Chapter 40

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Like cockroaches, people came in from every corner of the house and went to the meal that was Discord. Crowds of people circled around him.
He fist bumps every person, every person except Fluttershy. Discord raise his bottle higher and higher and screams from the crowd grew louder.

"Ready to get fucked up!" Discord proudly said with sweat streaming his whole body. Even bits of his abs were exposed.

Fluttershy turns red when seeing them.

"So. Freaking. Hot." Fluttershy muttered under her breath.

Crowd screams reached an all time high. Discord plays his music one more time and everyone starts to really party.

Although the party look badass, others weren't too comfortable.

"Dear god! It's a madhouse." Rarity said. She held onto Applejack arms.

"Wanna go somewhere more secluded?" Applejack asked.

Rarity nods her head. Applejack tightens her arm grip and walks away from the medium sized, but intense crowd. Leaving the living room left the group short of two.

"I guess it was too crazy for them." Rainbow dash said.

"Not for us dashie." Pinkie Pie places her fingers top of Rainbow dash chest. She moves each finger slowly, much like when people make a walking motion with their hands.

"Geezus. You guys are the most horniest people here and I'm a juvie kid."
Discord came out from the scattered and still intense crowd. More sweat came out from him and hints of alcohol were found alongside his shirt.

"Pretty chill party Discord. I wonder how tea time is like here." Twilight said.

"With more tits and beer. You know, the good stuff."

Twilight punches Discord at the arm. He winks at her, Twilight rolls her eyes and walks off.

"Real smooth Discord." Starlight said, smoking a bit.

"Yeah, real smooth.", Trixie said, "Hey Starlight, wanna go with Twilight?"

Starlight pecks Trixie cheek. Trixie use her arms and pulled Starlight in for another kiss. Both hold hands and walk off to follow Twilight.

Only two people stayed at the same spot; Fluttershy and Discord. Fluttershy eyes met with Discords. Discord blushed a bit, he gave out a menacing but charming smile in return.

"How you enjoying the party love?" Discord asks, with his sweat shimmering on his face and his smile covering it.

"It's gr-great. I really enjoyed our little get together yesterday. A lot of people thought it was a date, friend." Fluttershy said in the lowest of voices.

Discord smile faded. A disappointing smile replace it. With his charming personality, his cute face, and nice body, it would seem he had a huge chance with Fluttershy. Guess he isn't so close to getting her.

"Hey Fluttershy?" Discord called Fluttershy.

"Yeah Disscie."

Discord had sweat streaming all over his body. The heat of the room, the couples kissing all around him, didn't stop him. He was telling Fluttershy the truth.

"I. I. I want you to meet me outside my room door. I want to tell you something in about 5 minute's."

Fluttershy eyes glisten with excitement. Although Discord only told her where to go, she knew by heart on what he was going to say.

"Sure." Fluttershy replied.

Fluttershy turns away from Discord and walks off, to anywhere basically.

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