Chapter 50

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Applejack gave Pinkie an utter look of rage.  Her grasp on Pinkie's neck grew firmer every second and Pinkie's pink face showed shades of blue. Rarity couldn't handle this apparent anger from the enraged Applejack.  In a quick moment of action, Rarity ran to Applejack and pulled her away from Pinkie Pie.

"What the hell was that for!" Applejack shouted.

"To stop you from killing Pinkie," said Rarity.  "I understand your feelings but you mustn't harm anyone trying to talk to you." 

Applejack and Rarity exchange dark looks. Rarity grew paler at the sight of her girlfriend.  Applejack drew signs of paleness in her face as well. 

"This is so messed up." Sunset whispered.

"Wasn't this about me in the beginning." Sweetie said.

"It was until Applebloom got involved." Sunset wiped off the sweat on her cheek.

Pinkie lift herself up and brought the attention of everyone else. Although battered and a bit bruised, she managed to smile and laugh under the current predicament.

"Whatever happen happened guys! No harm in letting your bad feelings out." Pinkie giggled while facing Applejack.

Applejack scoff off Pinkie Pie and sat on the couch.  Rarity could almost burn up in flames if she had the ability to do so.  The fact that she was holding back from punching Applejack was impossible. Sunset and Sweetie took a gander at Pinkie's expression.

"I know she's lying." said Sweetie.

"I know.  There's no living soul that can go up against a full-fledged raging Applejack." Sunset said.

What was left from the front door disappeared  and arrived to the comfort of the living room.  Applejack sat in silence and Rarity stood in disbelief. On top of all that, Pinkie wasn't phased.

"Would you like some cookies guys?" asked Pinkie.

Applejack turned to Pinkie.

"I guess," Applejack scratches her head and smile, "but first tell me where's Scootaloo at?"

The room warmth and heat turned damp within a few moments. Pinkie blurted out nothing but she allowed her smile to widen more.

"Why don't I get the cookies first. You guys look so hungry!" Pinkie jumped up out of desperation.

Shit! I'm horrible at lying but I could keep them distracted for awhile, Pinkie thought

Applejack eyed Pinkie without paying in mind of Rarity and the other two. Now she was completely focus on Pinkie answer to the question.

"Imma ask 'gain Pinkie, where's Scootaloo?"

Pinkie smile dampen down a bit. Her cover was going to be completely blown and Scootaloo would get found; worst case she'll get hurt.  The idea of mustering up random words made no sense to the hyperactive girl. In her power, all she could do was stall.

"I-I d-d-don't know Jackie-

"Don't call me Jackie." A stern look invaded Applejack's face.

Pinkie gulped.

"I don't know where Scootaloo is at now. She's probably in the Everfree forest with Zecora or in Sugar Cube Corner." Pinkie suggested.

Applejack didn't look convinced. Pinkie lip trembled, her arms shivered, and she couldn't even stand still. To Applejack, this felt strangely weird. Rarity however, was in a totally different side of the two.

"Can we hurry with this," said Rarity, holding up her phone, "We're here to fix something, not stare and try to kill each other."

Rarity takes a quick glance at Applejack. Normally Applejack would love to laugh and joke around about her personality- but this was no time to do so. Applejack got up her seat and started toward Rarity.

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