Chapter 48

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"May I ask why you assume that?" Sunset asked.

Rarity and Applejack give a quick stare down to each other.  Sunset looked as confused and nervous as them.

"We could just ask Sweetie what happened.   We could talk to your sister to if we can." Sunset suggested.

"We could do that, but Sweetie didn't want talk to us about it." Rarity said.

"But it wouldn't hurt to do it again.  We could create more damage than fixing it if we go in blindly." Sunset noted.

Applejack gave her girlfriend one more glance before getting up from the table, push her chair in, and slammed her hand across the table.

"Lets do this thing!" Applejack exclaimed.

"You don't need to be so extra about it." Sunset mumbled, annoyed by Applejack.

The three of them got up from the table and wandered off to the stairs.  They rush their way through the stairs, thinking about every scenario Sweetie that might've happened. After a few more steps, they finally make it to Sweetie's front door. Rarity knocked first but Sweetie didn't answer.

"Go away." Sweetie said.  She sounded muffled when saying that. 

"We just want to talk to you Sweetie.  Please tell us what happened." A soft tone in Rarity's voice came out.

No door knobs were being turned.  Sweetie laid in bed, ignoring every little thing around her. Applejack however, was getting mighty impatient.

"Open up the damn door already!" Applejack banged on the door and demanded Sweetie to get out.

Sweetie, startled, rolled out the bed and brought her blankets down with her.  The banging got her to be fully awake.  Rarity and Sunset didn't look impressed by Applejack anger. To be honest, they were terrified by her. 

"You should calm down a bit Applejack." Sunset suggested.

Applejack banging dies down.  She puts her on the door knob and sighs.

"I'm a bit tense about Applebloom, ya know. I feel bad for her and I really want to get to the bottom of this." Applejack said.

Rarity was tempted to say something in response.  Applejack couldn't just care about Applebloom in this situation.  She had to care about Sweetie, right?  Rarity wasn't going to make a big deal out of this but some concern was instilled in her head.

The door know was twisting and turning.  Applejack moved back, waiting for Sweetie appearance.  Sweetie opened the door and revealed her crying self.

"Wanna help me out now." .

Rarity got on her knees and gave Sweetie a huge hug.  Now the three of them knew for certain something bad happened.  With that in mind, solving this was going to be a lot more easier.  

"Sweetie, how did this happen?" Applejack asked.

Sweetie turned her head around to face the door.  Applejack asked one more time if she knew anything but Sweetie stayed silent.  This couldn't be let out, especially to these girls.  

"I really want to, but I can't.  It might cause problems with the people you hang out with." Sweetie said.

The three of them looked a bit hurt and confused from what Sweetie said.  Applejack, however, looked like she had a clue of what was going on.

"It was something with Scootaloo." 

Sweetie eyes widen when she heard that name.  She quietly gulped and gaze to the ground.  Applejack lifted up her head, now looking like she found the answer.  Sunset and Rarity gave the same look to Sweetie as well.  Sweetie saw that they were realizing something.  She anchors herself to her room but the others follow.

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