Chapter 13

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"Well I guess excitement can be expressed in different ways. Even if it seems unusual." Rarity said.

Spike shook his head to get out of hid trance and goes behind Twilight.

Sweetie moves sideways by Rarity to meet face to face with Spike. Sweetie gives him a disappointing head shake and some tsks' with it as well. Rarity pinches Sweetie ear.

"Sorry about Sweetie. She can be really mean to others." said Rarity.

"It's okay, my brother can act weird around people so I understand. Out of the sibling topic, I was wondering how do you feel so far in your time in Ponyville?" Twilight asked.

"Aside from that feud with Applejack and that kinky Trixie, I can say I'm having a great time.",

"Wait? Trixie was flirting with you? Also you messing with Applejack took a lot of guts, and a lot idiocy too." replied Twilight.

Rarity shakes her head too and smiles over it. Standing up to Applejack was pretty stupid but then again she did messed with her during the phone call.

"Yeah, messing with Applejack was pretty crazy. And trolling her didn't seem to do any good." said Rarity.

"Wow. Your a crazier girl than she is and I know how she is like when she's angry." said Twilight.

Rarity knew already how she was when she became angry. Rainbow dash was all the prove she needed to see that.

"So, now you dealt with cowgirl, how'd you deal with the magician who's sensual desires are  more active than a running dog?"asked Twilight.

"Being honest, nothing. All I did was-"

Rarity yelled out OW' and put her hand over her ankle. Sweetie went and kicked her like a soccer ball.

"Okay we went here to find directions to Tea Spoon place, not for you to show off your princessy self to others." said Sweetie.

"Alright Sweetie, why don't you take your beautiful self and go talk to that nice boy. That'd be fun, right!",Rarity said with a sarcastic tone.

Sweetie feints a kick to Rarity, making the older sister jump back and creating laughter amongst the brother and sister next to them.

"Alright I'll talk to puberty boy." said Sweetie.

Sweetie speed walks to Spike and grabs his arm with force. Spike felt a heated sensation around his face, red sparked up in places around his face. Sweetie pulls out two chairs from a table next to them and sit down.

"So puberty boy, what's new?" asked a bored Sweetie. 

Spike looked away and got on his phone.

"Whatcha got in there?" Sweetie asked.

"Anime, nerd stuff." Spike said nervously.

"So tentacle stuff." Sweetie said.

Spike turned off his phone and kept on looking the other way.


Rarity and Twilight continue on with their conversation about Trixie.

"Like I was saying, I didn't do much when she flirted with me. I didn't even talked to her, I only blushed and walked backward."

"She can stop people talking like that. I don't know how but it works on everyone she flirts with." said Twilight.

"I could see that. I do got one question though, who is Starlight?" asked Rarity.

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