Chapter 17

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Applejack stayed out from Rarity's room. Everyone was unpacking and Applejack needed an excuse to get out.

"Aww come on Applejack. You ain't happy or feeling glad that you get to be with me, are you." Rarity said.

"You already know that answer bitch." Applejack said.

"Oh I'm the bitch huh? Well let me say that your hillbilly ass can-"

Sweetie kicks Rarity ankle before she finish her sentence. Everyone stared at Rarity and Applejack . The moment doesn't last too long when Applejack walk away downstairs, stomping on her way there.

"Well that was interesting." Twilight said.

"Interesting. No. Very entertaining? Definitely!" Rainbow Dash said.

"Don't say that out loud Dashie! That's mean." Pinkie said

"You know what isn't mean." Rainbow dash said.

Rainbow dash kissed pinkie. Everyone 'Aww' at them. Scootaloo pretended to vomit.

"Oh come on now it's adorable."  Applebloom said.

"For you it is. Your dream about this love crap and I gotta listen when you talk about." Scootaloo said.

"Stop being so negative. Your just saying that cause you gotta be the tough one." Applebloom said.

"I don't  think that entirely, I do love my friends, especially you." Scootaloo said.

Applebloom hugged Scootaloo and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

Scootaloo blushes. Sweetie stands there in shock.  Applebloom had kissed her on the cheek before but seeing her do it from someone else. It helped burn jealousy inside her.

Spike saw the kiss and immediately give Sweetie a stare, the type of stare almost every asshole made. Sweetie takes notice of the stare and turns red right after.

"So someone is a wittle sad that their crushy kissy another person." Spike said.

"Well Spikey wikey better shut his ass up before he gets beat up again." Sweetie said.

"Spikey wikey is willing to take that chance." Spike said.

Sweetie kicked his "special place." Spike grunted and tried to keep standing.

"Ready to take another chance." Sweetie said.

"N-n-no. I w-won't." Spike limped a bit and walks away from the room.

Sweetie smiles but everyone looked at her. She blushes and walks away to her room.

"Your sister is mean." Sunset said to Rarity.

"Not mean, just very rash." Rarity said.

Everyone ignored her and sat on the floor. Pinkie sat next to Dashie, Applebloom next to Scootaloo, Spike by Rarity and Sweetie, and  Sunset next to Twilight.

"Is everyone settled?" asked Pinkie.

As they nod, Rarity room door is swung wide open, only to reveal Applejack.

"Y'all got any room for one more?" asked Applejack.

"Yeah we do! Come sit by us!" exclaimed Pinkie Pie.

Applejack walked over to Pinkie Pie and sat down but she kept her eye on Rarity for most of the time.

Pinkie Pie brought out a small blue ball from her bag, and rolled it around the circle. Weirdly, everyone backed away from the ball but Rarity grabbed it by first chance.

"Oh no." said Twilight.

"Oh no what? It's just a harmless ball." replied Rarity.

"No it isn't, you know what game we're playing right." said Twilight.

Rarity shakes her head and everyone else (except Sweetie) snickered over the ball game. Rarity turns red for the moment and attempts to roll the ball back with great hesitation but the ball was pushed right back to Rarity.

"Oh come on! What makes this ball so bad!" said Rarity.

"Nothing....just that's the secret ball." said Pinkie.

"The secret what?" replied Rarity.

"The secret ball. Whoever is holding the ball, has to be asked any question from the person next to them, no matter how embarrassing." said Twilight.

"And if you don't answer?" asked Rarity.

"Then you get punched by Applejack." said Twilight.

"Yeah! And you grabbed it. Please don't answer." said Applejack clinching her fist.

Rarity rolls the ball again only for it to be pushed back to her.

"Question time! Question time! Question time!" everyone chanted to Rarity.

"Alright then. Sweetie is next to me so, ask away Sweetie." said Rarity.

Rarity felt confident saying that. Sweetie knew everything about her so there was no need for dumb questions. Then again, Rarity realized it was Sweetie and she lived to embarrass her.

"Alright, wonder what question I'm going to ask." said Sweetie, giving Rarity a devious stare and smile. Rarity looks away from Sweetie quickly, realizing that she was going to embarrass her.

"Come on already! Ask!" said Rainbow dash.

"Okay, okay. Rarity. My question is, out of all the people in this room, who do you think is the cutest?" asked Sweetie.

Rarity mouthed off 'Fuck you' to Sweetie. Sweetie knew the answer to that questiom already and now Rarity was blushing redder than any apples in the farm. Everyone laughed at Sweetie question, especially Applejack. Applejack wanted to hear the answer badly as she kept shouting 'do it, do it' over and over again.

"Well hurry up! I want to hear this." said Pinkie.

Rarity hesitate for a moment, staying quiet until more people started to chant 'do it' as well. Realizing she had no choice, she opened he mouth to answer the question.

"Well,'s blah, blah... I can't speak today.  Okay- "

Rarity takes a deep breath and out came the answer.

-it's Applejack."

When the answer came out, everyone had shocked faces. Applejack turned red, not a normal red though, a red most will see in stop signs. Rainbow dash literally rolled on the ground laughing with Pinkie. Everyone else joine in the laughter too.

Rarity covered her face and hid it with a pillow.

"What the actual hell! That's the funniest shit I heard in a long time. HA HA HA HA!" said Rainbow dash.

"Okay! Ya know what! I got something to say too." said Applejack.

"What is it, you gonna tell us how your going to beat up Rarity." said Twilight.

"No. If she finds me cute I gotta say something too." said Applejack.

Everyone laughing stop and all eyes were fixed to Applejack now. Rarity picked her eyes up a little to see Applejack too. She'll probably tell how she hates Rarity or it maybe unexpected.

"Guys... I also find someone cute here."said Applejack.

Rainbow dash tries to hold in her laughter for a bit but little snickers come out anyway.

"It's Rarity. She's cute too." said Applejack.

The room turned into silent shocked faces. Except for Rainbow dash, she laughed and rolled on the ground....again.

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