Chapter 41

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Sweetie ran across the house to see if Applebloom is still in the kitchen. After going through people making out, tiptoeing broken bottles, and looking through smokey air, Sweetie found the kitchen.

The kitchen was small, run down, and a bit nasty. The kitchen was surprisingly the least populated place in the house.



Sweetie flung her whole body at Applebloom. Applebloom catches her with a hug but that just made the both of them fall to the ground.

"You really like me, do you." Applebloom said. She lay on the kitchen floor with Sweetie on top.

"No. I love you." Sweetie gave Applebloom a kiss.

Both of them giggled, happy about the fun they were having. Sweetie held on Applebloom tighter. Applebloom concerned smirk came into light but before she could do anything, Sweetie and her rolled around the kitchen floor. They're laughter erupted. Both bumped into chairs, a cabinet, and to a table.

Applebloom was now on top of Sweetie as they both stop rolling. Sweetie eyes now looked, seductive.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Applebloom asked.

"I forgot all about the single life thanks to you. Applebloom, I love you." Sweetie picked her head up for another kiss.

"I love ya too Sweetie. I'm surprised we got together so quickly, I guess it's meant to be." Applebloom said.

Sweetie and Applebloom cuddle a bit on the floor. Both of them showed as much love as any relationship could. Applebloom was happy she found someone, although she was curious about Scootaloo. She always had a feeling that Scootaloo might had liked her but that was too crazy, right?

As the both of them cuddle, large pounding footsteps came close to the kitchen entrance. Sweetie, now cautious, pushes Applebloom gently aside and stands up. Applebloom stood behind Sweetie.

"It's probably some partygoers. Nothing weird about that." Applebloom suggested.

"Yeah you're right. I'm kinda protective of you right now. I don't want to see my baby hurt." Sweetie said.

"Yeah, your baby."
The footsteps came at a close. Instead of hearing, they saw a figure about their height. This particular girl had some bruises on her face and a raspy voice.

"Scootaloo!" Applebloom exclaimed. "I didn't knew you were here."

Scootaloo smiled as she have Applebloom a hug. She stared directly at Sweetie; she even flicked her off. Sweetie knew what Scootaloo meant. She knows what really in Scoots.

"Glad you could make it Scoots. Sweetie face had the emotion on annoyance at this point. "Enjoying the party?"

Scootaloo released Applebloom from the hug. Applebloom walked back to Sweetie; Scootaloo was eyeing Applebloom's greatest feature.

"I'm really enjoying it."

Sweetie forced a smile but her hands were quivering, like she wanted to form a fist. Applebloom smiled and kissed her.

"Hey imma go to the bathroom real quick. Love ya." Applebloom gave Sweetie a kiss then Scoots a hug.

A huge dose of de ja vu was at the kitchen. A kitchen was the first place where Scootaloo and Sweetie had their first fight. Sweetie remembered beating her and Scootaloo wanting to kill her.

"Sooo back at a kitchen I see." Scootaloo said.

"Don't even try. Do one thing to hurt me, Applebloom will know everything." Sweetie said.

Scootaloo looks frantic at first, scared of Sweetie willingness to tell. Then, a giggle, no a laugh comes along, reaching the depth of Scootaloo messed up mind. Scootaloo plays with her knife too. Sweetie puts her fist up, ready to fight.

"Oh my dear Sweetie, you think you hurting me again is going to solve anything. It's not, it'll make things worst." Scootaloo said.

"I'll make you face worst!"

Sweetie charges in like a rhino. Scootaloo put her knife into full gear, ready for any type of stabbing. Scootaloo stabs, Sweetie goes under and uppercuts her stomach. Scootaloo walks back and uses the knife again, only with less force and speed.

Again Sweetie hits her on the stomach. Scootaloo drops her knife and falls down with it.

Sweetie takes a grip Scootaloo shirt from the front. She slams her to the wall.

"Alright." Scootaloo licked her lips. "I do want to know one thing?"

"What is it Scootalo?" Sweetie said impatiently.

"This." Scootaloo grabs Sweetie shirt too and pulls her in.

Scootaloo doesn't kick her, punch her or even spit. Instead, she kisses Sweetie.

Part one of the Sweetiebloom arc. Next part (chapter) will explain why Scootaloo did that.

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