Chapter 1

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This is the day, the day where everything in Rarity and Sweetie Belle's life changes. These are the events the two (and others) will face this summer.  Changes are unexpected and that is what this is all about, unexpectedness.

We are now seeing a limo going through a dusty road.  Small houses lay by the side of the long road and a wide array of plains cover the ground.  While some may find this sight beautiful, others may find this horrendous and annoying.

"Dear god, why do I have to go to a dreaded farm?!" Rarity asked herself with the window open.

"Oh come on Rarity, it'll be fun being with aunt Tea Spoon. Also I heard there's some girls my age and your age too." Sweetie Belle said.

"Your very enthusiastic Sweetie, but your dear old sister isnt. I guess the fancy life made her think she's a princess." Micheal, the chauffeur said.

Rarity grunted and kept on looking out the window. She whined on a daily basis and everyone made fun of her for that. Michael and Sweetie were laughing at her.

All Rarity can do is sit down and wait till the drive is over.

"You know, this summer might not be bad for ya fellas." Micheal said

"What do you mean by that Micheal?" Sweetie replied.

"Well, it's good you guys are out for change and not to a fancy shmancy camp or something. You guys are going to learn how to really talk to different people.", Micheal yawned, "Maybe you can actually work here too."

Rarity rolled her eyes. Work was a word Rarity never seemed to fully understand, even Sweetie wasn't full aware of what work meant.

"Work. Seems like a drag don't you say." Rarity said rolling her eyes.

Micheal shook his head.

"Listen Rarity. Working isn't easy, life ain't easy and you guys get handed everything. I worked hard to get where I'm at and that ain't enough. Please appreciate things more Rarity." Micheal said.

Rarity ignores his comment but Sweetie was memorised by his words. Work did sound like something worthwhile to her, unlike her sister.

"I guess only time will tell, but no matter what, uncle Micheal always gonna help ya's."

Rarity smiles. She was still out of breath from the heat.

"You say Uncle Micheal a lot." Sweetie said.

"Well I'm like family to you guys. I always make sure my family is safe, no matter what girls." said Micheal.

Sweetie smiles. Her eyes start to close and her body turn less functional. She falls on Rarity laps and sleep.

"It's okay sister. Well leave this dreaded farm at once."

Time skip: 2 hours

"Okay girls, we're in town." Micheal said.

Both Rarity and Sweetie Belle wake up from their slumber and look out the window. The town had plains just like how the movies portrayed them.

"Wow, this town looks so tiny and old fashioned too." Sweetie Belle said.

Rarity agreed with Sweetie Belle, this town did looked ancient in her view point and for a girl who lived in the city her whole life, this looked like a whole new world.

"This town looks quite interesting." Rarity said. She still didn't like the idea of staying here though, even if the town looked cool to her.

"Interesting, no fantastic is the word. See there's a party store, a library, a spa, a-" Sweetie Belle mouth is covered by Rarity hand.

"A spa! Yes! This trip isn't a total waste after all." Rarity said with new-found excitement.

Rarity and Sweetie sightsee the town from their limo until they stop at a rather large house.

"Here we are girls. Your auntie Tea Spoon place." Micheal said.

Rarity and Sweetie quickly get out of the limo before Micheal had time to unbuckle his seatbelt. Both sisters are then handed their suitcases from the chauffeur and both of them give him a hug.

"I'm going to miss you Micheal." Sweetie Belle said. A tear came out.

Micheal draws in a little tear. "Nah don't worry 'bout me Sweetie Belle. It's going to be a long summer without you guys bothering me though, but Micheal gonna always miss ya's.", said Micheal.

Both girls wave off to Micheal as he drives the limo once again. Rarity faces her aunts house with mix emotions. Sweetie Belle is just smiling through.

"Okay Sweetie Belle, goodbye fancy dinners in Canterlot, hello summer with Tea Spoon."

A/N: Thanks to anyone reading my fanfic. This fanfic will be long and take much time but this story will be worth reading 👌😋. Comment too!! Also vote (mostly comment. The feedback will make my day)!!

Thx again for reading😃😃😃😃😃😂😊

10/1/17: Love all my Yoppies! Also the first chapter may seem choppy at first, but I guarantee the story will get better, and way more interesting....

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