Chapter 47

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"Fluttershy! Hear me out!" Discord yelled as Fluttershy was stomping out of his room.

"Hear what Discord! Tell me already."

Discord mumbled under his breath and looked guiltier than ever. His "fun" time with Fluttershy turned sour with no warning. The both woke up next to each other in the same bed and Fluttershy went on a rampage.

"I'm sorry for whatever is bothering you but you shouldn't get mad at me for it." Discord yelled. He slammed his bedroom door behind him.

Fluttershy grunts came in with heavy breathing and a red face. Fluttershy walked away from Discord and Discord followed. He kept on arguing with her as they walked.

"Goddammit Fluttershy why are you angry? You told me that you wanted to have fun with me and your angry at me? Bull-crap Fluttershy! Bull!"

Fluttershy kept on walking as Discord kept on following her. The two of them make it to the front door, where Discord could finally confront Fluttershy.

Fluttershy tried to get out but Discord slammed his door before she could leave.

"Don't leave." Discord growled.

Fluttershy turned her head away from Discord direction. Discord stomped his foot and punch the wall next to him.

"Leave me alone Discord!"

"I'll let you leave if you tell me."

"Tell you what?!"

"Why are you angry at me right now! You just saw me and screamed like I was a monster. What's wrong with you!"

Fluttershy guilty look came across her face. She rubbed her whole arm and kept her head hanging down.

"I'm angry at myself Discord." Fluttershy said quietly.

"At yourself? I get that but you don't need to go all bat-shit crazy on me about it." Discord yelled.

"I wasn't that crazy."

"You threw my damn phone and broke the whole thing and called me a fucktard! I think you were a bit crazy."

Fluttershy catches a glimpse of Discord rapid anger. She couldn't say anything else right now. Anything could made Discord yell at her again. Instead, Fluttershy opens the door with caution. Discord tries to stop her but Fluttershy gave out the meanest of glares.

"I'm going." Fluttershy said in a disappointing tone.

Discord grabs her hand and pulled her back inside. He then kisses her with no warning. He wanted to show Fluttershy he cared for her dearly. He really did like her and so did Fluttershy. Still, what they did together made Fluttershy all the more mad. She pushes him away, sending him to the ground.

"Stop," Fluttershy sheds a small tear, "Goodbye Discord." Fluttershy said.

She opens the door and slams it. Discord catches one more desperate glimpse of her before she went off. He still didn't understand why Fluttershy was mad. All he knew that she was just mad in general.

Discord was feeling angry and confused. What happened last night was magical to him. He loved her before doing that and made the experience a lot more memorable. He couldn't get himself to think the reasons why she was mad though. He just laid on the floor, recollecting everything that happened whilst staring at the ceiling.

"Damn writer." Discord mumbled to himself.

Luna (his mom) wasn't at home so he had no one to consult this problem to. All he had was his thoughts and a ceiling.

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