Chapter 7

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"Oh why do I have to work." Rarity whined

Tea Spoon and Sweetie ignored Rarity whining.

Both of them wer facing the beautiful sunrise. Rarity faces the beauty of whining.

Sweetie Belle eyes glisten when she saw the sunrise. It was nothing see ya seen before.

"A real beauty ain't it. Don't see that kind of stuff in Canterlot." Tea Spoon said

"You have no idea." Sweetie said with great awe on her face.

Rarity ignored the two and kept on groaning and mumbling about the working trip. Sweetie punches Rarity arm and tells her to be quiet. Rarity punches her arm back and scoots further from Sweetie.

"Your annoying." Tea Spoon said.

"I'm annoying! You just hurt my beautiful arm." Rarity said.

"Man, you guys are completely different. I never expected you two to get along but damn you girls live to hate each other." Tea Spoon said.

Sweetie and Rarity stuck there tongues out to each other.

"Your an idiot." Rarity mumbled.

"No you are." Sweetie mumbled.

"Both of you are." Tea Spoon said with her tongue stuck out.

Rarity and Sweetie laughed. Tea Spoon smiled and kept the drive going.

After a few minutes driving, Rarity and Sweetie notices a pattern. They were driving by a whole array of apple trees. This in turn made Rarity think about Applejack.

"I hate that girl! Hopefully she's isn't here in this farm." Rarity thought.

"That's a lot of apples on this farm." Sweetie said.

Tea Spoon replies with, "Them apples aren't just abundant, they're delicious as heck! The Apples family sure know how to grow apples."

Rarity gives the apple trees a bored face. Nothing truly interested her unless it was glamorous or shiny and these apples weren't any better. She kept staring until she felt something off about the place.

Tea Spoon mention a family named the Apples who run the farm. Rarity had a argument with a girl named Applejack and Tea Spoon was known being a compromiser.

As Rarity put the puzzles, she finally realized where she was going.

Rarity opens her mouth in shock.

"Tea Spoon! Are we going to work with that Applejack character? That one cowgirl that hurt your dear old niece."

Tea Spoon gives Rarity a confused look. "No, of course not honey. Your too precious to work with a girl like her." Tea Spoon said in a baby voice.

Rarity breathes out in relief. Seeing Applejack again would have made her more scared than ever. Sweetie laughed hard at Rarity constant worrying and Rarity slaps behind her head.

After more minutes of driving, they finally reached their destination.

A large sign with the words imprinted Sweet Apple Acres appeared upon them.

"Sweet apples acres. Sounds like a nice place." Sweetie said.

"The name sounds cute sure, but the work-uh, it's ugly as heck." Tea Spoon said.

Rarity gasp at Tea Spoon words. 'Ugly work?! Dear god I'm going to be sweating like a pig then' Rarity thought.

Tea Spoon turns off the engine as she parks by the entrance. She unlocks the car and let the two girls out. Rarity stretches and Sweetie does the same, Tea Spoon get the tools out from the back when a old woman appears.

"Howdy dar' Tea Spoon. Thank ya's for helpin' out today. I got more buddies coming later on." said the old lady.

"No problem Granny Smith. Brought some help here too if ya don't mind." said Tea Spoon.

Granny Smith gives Sweetie Belle a smile and Rarity a mean stare.

"Saw this character at the party. Very disrespectful this one is." said Granny Smith pointing at Rarity.

Rarity put her head down, looking away from Granny Smith. Tea Spoon gives Granny a mean stare as well.

"Now Granny. I know she did horrible last night but please don't go fussin about her." Tea Spoon said.

"I know, I know. Still, the youngin' needs to work on her attitude before she gets into bigger trouble." Granny Smith sais.

Rarity still keep her head down and Sweetie smirks at this. Sweetie truly did enjoy seeing her sister embarrassed.

Tea Spoon get the last of the tools and get both sisters.

"Come on y'all, we heading to the barn." Tea Spoon said. The 4 of them walk to the large barn from the pathway.

They make it to the front of the barn. Granny Smith holds on the barn large handles, Tea Spoon does the same.

Sweetie and Rarity walk back from the opening barn doors. Everything seemed normal to them until...

"Howdy granny. I got Pinkie Pie picking up some of the hay and Twlight-"

Applejack stops talking when she sees Rarity at the front of the barn.

Rarity looked frighten when she saw Applejack and opens her mouth at complete shock.

Sweetie smirks.

"Oh I forgot, Applejack does live here." Tea Spoon said.

Granny Smith laughs at Tea Spoon words.

"Oh gosh. Ya' can be a real jerk Tea Spoon, a real funny one too." Tea Spoon said.

"Well someone is getting an early does of karma. Oh well Rarity I guess-"

Sweetie dropped the small plow she picked up earlier when she sees a younger girl next to Applejack. The girl was a red head.

"Hey Applejack. I got the apples you told me to pick. Anything else I need to do?" Asked the red head.

Applejack takes time to reply to the young girl. Applejack stares at Rarity for some time, giving her a smirk and a wink.

Applejack finally replies. "Oh. Nothin' now Apple bloom, just go play with Scootaloo or with that other girl next to...Rarity."

Sweetie turns to a bright red when she heard the girl name. Rarity turned paler every second looking at Applejack.

"Hey Rarity?" said Sweetie.

"Yes Sweetie." replied Rarity.

"I think the true love at first sight crap you were talking about was true."

Rarity nods her head, still staring dead straight at Applejack.


"Yeah Rarity."

"Karma's a bitch."

(Srry if this story isn't well done. I'm very sleepy and not at my best work mode. Next chapter will be better. Thx for reading!!)

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