5th update my peeps

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Well, well, well. 1.6K views hit me up!
Whoo hooooooooooo!
2K is coming to a  theater near you!!

New chapters might come less often, they'll come but probably once, twice, or if I'm lucky three times. Still, I'll finish on what I started (put this 👍 in comments if you get the reference.)

Fr though I want to thank once again everyone who voted, commented, and read my stories.

So to show my appreciation, here's a list of people who commented, voted, and told me I was a great author 😉😉😉😉👏😉👏😉👏😉👏😉👏😉👏:


👆 these guys are awesome!

Anyway....Imma put a update again when I reach 2k. Until then keep on reading!!

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