Chapter 14

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Sweetie knocks at Tea Spoon front door. No one opened the door. Sweetie, now fustrated, punches the door and sighed in annoyance.

"You seem very pissed, is there something bothering you?" Rarity asked.

"Bothering me. BOTHERING ME! You literally knew that the house was here and your ass decides to not tell me!"

"Well I am an asshole." Rarity said in a sarcastic tone.

Sweetie clinches her fist and screams in the inside. She raise her fist up, and throws another punch to the door.

The punch could have landed but, the door open, leaving Sweetie to unbalance herself and to fall inside.

"Ha! Now who's the dumbass now. Okay time-"

Rarity stops at the middle of her sentence.

The door opened but it wasn't Tea Spoon who opened it. Sweetie notices this too. Both stare cautiously at her.

"Who the hell are you, and where is Tea Spoon?" Sweetie asked

"Wow. Your name is Sweetie but I don't see a lot of sweet in you."

"Shut up bacon hair. I'm pissed enough already and I see a complete stranger in Tea Spoon house." Sweetie said in rage.

"Bacon hair, really? Also, me, a stranger, Sweetie I've been watching over Tea Spoon house for some time now, has she ever mention me?" asked the girl.

Sweetie doesn't reply back. Instead she pushes the girl aside from the door and stomps inside the house.
Rarity smiles awkwardly to the girl.

"Sweetie can be a little rude to people.
Although this time her feelings are much more understandable." Rarity said.

She stared off with the girl.

"A little? ." The red head said

Surprisingly, Rarity nods. Rarity walks inside the house and goes straight upstairs. Sweetie slams her room door.

Rarity shakes her head and opens her room door. Rarity expects nothing, until she sees a bunch of leather jackets, jeans, and boots that don't belong to her.

"Damn girl! Doesn't she know a private room when she sees one."

Rarity turned around, only to see the red head once more.

"Sorry about leaving my clothes here, I needed to do yeah." said the girl.

"As long as you get your drabby clothes out of here." Rarity said.

The girl laughs. She then goes inside her room and get her leather jacket. She puts it on and stands in front of the mirror, to only spin around like a fashion model.

"Fashion sense need improvement, please, I look good!"

"I say you do look rather dashing in that jacket, but then again I am the fashionista and can help you redo the jacket, but first, what is your name?"

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, its Sunset. Sunset Shimmer." said Sunset.

"Well Sunset, want to work on your jacket?" Rarity asked.

"Sure, why not. Go nothing better to do." replied Sunset.

Rarity opened her drawer and took out sewing and other fashion tools.. Rarity brought out glitter, star stitches to stick on, and the tools needed to make it all happen.

"Alright take off your jacket Sunset, let's work on this one now!"

Rarity and Sunset spent an entire 30 minutes working on her leather jacket. Many new symbols were put in, like dragons, motorcycles, and weirdly many pony related symbols too. Also, the jacket became smaller but a lot more comfortable when Sunset wore it.

"Wow, this is really well done." Sunset sais

"Of course it is! It was improved by me after all." replied Rarity.

"Wow, you sounded like Rainbow dash. You probably don't know who that it." said Sunset.

"Oh no, I do. In fact her and Pinkie were very nice to me, even when I had that incident with Applejack- although she did deserve to get mad at."

"Well, there's a bunch of new friends where that came from. And you'be just made a new friend." said Sunset.

"Is it you." replied Rarity.


The two girls rambled on for a long time. They talked about simple things like dreams, goals, school, and so on. Sweetie, on the other hand, hears them talking over her nap and often yelled out 'SHUT UP' during their duration together.

"-but that's not the worst of it." said Sunset.


"Yep. So I literally printed out my name in the thousands and put them in the ballot box. And I won that election, until Twilight recounted the votes and realize there was more paper with my name than people in the school." said Sunset.

"And I presume she told on you and you didn't became class president." said Rarity.

"Not just that, I was put in detention for a month and had to help the janitor clean the school. I swear the girls bathroom is way more dirtier than the boys."said Sunset.

Rarity laughs and Sunset does the same. Rarity liked how easy going Sunset was. Not too much ego like Rainbow, not too much of hyper Pinkie. In fact, she was plain cool and Rarity liked that, a lot.

"You know, we've only met from a few moments ago and I feel like I've known you my whole life." said Sunset.

"I guess I can say the same. Being honest, I thinked I've seen you before." said Sunset.

"Really. Was it at the party, or the family reunion at Las Pegasus." said Rarity.

"No. Here."

Sunset puts her hand behind Rarity head, and gently crosses her fingers through her hair. Rarity blushes and gets major goosebumps. She doesn't hesitate but instead wants to see what this was going. Sunset pulls in Rarity head and both lock lips.

Sweetie walks out of her room and opens Rarity door to her room.

"Finally! You guys keep it-"

Sweetie sees her kissing sister. She drops the pillow in her hand and immediately is caught in a paralyzing state. Rarity looks at her surprised, Sunset unlocks lips and the first thing she notice was seeing a surprise looking Sweetie.

"Umm....hy there." said Sunset, slowly waving at Sweetie.

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