rarity then gives the girl a devious smirk.

"You scare me but I'm a millionaire's daughter bitch. Touch me and things happens and I'll make sure of that." Rarity whispered in Applejack ear.

"Bring it on." Applejack said.

Applejack laughs.

"Your a special one." Applejack said.

"I was born special."

The two gave up the hug. They give devious smiles to one another.

"Now we both know you guys ain't get along that quickly, work together and make up." Granny said.

"Don't worry granny. Me and Rarity will get the work done." Applejack said.

Granny Smith nods and walks away with Tea Spoon to the house.

"They ain't going to get along, are they?" Tea Spoon said.

"Not in a thousands years." Granny Smith said.

Granny stops walking for a second and points her cane towards Apple Bloom direction.

"Apple Bloom! Go work with that Sweetie character. Get Scootaloo too." said Granny.

Apple Bloom replies with, "Sure thing Granny."

Sweetie turned red like Apple Bloom hair. Working with her seemed like a dream come true. A nervous dream that is.

Rarity sees the nervous Sweetie Belle and blows her a kiss

Applejack grabs Rarity arm and says, "No time for messin' around. We got some serious mess to take of and you'll do most of it."

Rarity, with no resistance, walks away with Applejack to a close by pigs den.

"I guess your day is going to be crappy. Ha, made a joke."said Applejack.

Sweetie waves goodbye to them and looks straight at Apple Bloom. Sweetie heart was beating rapidly. She was going to spend most of the day with her and felt very nervous and giddy at the same time.

Apple Bloom, now close to Sweetie, gives her a small hug. Sweetie doesn't return the hug, instead she leaves her arms down and stares into the sky, eyes wide open.

Apple Bloom then release Sweetie from the hug and gives her a small kiss to the cheek.

"Howdy there Sweetie Belle, I'm Apple Bloom. I'm just so excited I get a new friend. Man Scootaloo is gonna love this and-"
Sweetie spaced out from Apple Bloom words.

'She gave me a kiss, a actually kiss and it was a hi kind of kiss, not a I love you kind of kiss.' Sweetie thought.

-oh I almost forgot! I have to feed the horses. Wanna help out."

Sweetie finally heard Apple Bloom talking and replies with, "Huh. Oh yeah I love horses, I can't wait to help out."

Apple Bloom smiles and brings out her phone. She goes to her contact list and calls a person by the name 'Scootaloo'.

"Hey Scootie. Imma go to the horses, you done with feeding the chickens? You are, okay meet me up at the stables. Alright see ya there."

"So we going to see the horses now"? asked Sweetie.

"Yep. Come on Sweetie, we got to feed em' horses." said Applebloom.

Applebloom grabbed Sweetie hand and both ran to the stables. Sweetie blushed when Applebloom grabbed her hand and smiled as well.

'Summer love here I come.' Sweetie thought.

"No, no, your supposed to pick up the bucket and use it to hold pick up the food. Not use it for water!." Applejack said

"Well isn't a bucket made for carrying water! ISN'T IT!" yelled Rarity.

Applejack face palm and breathed heavily in frustration. Working with Rarity was more a pain in the ass than Applejack had originally thought. Applejack then checked her watch.

"10 am! Sweet Celestia we've been doing this for 2 hours! I need to plow the fields."

"Why don't you plow that face of yours. Rarity mumbled.

Applejack kicked her. Rarity threw some food at her.

"Dammit Rarity! I thought you'd be a easy one." Applejack said.

"Easy one what?" Rarity replied.

Applejack shook head and sighed.

"Your literally the worst person in existence. Imma go plow the fields now." Applejack said.

"Well who's gonna watch over me." Rarity said.

Applejack dropped the bucket and took out her phone. She calls different numbers from the list. Only 1 number was available.

Applejack then gets her stuff ready and runs off to the fields. Rarity yells at her.

"Wait. Who's suppose to help me?!" said Rarity.

"A buddy of mines. Don't worry, she's not as bad as me." Applejack ran to her destination as fast as she could.

Rarity stood up and threw the bucket to the ground. The pigs squealed and she squealed too.

"These disgusting creatures! I swear I'm going to leave here the next-"

Rarity is interrupted. Someone with rainbow hair walks forward. The person then meet face to face to her.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Applejack time bomb, Rarity." said Rainbow Dash.

Rarity replies with, "Well, well, well. If it isn'"

(The picture is kinda random but this chapter does speak more about the Sweetie Bloom arc than the actual main ship.😃😊😊😃)

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