Chapter 45

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The sparkling moonlight glistened over Applejack and Rarity. Feelings of contempt and secrecy faded within a few mere minutes. What was felt was rejoice for each other. Applejack rolled around the ground with Rarity, playing and messing around with her.

The party inside was different. Discord was still making out with Fluttershy and Applebloom left the party without saying goodbye to anyone. Sweetie sat on the living room couch, crying about what happened. Scootaloo and Pinkie smiled deviously at Sweetie. They felt no sympathy towards her, Pinkie even laughed. Scootaloo gave Pinkie a hug and ran out the back of the house to avoid any confrontation with Applejack and Rarity.

Starlight, Trixie, and Twilight left together. Sunset didn't even talk to Adagio at all. She awkwardly stood by the fruit punch table and left 1 hour in the party. For a hyped up party, it didn't live up the hype. Big Mac even left with the dark purple haired girl.

Applejack and Rarity saw him walking through the front yard with the girl at hand.

"Big Mac!" Applejack yelled. She was laying on the ground with Rarity.

"Ee-e-eyup." Big Mac said nervously. The girl next to him laughed shyly and kissed Mac on the cheek.

Applejack and Rarity threw out heart signs and said aww to Big Mac. Big Mac blushed dark red, then he grabbed the girl's hand and ran to the truck. Both of them were laughing as they ran to the truck. Big Mac got in the truck, turn the engine on, and drove off.

Applejack ran to Big Mac truck to stop him from going. He drove off and blasted loud spanish music from the radio.

"Wait! We need a ride home!" Applejack yelled.

All Applejack could hear was Big Mac laughing and the sounds of guitar strings and somebody yelling out 'C-C-Cumbiaaaaa' at least 6 times.

Applejack flicked her brother off and yelled out 'fuck' about 3 times. Applejack ran back to where Rarity was and laid down with her. Rarity smiled like a moronic person towards Applejack. Applejack felt dumbfounded and looked the other way. Rarity came in closer and kissed her neck.

"Stop that." Applejack said, annoyed.

"Want to leave sugar?" Rarity asked. Her smile became less serious and more witty.

"How! There's no car." Applejack said, throwing her arms in the air.

Rarity kissed her on her neck again.

"I'll call Tea Spoon. We had enough fun tonight." Rarity said.

Applejack turned her head around. She kissed Rarity upper lip and smiled.

"Thanks for all of this. I feel a lot better." Applejack said.

"Shut up babe. Hurry and get Sweetie and Applebloom. We need to leave, now." Rarity said.

Applejack got up, kicked Rarity's leg, and ran to the house. Applejack laughed as she ran and Rarity threw pieces of grass to her. Applejack opened the door and looked around the house. She tiptoed over sleeping people and the random trash laying around.

She eventually made it to the living room. Sweetie was there, laying on the couch and staring at the ceiling. She sighed over and over again, without taking notice of Applejack.

"What's wrong honey?" Applejack asked.

Sweetie was startled and jumped out the couch. She fell, still facing the ceiling with no emotion conveyed whatsoever.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhh." Sweetie said.

Applejack shook her head, walked up towards Sweetie, and pulls her by the legs. Applejack dragged her out the living room, through the hallway.

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