New story ideas!!

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Alright my rarijack story is a long wayyyyyyyyy from ending (yeah sorry about that •﹏•)

I do want to ask if any of you like these ideas for a new story after Unexpected Hearts ends.

Cartoon College. I planned on doing a Cartoon High School thing but other people wrote that. Also college is a lot more fun than High School. Fluttershy is now a freshman at Cartoon College (Ik so original⊙﹏⊙) but has a hard time adjusting. High School had a huge impact on her but not in a good way. At first, everything seemed like high school was going to repeat itself and Fluttershy was going to be a doormat, until she meets a group of outsiders like her.

Note: This is cartoon College so she could be friends with any characters from Cartoons and not just the mane 6. Also I plan on putting a few anime characters, a few because I'm more into Western animation than anime.

"S-so what's your name?", Fluttershy asked with feints of red in her cheek.

The person she ask turn her head away from Fluttershy. She seemed very tense and very private, almost like she wanted no one around her.

"I'm sorry if I was too persistent." Fluttershy said.

Fluttershy grabbed her backpack and walked off, showing disappointment.

"Wait!" yelled the nervous girl.

Fluttershy quickly turned her head around, now coming face to face with the girl, or woman.

"My name's Raven, and you are?" Raven asked.

"O-oh my name. It's F-F-Fluttershy."

"That's cute name." Raven replied and now giving more shades of red within her face.

2ND idea:
The world today have seen great technological advances. Smart phones in the palm or put hands, T.Vs that listen to our command, and even talking tablets. Well imagine us living in 2020s but instead of the Technology we see today, it's replaced with Steampunk like technology.

Elliot, a detective in 2020s America, have seen many things throughout his life. From the druglords who ruled High Rise city to the people who sold counterfeit gears, he always knew what to do. It seemed like that until his new case comes along....

"Come on Julio, I thought you were one cool bimbo." Elliot said while moving to another table.

"Ah shaddup ya dewdropper." Julio said flipping a table over for cover.

"I'm the dewdropper! You see me usin the old Tommy against these bastards! The hell you doing Julio" Elliot said.

Both Julio and Elliot were on a tight spot right now. People from all around the bar kept shooting at them from each direction, making it harder to counter.

"Fuck it Julio, Imma use dolly." Elliot said, reaching something from in his jacket.

"Don't use her"

- PLOW- a bullet past through Julio head, almost hitting the man at target.

Elliot then give Julio a asshole smirk.

"Hurry up then and use her but the boss still gonna be pissed at us." Julio said.

Elliot smiles, menacingly, as he pulls out a large Katina blade from his jacket. He puts a Tommy gun by his side hip, and runs out from the table.

Everyone stops shooting as soon as they saw the sword.

"Y'all know bout' dolly, well she's about to know you."

Well that's two new stories ideas. Comment on which one seems more interesting to you. Also a new chapter will be released hopefully tonight or tomorrow. Until then, bye!!!

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