Chapter 26

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(Also Tea Spoon isn't at the house in the moment. She left right after everyone left.)

Applebloom and Sweetie eyes are still closed and lips left touched. The two seemed to be unaware of their sister arrival, even Applejack yell could not get their attention.

'What happened?! They barely met for 3 days and this happens. I swear it's easy to kiss these days.' Rarity thought.

Applejack in the other hand, had no thoughts nor words at all. Instead she stood there, confused and appalled of what happened. Sunset laughed out loudly, which broke the two girls lips away.

Applebloom and Sweetie look ahead toward the three older girls, all of them had a Mexican standoff of staring. They kept on staring (Sunset laughing of course) until Sweetie opened her mouth and talk.

"Soooooo, this is a interesting situation."

"This isn't interesting at all. This is a plain WHAT THE HELL situation." Rarity said with a smile in her face.

Applebloom and Sweetie kept their red faces while Rarity and Sunset laughed. Applejack didn't laugh at all, she kept her almost traumatized face through the laughing.

Rarity notice Applejack confused face and wondered why she looked worried. Was she mad, happy, or just plain confused? With theses questions, Rarity brought herself to ask Applejack the what for.

"Hey Jackie, something wrong, you seem a bit tense?" asked Rarity.

Applejack slowly turned her head around to face Rarity. Her confused face was still there and this worried Rarity a bit, Sunset in the other hand joked about it.

"What's wrong Applejack? Your jealous that Applebloom got to kiss someone before you." Sunset said with a smug face.

Applejack clinched her fist; she stares directly to the ground for a good moment until she faces Rarity again.

"If I'm actin' a bit weird, I'm sorry. Seeing Applebloom kiss someone caught me by surprise and I didn't know how to act bout' this." Applejack said.

"Well I understand completely, unlike Sunset over here.", replied Rarity

"What! You laughed too!", said Sunset.

"Well it was a bit funny to see them kiss, but then again I have to ask, why did you guys kiss in the first place?" Rarity asked Sweetie.

Sweetie turned redder than ever at this moment, Applebloom gave out a innocent laugh, like a small child would give. Sweetie punched her arm playfully but Rarity and Applejack didn't laugh at all. Sweetie, realizing they were serious, finally replied to Rarity question.

"Well right after we went in my room, we both decided just to talk. We talked and talked and it didn't seem to end. So after-"

"Can you get to the point?", Rarity asked, interrupting Sweetie.

"Can you stop being a bitch." Sweetie said.

"Okay fine, but leave out the least important parts, everyone knows you put random words just to keep the story going."(reference to the author)

Sweetie inhales slowly and begins to talk again, only this time readers we'll do this flashback mode.

Flashback :

"Okay so explain to me how he won the fight?", asked Applebloom.

"He won cause he used a precise game plan, he played with his opponent then WHAM knocked him out.", Sweetie said.

"Ohhhhhh. You seem to know a lot about boxing Sweetie, why's that?" asked Applebloom.

Sweetie grunts to Applebloom words. Applebloom looks confused, but smiles through it. Applebloom knew that Sweetie seemed bothered so she tried to bring out what Sweetie was bothered about.

"Hey honey what's wrong, you seem tense?", asked Applebloom.

Sweetie stammers, hardly bringing any full words. Her constant stutter made little sense, little sense until Applebloom put her hand under Sweetie neck. Sweetie stops talking, Applebloom action seemed to calm the nervous Sweetie.

"You want to tell me or not?", asked Applebloom, still having her hand at the same place.

Sweetie doesn't bring out any words, instead all her focus is toward Applebloom eyes. Yes her eyes, brown, calming and beautiful and what kept Sweetie in a trance. Applebloom blushes and looks away, like she was receiving compliments from a crush.

"What are you nervous about?" Sweetie asked in a sarcastic tone.

"N-nothing, just that your green eyes make me a bit tingly inside." replied Applebloom.

"Your brown eyes do the same for me.", replied Sweetie.

Sweetie and Applebloom smile toward each other, even laughing a bit. That all change when they look toward each other again. Heartbeats, sweat, and staring replaced their laughter. Tension filled between them unlike anything before, and for each minute passed, the more nervous one felt for the other.

Applebloom scoots towards to Sweetie, slowly with great caution. Sweetie moves her head back, she has mix feelings about the situation at hand. Applebloom closes in, more and more, Sweetie moves herself backwards more. Applebloom hand meet the back of Sweetie head, Sweetie looks as red as never at this point.

"I like you. You act shy around me but feisty around them people. I like that in a girl." Applebloom said, now pulling Sweetie head closer to hers.

Both heads are closer than ever, Applebloom took lead in the situation and Sweetie followed through.

"Ummmmm......what are you going to do exactly?", asked a super red Sweetie.

"Your going to love it."

Applebloom pulls in Sweetie quickly and lay her lips upon hers. Sweetie pushed aside the metal case next to her in response. Sweetie eyes are wide open but her heart beats quicker than any runner alive.

'I can't believe it. I'm kissing the dream girl. Take that Scootaloo.' Sweetie thought.

Sweetie put her hands on the back of Applebloom head and forces the kiss more. No noise, no itching, nothing distracted these two as they kept on showing their love.

Flashback gone:

"And that's how we kissed." Sweetie and Applebloom said in unison.

Rarity, Applejack, and Sunset had no confused look. Instead all of them had hearty eyes that looked upon the two.

"So does this mean you guys are going out?" asked Applejack.

Sweetie and Applebloom look at each bother again. Both put their hands at the back of both their heads and lead in for another kiss.

"I guess that answers your question." Sunset said with happiness.

Well this chapter was freaking fun to work with! Hope y'all like it!

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