Chapter 11

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"Oh my, this town looks much older up close." Rarity said.  

She and the others had a 15 minute walk out of the farm and onto the town. The town was a hybrid of old and new that amazed Rarity.

"The older the town, the better the food.", said Pinkie.

"I'm not sure you said that in the right order." Rarity said.

"Old school is cleary better Rarity."

"Nope new school is delicious." Scootaloo said.

Pinkie punched her arm and stomped off.

"What's her problem?" Rarity asked Rainbow dash.

"She's very conservative about food. Just let her be, it's for the best."

"I'm also guessing the bakery she works at is old school too." Rarity said.

"Very and it is delicious.", Rainbow dash bit her lip, "Anywho, we're here!"

Rainbow dash opened her arms wide and revealed the bakery.

"Wrong one!" Pinkie yelled from another bakery.

Rainbow dash sighed while the others laughed at her.

The group then walked through the small street, seeing the many wonders of a small town.  Rarity and Sweetie kept their eyes open as they walk, amazed by how no one was honking their car horn or see anyone argue loudly over one another. To them the experience seemed perfect. Applebloom takes advantage of their amazement and talks to them.

"Y'all think the town look nice?"

"Drabby I say. Could use tinkering by your one and truly." Rarity said.

Sweetie stare down to Rarity.

"Your an asshole." Sweetie said.

Rarity kicked Sweeties leg and walks off to Rainbow dash. Sweetie almost trips but Applebloom catches her in time. Scootaloo doesn't notices.

"Careful there. Don't want your princess sister to hurt you." Applebloom said.

"Thanks.", Sweetie held onto Applebloom hand, "Appreciate your help."

"Welcome Sweetie. Although sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who's normal around here."

"What do you mean?" Sweetie asked.

"That." said Applebloom, pointing at a strange girl wearing magician clothes.

Rarity had seen this girl at the party last night. The magician yelled out 'abracadabra' or ' The great and powerful Trixie', over and over again. 

Pinkie pie waved at the magician and the magician throws flowers to Pinkie.

"Thanks Trixie." said Pinkie.

"No! IT'S THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXI- oh hi there." said Trixie as she spots out Rarity.

Trixie stops her act and runs up to the group, noticeably to Rarity.

"Trixie remembers you at the party. Your crazy for taking on Applejack like that." said Trixie.

Rarity grunts and steps back.

"Your making me uncomfortable you wannabe magician."

Rainbow dash opened her mouth wide with shock. The others do the same.

Trixie doesn't yell of anything. She laughs it out and puts her hand over Rarity's head.

She twirls Rarity's hair and says, "Your a feisty one are you."

Rarity get goosebumps and walks back a little more from the magician. Sweetie chuckles and Rainbow dash get a hold of Trixie.

"What the hell Trixie? I swear your one sly dog, even when your going out with someone." said Rainbow dash.

"Well Trixie likes to know that there's other options out there. Besides, Starlight does the same with other girls, right." said Trixie, staring at Rarity.

Rainbow dash gives Trixie a devious smile and Trixie returns the smile too.

"Wanna come and get some food?" asked Rainbow.

"Trixie will have to decline. I got more important work to do.",said Trixie. Trixie throws a small smoke bomb and runs off.

"Sorry about her Rarity. She's a nutcase.", said Rainbow dash, "but you shouldn't have said she was a wannabe magician."

"She shouldn't have made me feel uncomfortable then."

Rainbow dash grabs a hold of Rarity head and drag her with her.

"We're here."

In front of them was Ponyville most popular bakery; Sugarcube Corner.

"Yummy cakes here we come." said Pinkie. Pinkie grabs everyone (just imagine her hugging everyone) and brings them all inside.

Rarity liked how the bakery smell and looked.  Fresh cake lined up at the counter, cookies left in the tables,  and surprisingly babies left in a small play area. Pinkie ran to the cash register in swift action.

"Hey Mrs.Cake. do you still got that cake I made a few days back?" asked Pinkie.

"Yes we do Pinkie." said Mrs.Cake as she hands out a rather large pink cake.

Pinkie clapped her hands and jumped when seeing the cake. The cake was made by her after all and did looked like a work of art. Pinkie carefully walked around to a big table, slowly, and with the help of the girls. They put the cake down on the table.

"Well, let's dig in!" said Pinkie.

Pinkie grabs a piece of cake with her hand, leaving a mess on her hands and on the cake itself.

"Pinkie! Leave us some for once." said Rainbow dash.

Pinkie grabs another piece of cake and slams it across Rainbow face. Rainbow licks the cake from her face and grabs another piece, to only slam it across Pinkie face as well. Rarity laughs but is also confused on why would they do that to each other. Without noticing, Sweetie grabs a piece of cake and throws it at Rarity face.


Sweetie laughs and run behind the cake whereas Rarity rubbed her face off of cake. Sweetie laugh a bit more until someone come in behind her. Sweetie slowly turned around and 'SPLAT', a path of cake was put around her face.

"Ok who was tha- Sweetie stopped talking when she saw Applebloom standing there.

"Having fun Sweetie. Here, let me clean that up." said Applebloom.

Applebloom get a small towel from the table next to them and use it to wipe off the cake from Sweetie face. Sweetie turns red when Applebloom cleans her up, Applebloom smiles at Sweetie.

"My gosh. You get redder than the apples in the farm." said Applebloom

"Yeah she gets red but only when she's" said Scootaloo.

Scootaloo give Sweetie a cold stare, she knows that something is going on Sweetie head but isn't too hesistant to ask what she's thinking. For now, Scootaloo has to keep an eye Sweetie.

After having fun with the cake, the group of girls sit down and start eating the cake. Sweetie give Applebloom puppy eyes and Scootaloo stares at Sweetie at well.  Rainbow dash and Pinkie were doing girlfriend stuff and Rarity sat there quietly. Rarity smiled while eating the cake, she was very fond of the thought of hanging out with the girls, even for a brief moment, they were fun to hang out with.

Maybe they aren't all bad. Still, Applejack can go to hell for all I care. These people though, are alright, for a couple of weirdos.

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