Chapter 23

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(Adagio and Sunset shippers set forth!!!!!! Also the chapter starts at 8 a.m.)

"Good morning sister.", Rarity had said to Sweetie.

Sweetie ignored Rarity by groaning and putting her head over the pillow. Rarity smirked at Sweetie actions but she wasn't going to let her go that easily.

Rainbow dash came back to the room from the kitchen, only to have whip cream in her hand.

"You sure about this, your sister isn't exactly the nice one?" asked Rainbow dash. Rainbow loved a good prank and all but messing with Sweetie Belle like that made her feel a bit uncomfortable.

"Why of course! Quick, hand it to me!", Rarity said, grabbing the bottle with no hesistation.

Rarity giggled and so does Rainbow dash, both do this quietly so the others still asleep won't awake. Rarity slowly pulled out her phone with one hand and put whip cream in the other.

She goes straight to YouTube and looks up one of Sweetie favorite bands, Fall Out Boy, and the song she chose was called "I don't care".

Rarity raises the volume first, then plays the song. Sweetie creates a pondering face, it takes time but she then realizes the song is one of her favorites. She immediately whips her head up straight and starts singing.

"Say my-"

Sweetie words are totally cut off when a handful of whip cream lands on her face. Sweetie doesn't give out words but Rarity and Rainbow certainly had laughter to give. Sweetie wipes off the cream from her face and screams in annoyance in the process.

The scream caused Rainbow dash and Rarity to laugh more but wakes up Pinkie and Applejack. Applejack says 'Huh' looking around and confused of what was going on, Pinkie jumped (literally jumped) from her sleeping bag and started asking questions.

"What going on?! Why did Sweetie scream?! And why is whip cream all over her face?!"

"HA HA HA HA! Should of seen it Pinkie. W-w-we decided to prank on Sweetie a-a-and- HA HA HA!", Rainbow dash couldn't finish her sentence.

All Pinkie and Applejack heard was excessive laughter from the two girls and distraught grunts from Sweetie.

Applejack, now aware of the situation, step in and talked to them.

"Now why the hell would you prank your own sister! You've seen her when she's angry.", said Applejack.

"To teach her from sneaking out at night without me permission.", said Rarity.

Sweetie grunted. Her face meets up with Rarity face and everyone else in the room.

"Sweetie, you shouldn't just walk around alone in the middle of the night. Who knows what'll happen.", said Rarity.

"I have to agree with your sister on this one. I wouldn't even let Applebloom cross the street without her telling me.", said Applejack.

"Come on lay off the girl, she probably wanted some food or something.", said Rainbow dash.

"Yeah, I mean who's crazy enough to hurt her.", said Pinkie.

Sweetie turns her face around from their arguing. The Scootaloo incident kinda proved Rarity point, something dangerous did happened to her but it was nothing that she couldn't handle. Scootaloo was basically a crazed fan in her eyes and gave little threat to her.

"You know I would be calling you a cunt about now but because of Applejack words, Imma let this one go....for now.", said Sweetie.

Instead of serious faces, everyone in the room gave out many laughs, which was super loud.  They didn't restrict themselves from stopping and kept on going until someone yelled over Rarity room.

"Shut the hell up we are trying to sleep!", yelled out Fluttershy.

"Damn for a shy girl she can sure yell loud.", said Rainbow dash.

They laugh for a bit more, louder even, which caused more yelling from the other room. The friends mocked the yelling and with surprise, the girls from Rarity room started to mock them.

"Shut the hell up!", Applejack said mocking Twilight voice.

"Only if y'all city folk get quiet.", Twilight said mocked Applejack.

Then out of nowhere, both doors from both rooms open wide open with great force, only to reveal a cranky looking Tea Spoon.


And everyone did leave. They all ran downstairs quickly while avoiding eye contact with Tea Spoon. Tea Spoon in the other hand, grabbed both Sweetie and Rarity arm while everyone left downstairs.

Tea Spoon then hug both of them and gave both of them a kiss to the cheek.

"I'm happy y'all had a great time last night. Hopefully nights like that happen with your new friends.", said Tea Spoon.

Rarity and Sweetie knew the drama was something they didn't want to happen again. Other than that, the night was fun overall. Rarity and Sweetie gave Tea Spoon another hug and head off downstairs. Everyone was sitting on the couch or by the couch in the living room, with the T.V on.

"Come on, vote her out the island already!", exclaimed Pinkie Pie.

"Pinkie you do know this season been out for ten years and you've rewatch it over 5 times.", said Twilight.

"Yeah I know but seeing Heather kicked off like that is super awesome.", replied Pinkie Pie.

"Speaking of kicked off, Applebloom is there something you wanna say.", Sunset said, glancing over Sweetie Belle.

"How does kicked off have any relevance of saying sorry?", asked Fluttershy, giving Sunset a smug face

Sunset give her a mean stare and replies with, "Shut up or I'm going to bring discord."

Fluttershy puts her head down and lets out small squeals in the process. Applebloom in the other hand, get up from the couch and walk up to Sweetie Belle.  Sweetie walk forward to Applebloom as well until both of their eyes meet at close distance.

Applebloom at first isn't too keen talking to Sweetie, hell Applebloom  turned a little red just standing right in front of her. Sweetie in the other hand, doesn't seem so nervous standing right front of her, she even smiled when she heard Applebloom stutters.

"I-I-I wanna say something to ya Sweetie. Me and Sunset had a talk last night and I realized what I gotta do." Applebloom said but awaiting a reply from Sweetie.

"Go ooooooon." said Sweetie, now smirking at Applebloom.

"I'm sorry for calling your sister a skank and I'm sorry I made you retaliate that way. You were only defending her and I was defending my sister too, so I can really see why we did that. So what I'm trying to say is, will ya forgive me?", asked Applebloom.

Sweetie sees Applebloom redness as clear as day and surprisingly smiles through this. Sweetie takes time to reply to Applebloom comment, it almost seemed like she wanted to savor the moment. After some time, Sweetie replied.

"We both did something we regretted last night but the past is still the past regardless. We just gotta forgive and forget.", said Sweetie.

Applelbloom smiled again, but now with Sweetie and with less awkwardness.  Sweetie then reached for Applebloom arm, grabbed it, and gave her a hug. Everyone around them gave out an 'Awww' because of their hug, everyone except Scootaloo.

Sweetie directly stared at Scootaloo, giving her a devious smirk and sticking out her tongue. For some reason, it made Scootaloo red, but then again she could just be angry. Spike in the other hand made kissy faces towards the both of them.

'Mine now bitch.', Sweetie mouthed off to Scootaloo.

Scootaloo inhales loudly, which made Sweetie and Spike laugh.

This chapter took some time to do and tbh is more like filler at the moment. Hopefully you guys like it though :):):).

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