Chapter 39

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Last chapter wasn't as good as I thought. This chapter however, might be a little better...

The car ride to Discord's party was a fun one at most. Rarity and Applejack played with each other by tugging each other dresses. Sweetie Belle and Applebloom showed videos to each other. Sunset was the mega third wheel.

"So explain why this person said a country was his city?" Applebloom asks.

Sweetie says, "Well Applebloom, Engl-"
Rarity thrust her hand over Sweetie mouth.

"Do not say those words. It's so overused now." Rarity said.

Applejack gets a hold of the back of Rarity dress. She hauls Rarity head to her chest.

"They feel soft." Rarity said.

"Oh shut up."
Applejack give a small peck on Rarity forehead.

Sunset kept on eating her bag of cheerios and being third wheel. She stayed quiet for most of the car ride, mainly due to the fact that everyone else was with their "lover". Hopefully this would all change because tonight Adagio was going to be there and Sunset was determine to get her.

"So guys, what do you think gonna happen at the party?" Sunset asks.

"Probably drunk people doing dumb shit or moaning sessions in the rooms.", Sweetie explained, "I'm looking at y'all two." Sweetie pointed at her sister.

"Why us?" Rarity asks.

"I know how freaky you get Rarity. You go in a party then BOOM! You already jumping in bed." Sweetie said.

Rarity hid under phone. Applejack growled, loudly. Sweetie shrugs and Applebloom laughs. Rarity history with parties have been, "interesting" but surely the rest of that will come later.

After a good 5 minute's, Big Mac made it to Discord house and boy were they surprise. Everything they imagine came true, only 10X less crazy than they thought. Beer bottle shards spread around the front yard, a few recently use cigarette butts splattered across the street. And usage of firecrackers was visible.

For a small one story home, a lot can happen. Everyone stomachs were a bit unsettling. Seeing all of this at a birthday party seem a little to crazy, although there wasn't as much people as they expected.

"Let's go already. Maybe it won't be that bad." Rarity said.

"Right. Anyway, I heard Twilight, Starlight and the whole bunch of them came. We won't be totally alone." Applebloom said.

Big Mac turned off the engine. All the doors begin to unlock and hands reached the small handles. They slowly pull it. They make it out the car.

"Alright y'all, let's have fun!"

Applejack jump made the situation a whole lot better. The real test however, was inside.

The door was wide open and some people walk in or out constantly. Some even made out on the porch.
Rarity, Applejack, even Sunset look uncomfortable. The party may have been smaller but it still impacted the whole bunch of them.

As they make it inside, smoke covered at least a good portion of the house. What surprise them more was the smoker.

"Hey cough, cough, glad you could make it." Trixie said with a large cigarette like figure in her hand.

"What the hell Trixie! Is that what I think it is." Applejack yelled.

Trixie examined the late butt, "This old thing. Nooo. It's just a Cuban cigar Discord pick up. Want one?" Trixie held out a cigar for Applejack.

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