Chapter 37

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(enabledTimedNightcore everyone! Her nightcore videos are the best, check her out!)

Oh Applejack! Your the greatest girlfriend I ever had. Kiss me before the sunset, now please.

"K-K-kiss me Jackie."
Many people sleepwalk, Rarity sleeptalk.

Snickers were heard around the room. Sweetie had her phone out and started to record Rarity. Tea Spoon and Sunset laughed in the background.

"Man someone is excited bout her new girl." Sweetie said.

"She's not excited. She's in deep love."
Sunset said.

Sunset, Tea Spoon, and Sweetie kept on antagonizing the situation. Rarity sleeptalking was amusing after all.

"Ohh Applejack. Your the greatest."

"Wanna wake her up?" Tea Spoon asked.

"Yeah." Sweetie took out a small air horn. She place her mouth on the hole and blew in hard. Rarity shook up, falling out of the bed.


"Oh my! What is going on? And why are y'all laughin'." Rarity said.

"You were sleeptalking honey, talking about your dear Applejack. Also did you just say 'y'all'?" Tea Spoon said.

"I didn't say-

Sweetie pulls out her phone, playing Rarity sleeptalking video. 'Y'all' and 'laughin' was heard.

"The rich girl is talking country now, now that's crazy." Sunset said.

"Sunset, your the one talking mess."
Rarity winks at Sunset. Sunset flicks her off, Sunset kissed her two times already so Rarity had many "roasts" for her.

Rarity phone rang like crazy. She get a hold of her phone and turns it on, it was Applejack.

"Alright guys, gotta talk to this beauty."

Nods were given. All of them walk out the room, with smiles across their faces. Tea Spoon heads back to her room. Sunset and Sweetie head off to the downstairs couch.

"She's so happy! I hadn't seen her this much in love for a long time." Sweetie said.

"Really? I always thought Rarity was the less romantic type." Sunset said.

"She is romantic but horrible with commitment."

"What do you mean Sweetie?"

"Well, there's been times where Rarity cheated on her lover." Sweetie scratches her head a bit.

Sunset eyes are kept puzzled.

"And how many relationships has she had and how many times she cheated?"

"Ummm, about ten relationships. She cheated 'heh heh' on everyone of them."


Sweetie got up from the couch, laugh awkwardly, and walk off to the kitchen.

"Shit Applejack, you got a cheater on your hands. And I kissed her!"
Sunset lays on the couch, trying to sleep away of all she heard.



"What up bitches."

Discord carried a huge cooler on top of his shoulder. Many other people followed behind him, and others were front of him.

He sets the cooler on the ground.

"You know you could always help me. It's my birthday after all." Discord said.

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