Chapter 44

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Applejack and Rarity stood under the stars, recollecting every feeling they had. Applejack emotions were everywhere but Rarity made it better. The story she told brought an end to Rarity curiosity. Now, Rarity had something to do in return.

"Satisfied." Applejack said, smiling at Rarity.

"Yes. Yes I am babe." Rarity kissed Applejack on her right cheek.

"Good cause now its your story to tell." Applejack said.

"What?" Rarity said, acting surprised.

"Shut up." Applejack said. She kissed Rarity on her forehead and smiled again.

Rarity heard Applejack story so it was natural for Applejack to hear her story. Still, Rarity wasn't too sure of talking. Rarity was too nervous to see what Applejack would do if she heard her life story.

Applejack laid her hand upon Rarity's head.

"Don't worry, I won't judge." Applejack said.

Rarity nervous feeling was lowered but she still had the feeling. Applejack felt the same way before telling her Rainbow Dash story to her.

"Just do it Rarity. Let it all out." Rarity thought to herself.

Rarity took one deep breath, said 'I love you' to Applejack about 10 times, and stared at Applejack face.

"You ready?" Applejack asked.

Rarity nodded, still worried of what she might say. Rarity gave one deep breath, slowly and steady like. She gives Applejack one last look and opened her mouth.

"Throughout my life, I lived with money and popularity. My mom never had to work cause she was married to celebrities and so came me and Sweetie's rich lifestyle." Rarity said.

"Wait. Isn't your mom married to Lyon Evans, the big politician at canterlot?" Applejack asked.

"Yes, but before that egotistical bastard, was me and Sweetie's biological father, Lexi Belle. That's a story for another time, right now it's my relationships." Rarity said.

"You seem better." Applejack said.

Rarity smiled and kissed Applejack on her cheek.

"The rich life was fun. Parties, drugs, sex, you name it-"

"Sex?" Applejack said in confusion.

Rarity blushed and sighed loudly. The word hit Applejack harder than any punch.

"Yes sex, can I move on to my story?" Rarity said. Her attitude was showing off now.

Applejack nodded but she was still curious on what Rarity meant.

"Anyway, the rich life was never boring, until I got older. I did everything, went everywhere, and got closets the size of my entire room but that never was enough. I guess you can say that I felt, lonely." Rarity held on her shirt tightly. Her voice made it sound like she was about to cry.

"I-I-I couldn't deal with it any longer. So I went out more with my friends to fill that void, but nothing ever did. Then I started a horrible habit at 10th grade."

"And this habit was..." Applejack said, trying to continue on Rarity words.

"Lying about my so-called lovers existing." Rarity said.

Rarity looked away from Applejack face. Applejack looked confused on what Rarity had said. One thing is for certain, this story wasn't any regular love conflict.

"Lyin'? What the hell..." Applejack thought.

"What?" Applejack said aloud.

Rarity held on shirt more tightly. Her eyes faced the shining stars and her left hand was placed on her chest.

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