Chapter 15

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(Picture kinda random, but it looks awesome)

Sweetie, Rarity, and Sunset were dea silent. No words, just silence. The unexpected kiss left Sunset covering her face with her hands. Rarity face was red like the apples she saw earlier.

Sunset turns around to Rarity side.

"I'm sorry I didn't- 'SMACK!'

Rarity slapped Sunset with full force.
Sweetie gasps. Sweetie shook her head and ran to Rarity.

"No random tramp like yourself kisses me out of nowhere! Now explain!" Rarity yelled over her.

Sunset tears were showing. She crawls to the end of the bed and hugged the pillow.

"Don't slap me again. I will tell you if you leave me alone."

"I won't hurt you but if you do anymore kissing, your going to deal with me and Tea Spoon."

After another moment of silence, Sunset takes a long deep breath and finally speaks.

"First let me say, I'm the unexpected type."

"No kidding." Sweetie said.

Sunset ignored Sweetie comment and continues on talking.

"I really don't know why I kissed you. I guess I just wanted too."

"Because you just wanted to! That is bull in another level. Why the hell would you decide to kiss someone you've just met!"

Sunset punched the wall behind her.
Rarity jumped back. Sweetie runs to the door.

Sunset knocks her head against the wall a few times. Rarity got out of the bed and carefully looked at her.

"I'm just a problem. Not your problem, my own problem. I act without thinking," Sunset wipes her face, "I act when it isn't appropriate. I never think at all, I just do."

"That still doesn't explain why you kissed me." Rarity said.

Sunset takes one more deep breath.

"You reminded me of someone I currently like and for a moment, I thought you were that person."

Rarity takes a deep breath too. Sunset started to groan and stared at the ceiling.

"I'm sorry." Sunset said.

"Never mind that", Rarity sighed, "There's nothing wrong to have feelings. Just don't put then into other people, especially those you've just met." Rarity said.

Sunset smiled. Her tan face, white teeth and dimples sparkle the whole room.

"Thanks for being so understanding. Sorry for all this."

"No problem. Come here, Rarity needs to give a hug."

Rarity then hugged Sunset, letting a spark of friendship light up.

Sweetie had an amazed look on her face. She pushes away Rarity from Sunset and acted like the best friend that got you through everything.

"So your basically saying that you kissed my sister cause she reminded you of someone you like."

Sunset nods.

"This is my first day here and already a crazy appeared."

Sunset replies with,

"That's basically it."

The three of them stood around the room awkwardly. No one spoke or let out any noise, until Sunset started to laugh.

Rarity awkwardly laughed and Sweetie shook her head in disbelief.

"You know what, this has been a long day." Rarity said.

"You've said it. It's like majority of a plot is more focused on one day that the actual story." Sweetie said.

"And I added an unnecessary plot point." Sunset said.

"Maybe something will happen because of this." Sweetie replied.

"Probably so." Sunset said.

All of them got out of Rarity's bed and sat on the ground. They talked to pass the time and to get rid of the awkwardness put in.

"Then I said , 'No, here', then I kissed you." Sunset said.

"You sounded creepy saying that. I thought you were about to touch me or something." Rarity said.

"It did sound weird.", Sunset twirled her hair again, "Can I ask you something?"

"What, trying to ask me out?" Rarity said. She mocked her with a soap opera voice.

"No! Ew, I'm not kissing those lips again. For real, have you met any cute people here yet?"

Sweetie laughs hard when she heard this. She rolled over the ground, yelling out 'Apple girl'.

"No! Not at all! Well there is this one cute girl." Rarity said

"Who?" Sunset said.

"The one I swear to hate-Applejack." Rarity said.

Sunset is cleary shocked by also laughs with Sweetie. To imagine, Applejack to be the one that Rarity thought was cute.

"Okay. You mean to tell me that the cute one is the cowgirl that hates your guts. Also I kinda thought you were straight." Sunset said.

"Yes. No. I don't know. I think she is, that's all. Besides its not like I will kiss her on random, like people I know. Also I'm bi and I find both sexes beautiful." Rarity said

Sweetie kept on laughing and Sunset rolled with her. Rarity had a distraught look on her face.

"Your guys are asshole's."

All three hug each other, like the final shot in a movie. Everything seemed perfect, until Rarity door opened.

"Who is it?"

Rarity happy face turned sour. The person at door made that happen.

"Howdy bitch!" Applejack said.

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